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In my race to get Inquisition out the door, I completely forgot to do your typical Saturday rewards last week. Sorry about that. Those are up now (Khan, Lone Wolf, and for Officers and up, War of the Coprophages). I'll be getting you what was supposed to be finished for this weekend ASAP, then get started on May. This will take a day or so, as my A/C unit isn't working and with all the electronics the office is hot enough to potentially overheat something. I called a 24 hour repair and maintenance service, but I get the feeling 24 hour means "not necessarily in a row". 

I've been working a bit on TNG though and am hoping to have it, DS9, and possibly some other non-Trek series restored by mid-May. I'm also hoping to take care of Macra Terror, as I'd like to finally get a chance to do Faceless Ones and Fury From The Deep.

I've attached the fourth episode of my Time of Wizards here. Listening to it I can see I should probably re-record it, my voice betrays a sense of exhaustion that really says "I don't give a crap" when I most definitely do. Oh well.

Thank you all for sticking with things, I'll keep you updated!


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