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Attached is my monologue on the impossible to believe Chimney of Surprise.

On a side note, as I feared the chimney took out my coffee table. I know this is stupid, but it was the first piece of furniture I bought when I moved into my own place, an extremely sturdy model that saw me get married, raise two kids, five moves, and almost twenty-five years, it was there because they don't make them tough like that any more. It had a solid bottom piece rather than legs, then a cubbyhole in the middle, with the top supported by four pillars. I kept PS1 games in the cubbyhole underneath for a while. I put my kids on it when I changed their diapers. When my wife had bad thoughts, I sat on it so I could talk with her when she didn't want me too close. And sometimes I propped my feet on it when I worked on this show. I'm not brokenhearted or anything, but I am peeved that something nice that has been with me for more than half my life was destroyed thanks to the ill-advised work of a long-dead idiot.



My childhood home was built on plain dirt(no foundation) so I feel you man.


The Chimney of Surprise video is what convinced me to finally bite the bullet and join your patreon in thanks for all your hard work. That and I just finished watching Voyager and with it all the Star Trek series that are not still being continued. I now know something of your pained relationship with Voyager that I didn't get seeing random episodes out of order. That said Enterprise is my second favourite Star Trek