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WHEN LAST WE LEFT: Cobalt was experiencing severe burnout and had taken some time off to recharge. let's see how that's been going.

Howdy folks, I'm back-ish. I hadn't intended to take January off, but things kind of got away from me, and as a result, I ended up putting some more time into Zero Day instead. 

This involved the creation of an area on the discord:


...specifically for Zero Day updates. But since not everyone here is on there, let me bring you up to speed with what all I've been upto. By now you've probably seen the shiny new title screen art, posted over on FA and IB. 

Here's some of what you've missed: Let's start off here, with new character art for Twinkle and Pleasure The Foozle. 




So damn pumped to see more work on zero day. I’m excited for it. Here’s hoping that burn out isn’t getting worse as a result tho.


Working on my own stuff doesn't burn me out as much as dealing with commission requests does, because I can decide what I want to do, or not do, and don't have to meet a deadline for anything. There are just fewer headaches involved when I'm making the decisions, rather than having to work to someone else's plan on some strict timeline.