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I realize at this point things slowing down has become hard to believe, so I thought, in case you're starting to think I'm just inventing excuses while I sit around watching cartoons all day, here's a photograph. This is as far as we have gotten dealing with a chimney we didn't know existed until it fell through the ceiling. As you can see, we've been taking turns dismantling it brick by brick. I suggested we attempt the Tetris method of completing four rows all at once to make the bricks disappear, but I was met with skepticism.

Anyway, working on the show too, just spending some free time working as a mason, or anti-mason, not sure which. 



General Jack Ripper

When I sort packages at the post office every morning, I also try to make them disappear by making a row at a time, I even make the tetris line noise with my mouth. So far, no such luck, but that won't stop me from trying.

John Mad Man w/a Box

Yikes! Sending good vibes your way Chuck, and remember take care of whatever you need to, especially yourself. And, to answer your quandary, Anti-Mason, it sounds cooler and you could be like a subset of the Anti-Monitor.