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I've finished my video where I discussed both! You can get an early peak here: https://youtu.be/9ebFi3ALoqk

As you saw, trying to slip an extra movie in this month took a toll, but it was a hard deadline I'd already agreed to since the date is significant. I had no idea that My Little Pony would be so heavily weighted by the bots.

Let me put it this way: normally five seconds separation is sufficient between clips (hence the Let's All Go To The Lobby clips), I had one that was getting flagged for 20 seconds in between, and the other images weren't close. This is S Tier, I only ever saw this when I tried with Shin Godzilla. Even in freezeframes and splitting it, part 2 is flagged as "mmmmm... you can post it, but Hasbro gets the money," which was an improvement over all the ones before of "only people in Mexico and Japan can see this."

Flipping clips horizontally, vertically, running them backwards, the bots may allow them through, but they seem to automatically flag them for manual view so it's not really a solution.

Splitting clips is one of the stupid things that helps. I hate having to do it, I get more snide remarks over it, but a lot of the time it's the only way to bump that into the "others can see it, but that's all." There's no cheap attempt to get three times the ad money, I rarely get ad money off films, meaning the only thing I gain from those videos is the abuse from splitting them.

Tomorrow is a lighter day, as I have to make my monthly pilgrimage to buy my wife cigarettes. But this weekend will be some fun stuff!



Please finish video games 🥺