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Attached is the story about my Valentine's Day, involving ruining my car and getting locked out of my house.

I realized when I was going to post the prologue of the new book, that it was supposed to go up last week when I posted the preview of Repentance. Oops. That and the first proper chapter, along with Grey Star will be up on Sunday. Also, new Lower Decks for Officers and B5 and BTAS: The Man Who Killed Batman will be up on Sunday (all three are new).

I'm doing something different in March, I'm going old school and just posting new reviews. I'll be experimenting with restoring some Doctor Who, but I'm not putting it on the schedule. I'll be completing the first story arc of B5's fourth season this way. Additionally, instead of being Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, it'll be Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for March. Old school, I should put a blip logo on it while I'm at it.


Bryan Cybershaman(X) Logie

Heh. Chuck, it seems like your life is the living embodiment of the Chinese curse "may you have an interesting life." 😉 Still, I always enjoy your stories, even if they usually involve something unfortunate happening. You actually inspire me to plow through the orc infested wasteland that is my own life, though. Maybe I should start recording my own retellings of things that happen to me. I think it would be cathartic. 😉 Take care and be well, sir! Damn the torpedoes! They are only specifically designed to destroy the ship you're on anyway! 🤪 😉


Would you mind setting up a Patreon podcast feed (https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/213557023)? Of course, that would require posting the audio files as Patreon audio posts rather than attaching them as files or linking to them.