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Hola peeps. Hope you and yours had a safe and successful thanksgiving.

I know I've been quiet since my last update about my hand. So, here's how things currently stand:

The hand is healed, and I have been making good use of it once again. Part of the reason I've been so quiet recently, is that I've been pushing to get stuff finished that I still owe people. Not just the patron pieces but also the last few paid commissions from last April. 

With that in mind, I will be posting five new things to the patreon tomorrow. I have one last bit of tweaking I need to do on one, but I am currently running on being awake for 20 hours, and at this point am just killing time until the caffeine wears off and I can pass out.

Thanks again for being here and putting up with all this. One last push before the December break.

I'll see you back here tomorrow, hopefully. 

Until then.



Glad to hear the hand is better. Be safe out there.