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After much cajoling I am giving in and taking a vacation Saturday afternoon to Monday night. Since the fall of Western Civilization has gotten in the way, I've rented a cabin on a lake for two nights, and will be incommunicado during that time. I realize since I'm awful at answering emails it'll be hard to notice.

Between now and Monday night, consider the request window open for any series I already do. I'm working on finishing TLW before I leave, but I'll try to answer questions before noon tomorrow. If you've emailed me about it already, please email me again. I should note that Dragonball Z should be considered an exception to the rule, unless you actually liked how stupid that turned out.

Captains, I'll be sending you both episodes of Escaflowne soon. Officers and up, I'll give you what I can of the Lost World; I expect I'll have it done, but can't make promises. Fitting part 2 into Youtube is proving really hard, and DM just laughs and gives me the finger. I'll probably just send you the "director's cut" of the reviews and then bang together YT-working ones next week.

Bounty Hunter 6 will be some time next week.

Thank you all for your understanding and support. :-)



Feel free to take as much time off as you need. We're aware that you're a workaholic, which has payed off into an impressive archive of great video's. But even if we only cared about you as our personal entertainer - which we don't, we in fact care about you as a caring father and insightful sage - we don't just want video's today, we want video's tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. So to reiterate, take as much vacation time as you need. We'll support you all the way.

Philippa Taprogge

What everybody else said. You deserve the time off. However long it ends up being, enjoy! That's an order.