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EONPLAN 8085 (Eyes-Only Nuclear Plan 8085), the contingency should global thermonuclear war breaks out, is discussed. And the day when World War III deteriorates and President Liz Daniels and her team struggle to avoid having to use it... unaware she's destined to carry it out.


John Mad Man w/a Box

Chuck, another good part of the book here. I liked how things were structured with the chess game, history lesson, and paralleling the events playing out in 2043. I think how you handled the destruction of Peral Harbor and the chaos of the evac before that was well done. The ‘Snow Demons’ thing once again really intrigues me. It gives me WWZ vibes there with China ‘up to something’ but we don’t know why. So that mystery is definitely is appealing in this story. I’ll freely admit, I mean this is a good way, I have no idea how all these things tie in; the terrorist group/attack, conventional war breaking out, the time manipulation, and whatever is going on in China. I’m really intrigued to read this all together when the time comes. A one thought I had, especially early as the escalation crisis is beginning, why isn’t the Hotline utilized with the Russians? Narrative wise, obviously understand why it shouldn’t fix anything, but I figured such an important line of communication would be used. Maybe a line just covering the fact they’ve reached out over it, but the Russians aren’t responding maybe. Props to covering the French reaction to events well. Long standing French nuclear policy boils down to, ‘fuck around find out’ and ‘cross the Rhine, you die.’ So, them making tactical strikes via Rafales (or a Euro 5th Gen strike platform for 2043) into Belarus definitely fits. Well done, especially the character bits throughout the chapter.

Bryan Beyer

Bit late, I got to say very good. You capture the whole affect of people making choices on limited information and trying to do there best (if making dumb choices from outside view). I can see why this has expanded from one book to many since you are trying to capture very complex events and make novel about very personal level at same time.


Thanks! Yeah, that's the idea, it's very much focused on people in their circumstances. My hope that Liz can simultaneously feel plausible as a president, but relatably human.


Thanks very much! I definitely wanted this to feel like it's a global thing, and that other countries would be pursuing the own agendas, even in the midst of a nuclear crisis. It seemed likely that if any country would push back on Russia going with tactical nukes, it'd be France. The intention is that the hotline to Russia was being utilized by the State Department. If you aren't aware, the hotline was never a phone, just secure reliable communication, first telex and today email. Liz's remark informing her staff she was prepared to personally speak to the Russian President was meant to indicate that State was trying to deescalate with the Russians already and that she could jump in if warranted, after they provided her with notes and such in anticipation of their conversation of course (to quote Yes, Prime Minister on why that's needed when talking to another head of state "You might not think of anything to say."). When India and Pakistan got into it, the implication is that panic took hold and there wasn't time. I hope that might help clarify that point. Thank you very much for your detailed feedback!