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I'm actually kind of proud of that title.

Things are in the default mode - nuts. They're doing an appraisal of my house on Monday, and seeing as how they need to be able to get through it from one end to the other (something even the cats have trouble with from all the junk that's piled up), it's been all hands on deck. Been having trouble keeping up with the dishes as a result, to the point where sometimes we wash a plate to use it. The other day I wound up eating Ben & Jerry's with a fork.

Incidentally, three servings for a container of Ben & Jerry's? Like I'll get two of my mates together and split a pint of ice cream between us?

Plus there's all the cat vomit. Just the one cat still vomiting, but I guess he's decided with two more around he should do it three times as often so they don't horn in on his territory. When you've found your niche, you need to fill it.

To follow up on a previous topic, I'm hoping to finally get looked over by a professional on Monday (yes, after the appraisal) for my emotional issues. I was supposed to see someone last week Tuesday, but I woke up with a sore throat from the dry air, and the appointment was at 8:30 AM, and thanks to COVID if you have a sore throat for any reason no matter the cause they won't let you into the building, which I can understand. The last thing you want in a medical center is sick people, then you might feel obligated to do something about it.

I don't know if I ever mentioned, but my mother is an RN, the PPE shortage has been rough on her since she's at risk due to age. Things like "when you're done with your mask, put it in a paper bag and then re-use it later." So death is on her mind, especially because the person who passed away last month was her brother. It was so preoccupying her, my father's SUV broke down, and he called her up to let her know what happened, and didn't know why she was about ready to break down crying over his car trouble. Turned out when he said "The truck died" she heard it as "Chuck died" because that's where her brain space was. It probably wasn't helped when my father responded to her sounding distraught with "It's not that big a deal, *I'm* fine."

Oh yeah, and I should mention that you'll get the August awards package a week from Saturday. I had been confident on getting all the July ones done in time for that, but... no, not going to get through both Bounty Hunter parts. But I'm pretty sure I'll have all the rest.

September will be crazy, it's going to be full of all the stuff I couldn't fit into the summer since, apparently, time is a thing which exists. It'll include a certain show that jumped from SyFy to Amazon. :-)

Oh, and because there were a few moments I was sometimes sleeping, I've started writing a novel too. It's about the end of the world because missing my appointment was depressing and I wanted something to make me feel better. It's got dinosaurs, robots, zombies, supermutants, and gun-toting apes, because you should draw upon your life experiences. It's going to take a while, because besides the time its style is experimental. I'll probably share some of it in the future unless one of you manages to find a way to stop me in time.

Thanks very much for your continuing support!



Never run out of meds in Sweden.


Enjoy your time off!