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   Hey everyone!  

   I'm making this quick poll to read your opinion about the next update.  

   Version 0.8.3 is almost finished, but as it's been a long time after the public update, I thought it would be a good alternative to release version 0.8.2 to public, once version 0.8.3 is finished for Patreons. 

   The usual until now was to add a little content for each of the girls in each update, but version 0.8.2 only has content related to the Dragons and the introduction to the tournament (Still it's a lot of content), but at the same time includes many technical improvements and new playable additions, so I think it would also be interesting to test this in a public release.

   That's it, I guess, is up to you to choose :)

   Do you prefer to have access to version 0.8.2? Or do you prefer to wait to accumulate a larger amount of content for more girls?  

   I'll be looking forward to your comments!  

   I wish you a nice weekend <3



I suppose it would depend on the intended purpose of "public" releases. If the idea is to "Wow" then from the start, then wait until more gameplay and content. If the idea is to progress and direction, then release it as it becomes available. Personally, I've passed up plenty of games that were not reasonably consistent with updates. Then again, jumping into a new game that seems mostly game mechanics and a handful of storylines can also turn me off. So, I guess it depends on what you want your audience to see: solid updates and attention to the finer points or major content with more sparse updates?

Morgan Standley

I just want the update, obviously the more content the better, but not at a cost of waiting.


I believe the idea is if you want the individual updates earlier. Since each update focuses on the main girls then once each have gotten content then its the public release. So I think they are asking if you want the individual updates for public releases or just wait until all content for the current version is complete


<p style="color: #008600;">Well, well, of course the result depends on what the majority of the people vote for. I think if you release this version now it will be good</p>


I'm a patient person and I prefer content over a quick release time. I want to be able to actually spend a few hours time playing the new content rather than a few quick minutes of new content.