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And here's the other one that got completed, it's the next after the previous of the Foozle Tarot: Strength. 

And that's all I have for right now. The rest are in a mixture of rough sketches, and pose layouts. I don't usually refine the sketch until I'm in the process of inking it, so I can do all the thinking at once and I don't have to remember what that line there was supposed to be. So nothing else is really anything to look at right now.

And that bring me to this: I've mentioned it to a couple folks on the discord already, but I figure I should post it here too so everybody knows:

I mentioned a while back that I would be making a habit of taking December off. In light of recent events, I'm thinking that once I'm healed up and ready to draw again, I'm going to just finish off the rest of October, and take an early Xmas break -  just take the rest of November off. 

I'd like to hear opinions on that. So post some responses, please.

And thanks once again for bearing with through all this. It's been one hell of a year. 

Cheers, all.




Love that pose and expression. Strutting proud~ You don’t need my permission to take time off. Doesn’t bother me.