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I still have to figure out what to do about Encounter at Far Point 2 (still don't know what DM hates about that one) and Skin of Evil, but I still have the BC version there so they're at least watchable. You may need to hit ctrl-f5 to get the new video to show up.

Sorry for officers and up, didn't realize the week was getting away from me. I'll have Random Thoughts for you later today, it's actually half done, and it's the hard part that's finished (having to watch Neelix get his whiskers tugged).

I'm going to be starting on TOS next. I'm also going to be recording video game footage to get that back on track. So there's a lot going on, just a bit difficult to see sometimes.

Thanks for your support! And now a brief story:

My wife was being bothered by her chronic pain issue. I usually try to find ways to make her laugh because that makes it go away. So I said, "Hey, you want me to tell you a joke?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Okay. Knock knock."

"What?" she says in the most irritated, put upon voice I've ever heard.

I was like, "Well, there's nothing I can follow that with. You have deconstructed the knock knock joke."

So in the end, I wound up showing her a video of two cat's acting out the "long live the king' scene from The Lion King.



What joke were you going to say?

Bryan Cybershaman(X) Logie

I feel you where chronic pain is concerned. My heart goes out to her. (I told Chuck my situation a while back, but basically I'm paralyzed from the waist down and have a few other issues I won't get into here.) For the last year and a half I have had sever sciatic nerve pain running from right above my tailbone down through the back of my legs to about the middle of my thighs. Here's the maddening thing though: it cycles every other day like clockwork. One day it's excruciating and I spend the day in bed. The next I feel relatively better, but I'm so burned out from the day before I still spend most of the day in bed. My quality of life has dropped to near zero and my I can barely take care of my apartment. The point is that unrelenting chronic pain is insidious. It does weird things to your mind and really does a number on those around you. While you're dealing with the pain by using a significant amount of mental energy just to maintain an outward even keel appearance, your friends and family feel helpless because there's nothing they can do to help you. Also, when you're in that world of pain you often don't want anyone around because it amplifies the pain. You can see your pain reflected right back at you in the mirror of your friend's and family's faces. My heart goes out to you guys, Chuck. And just like my friends and family say to me, I truly hope that your wife finds relief someday. I hope she at least gets a modicum of solace from you like I do. Distraction is definitely a legitimate tactic. The pain is in the mind and if you can hijack it with humor or something that really interests you, it's a welcome relief. I can't tell you how many times I've laughed my ass off while watching your videos. And since you are also talking about my favorite genres, it's twice as effective. So, I wish you guys well. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. I even enjoy watching the stuff you are reworking. So, take heart in the fact that even with all of the trouble you are going through dealing with copyright issues and whatnot I still get a kick out of the rehashed material. 😀 Take care and be well Chuck and Mrs. SFDebris. 😉