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Hey all, monthly update here. 

I crashed into burnout pretty hard at the end of October, and so I spent the entirety of November doing nothing creative at all. Not even in my spare time. It's been a welcome respite, letting my brain cool off and my stress levels dissipate, and I thank you for indulging me. I needed this. 

Honestly, I'm wondering if I might be suffering from that post-covid brainfog thing. Not sure you can test for "I had it, and didn't notice because I was vaccinated."


As December comes rolling in, I will likely begin slowly tinkering with my own solo projects again. I still have a lot to do on Zero Day, and one super-outstandingly late commission I owe someone. So hopefully I can get the energy together for those. 

In the meantime, thanks again to all of you for sticking around during my downtime. 

I really do appreciate it, and things will likely start appearing here again in the near future. 

Cheers, all.



It happens to us all sometimes, Cobalt. Take care of yourself and don't work yourself into exhaustion *hugs*


Glad to hear you've avoided pushing yourself during the burn out and let yourself recharge as needed. Grinding with burnout won't ease your stresses and it'll only rot the drawing experience in return. Looking forward to seeing more Zero Day backgrounds and characters whenever you get around to it. Stay well.