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And finally, here's another for ruathan, this month's image: a simple portrait of Snek in her Boink Guard medic uniform. 

And that's all folks. I managed to complete everything for the month this time around. But now I'm thinking I should start my winter break early, and take November off. I'm starting to feel worn down to a nub again. 

Thanks again for being here. Hope you're enjoying the art. 

Those of you who aren't on the Skypad discord server should join up: 


That link should be good for seven days. Have at it, and hope to see you there. 

Cheers, all. 




Big snek for big medical solutions. I was going to say it’s a pretty sparse uniform but then I remembered it’s Boink, so fair enough. Great art this month. If you take the month off, hope it’s a relaxing one. 👍 Be safe out there.