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I have the worst cold I've had in a very long time (not COVID!). Even with Dayquil I feel like I'm just a lump of miserable protoplasm. I'll be doing some reuploads of Caretaker this week. Here's the first: https://youtu.be/dp0X_s5NnuY

Also attached are Grey Star and latest chapter of Avatar.


Bryan Cybershaman(X) Logie

I've been fortunate enough not to get sick for a long while. Of course, I've been essentially bedridden for the last... Mmmm... Well, let's just say that it's been a while. (2021 doesn't even exist in my memory banks. 😕) I usually get a flu shot each year because in my condition I can't really afford to have to deal with the flu. I read that for the second year in a row the flu season wasn't bad. (Imagine that.) But I also read that this last years flu shot was essentially useless because they didn't clean their crystal balls when they made their predictions for which strains would be prevalent. Anyhoo, I hope you get better, buddy. Doesn't sound very fun. 😞