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A/N: We're back! As always, thank you for the ongoing support, and welcome new Patrons. Many things on the stove right now, so we'll dive right into it!


The roiling oil of the upper seas created a nauseating green light show on the windswept range below. The lack of sound forced by the region's current taboo amplified the kaleidoscopic torture, but Ogras preferred it over having any of his other senses sealed. Attackers wouldn't make a sound before striking in either case, and the unusual light from the noxious seas dispelled most obfuscation skills.

The tearing pain finally abated. Ogras spat as he recalled his illusory lifelines from the surroundings while ripping out the rune dagger from his enemy's chest. The underlings created with the Dreamgeist's Bloodline Talent could become his true body in case of a deadly ambush. It looked like there would be no need for that today.

There were no movement or signs of more faceless lunatics in the area, though that didn't mean much. It wouldn't be the first time [Worldly Cognizance] failed to expose these intrepid assassins despite being a Supreme-level scouting skill. Ogras thought his horizons had been plenty widened after years of struggle inside the Perennial Vastness. Months of painful and deadly lessons had proven there was always more to learn.

At least the benefits matched the dangers. Ogras had never heard of a realm like this accursed place. How could there be a world under Heaven's purview where fundamental functions such as Kill Energy were subverted? How could the Ruthless Heavens abide what the Heart Burial Domain provided instead? Stealing the foundations of the slain to temper one's Heart, Soul, and Body came awfully close to the heretical methods of the Kan'Tanu and similar cults.

Ogras still wasn't sure whether he should thank or curse the mysterious assassin who abandoned him here. Well, not so mysterious, it turned out. It didn't take much digging to learn his new teacher was called Ponel Pustori. The name was known by every single assassin he'd fought since entering the Heart Burial Domain. Some had even visited his homeworld as part of a pilgrimage, leaving a red handprint on the walls of his courtyard.

An assassin having his identity exposed normally meant death, but Ponel was an exception to the rule. Ogras couldn't blame the relatives of Ponel's innumerable victims. Who'd be foolish enough to seek revenge from one of four known assassins who'd successfully dragged down a Supremacy from their throne? Might as well skip the middleman and jump into the netherworld yourself.

Famous or not, Ponel's guidance left much to be desired—no explanation or preparation before dumping him in this barghest pit. Ogras shuddered at the memories of his first days after arriving. Before he understood the rules of survival, the shifting taboos adding uncertainty and danger, or how to benefit from the realm's sinister blessings.

Ogras was initially reluctant, but he didn't have much choice but to partake. His core was just formed, and there were thousands of established Hegemons skulking about in this demented world. It was another tally on his mottled Karma, but so what? He was already so deep in debt that some new additions wouldn't make much of a difference.

'Took you long enough. But that means this is a good'un,' K'Rav gleefully hummed, gazing at the fallen assassin like he were a delectable meal.

Ogras grunted in acknowledgment as he spread corpse-eroding dust over the body while the goblin extracted his soul before it could dissipate. Ponel was a right bastard. Ogras thought he'd at least get to enjoy some peace and quiet after enduring K'Rav's incessant chattering for years, only to find out the [Shadewar Flag]'s seal was limited to the trapped spirits. The annoying goblin could still come and go as he pleased.

Then again, it would have been impossible to decipher the ancient scribbles hidden throughout the Heart Burial Domain without K'Rav's help, giving him a much-needed up on the competition. Enduring some sarcastic remarks was a small price to pay for life and power.

Cascading waves of resentment pushed against his sanity as another soul was added to the rising tide inside the flag. A bout of darkness gripped him, different from the agony of heretical refinement or the lost windows of time where his alter egos took over.

This was a darkness that had to be fought with tooth and nail, as succumbing meant joining the ranks of his Shadewar Army. The torment relented, and Ogras took a shuddering breath as he reoriented himself. Two seconds lost. Not bad, not great. Ogras sank into the shadows, picking a route at random. If he didn't know where he was going, then neither would any daggers hiding in the dark.

Ogras wanted nothing more than rest after months of looking over his shoulder, of playing a deadly game of cat and mouse with the other participants. Unfortunately, he was fighting against the clock in more ways than one. Ponel had given him a year in the Heart Burial Domain. Half that time had passed, and there was still much to do.

And Ogras had a sinking feeling that seemed more likely by the day. If he didn't finish the transformation in here, the chained spirits would drag him under. Almost all the souls inside the [Shadewar Flag] were replaced by Faceless Assassins by this point, and their numbers had grown a few times over. Ponel hadn't been lying when he said this was the perfect place to raise an army.

Ogras had been fearful his unorthodox cultivation methods would make him stick out like a sore thumb and attract the overseers of the training ground. Laughable. At least two-thirds of these insane bastards practiced various forms of heretical cultivation. The rest were no better. The amount of fell Karma they carried was strong enough to blot out the sky, making his dabbling in unorthodoxy appear as nothing but an innocent dalliance.

Did Ponel know the plan for the [Shadewar Flag] was doomed to fail when he threw out his hint? No, how could he? He must have thought that such foul auras would be a good match to such a foul weapon. Ponel shouldn't have realized unorthodox souls were necessary to turn the flag into an orthodox weapon that wouldn't accumulate a karmic debt every time it was used.

Even Ogras didn't at first. Not until they deciphered the first set of scribbles. Ogras's original plan was to turn accumulated sin into an illusion, replacing darkness with light when real became fantasy. However, even if the crazy plan cooked up under Ultom's guidance had the legs to stand, it was only a piece of the puzzle. The best lies held a seed of truth, and the strongest illusions were based on something real.

The [Shadewar Flag] broke the Laws when it trapped the souls that should have been returned to the cosmos. Balance was broken, and the crime would only get worse the stronger the flag grew, and the more it affected the river of fate. Ogras needed to generate merit if he wanted to subvert the sin of the flag's operation. The scattered mentioned a cruel road of spiritual cannibalism.

If practicing a heretical method went against the natural order, then slaughtering all other practitioners would help restore balance. Sin as much as you wanted, so long as you enforced the same law as you broke. This was what the [Shadewar Flag] lacked, what prevented him from transforming its innate nature.

Going forward, it would become a purgatory punishing those who went against the Heavens. It would generate merit by stopping heretics from breaking the Laws any further. The fouler the Karma of those he captured, the higher the chance of success.

He only had to survive until then. He hadn't come close to the levels of trapped sin required for his plan to work, and K'Rav was years from brainwashing the stubborn assassins. Yet every sinner he added to his prison added to his spiritual burden. Giving up wasn't an option, either. K'Rav was right. His fate was indelibly stanied now that he'd set down his path. He'd have to see it through to the end, or the resentment would drag him under.

The key to success, or at least survival, could be found in the Heart Burial Domain. The fourth of seven rune daggers should be nearby, the next fragment of the [Red Hand Avinasa]. One of the seven strongest methods strewn across the training realm and the inheritance left by his introducer. The simplified version he practiced when wielding the rune daggers was already overturning his understanding of what was possible, and allowed him to advance far quicker than the other trialtakers.

Ponel probably hadn't been exaggerating when saying his foundations were much too weak to endure his methods. The tempering method was the key to surviving Ponel's true heritage while giving him the strength and resilience needed to drag the [Shadewar Flag] into the light. He'd truly become the Shadewar Sovereign, a ruler of the underworld who guarded the order through steel and blood.

A natural predator to those heart-cursed bastards.


'It's time.'

Perala's eyes slowly opened, the storm in her heart mirrored by the blight ravaging her Inner World. She briefly considered using her injuries as an excuse to avoid facing reality but soon rejected the notion. The river of fate would keep flowing, uncaring of her thoughts on the matter. How could she not be there for her disciple at this time?

A flash of anger ignited in Perala's heart as she ripped open a passage. Why did that young man insist on creating problems? Why did he have to steal what little time they had left? If not for him, wouldn't her old friends still be alive today?

Perala adjusted her mental state before it affected her Inner World. It was easy to blame Zachary Atwood for thoughtlessly throwing oil on the raging flames of war. However, there was nothing that said they would be any better off if the fate of the Centurion Lighthouse went another direction. Still, it was hard to completely erase the seed of resentment as she stepped into the small courtyard.

They were still inside the War Fortress, but arrays and foliage had given the illusion of a countryside manor far removed from the woes of the frontlines. The truth couldn't be hidden from Perala's senses. The empty cultivation chambers, the nuns anointing the few fallen who left a body to put to rest. The suppressed atmosphere of an army whose belief in victory had been suppressed by superior force.

"Y-Your Eminence," Vai stuttered as she shot to her feet.

"Master! You shouldn't be running around with your wounds!" Leyara fussed as she rushed over to her side, her eyes wide with worry. "What's wrong? Is he back?"

"No, he's gone," Perala said with a gentle smile, hiding the pain in her heart.

So many had died in that sudden burst of violence. Perala could still see Kantaja's blazing eyes as she stood by the unmoving body of her husband, the hatred burning in her heart as she struggled with the harsh reality of her insufficiency. How many in Zecia could withstand the Chapter Heads of the Kan'Tanu? Ten, maybe.

A newly ascended Monarch was nothing before them, and four Chapter Heads had been deployed to break the Alliance's offensive and Zecia's will. And they were just the appetizer used to draw out the real targets.

"The Lord of the Kan'Tanu should be unable to emerge again for the time being. Our final attack destabilized his Inner World enough to force him back into seclusion. He can't leave a single blemish on his foundations with that monstrous curse he's nurturing."

In truth, their sacrifice had only bought them a year or two, and it cost them four of the most powerful Dao Reserves hidden in their sector. There would be no Eimon Dravorak, Tasil Allbright, or Aposto Heliophos to push him back. With the other sacrifices, Zecia lost over 30 powerful Monarchs to kill one Chapter Head and buy some time. She was supposed to be detached from this mundane struggle, but Perala's heart bled at seeing the flickering hope of her home die out.

And now, destiny had come for her disciple.

"It's something else. Come with me."

Another gate opened, and Perala led Leyara into the chamber hidden in the War Fortress's depths. A solemn air swallowed all sound as they stepped onto ancient stone. Leyara opened her mouth, yet no words came out until Perala covered her disciple in a protective barrier.

"This place…" Leyara muttered as she looked around.

Soon enough, her gaze stopped at the illusory flame silently burning atop a small podium. Unfathomable barriers protected its essence, yet it was impossible to fully isolate the tremendous truth hidden within. In that flickering flame, the past, present, and future converged, forming a bridge to the beyond.

"Is this a seal? No, it shouldn't be," Leyara said with a frown, looking at Perala with unanswered questions. "Unless it's a Flamebearer seal? Why would such a thing be here?"

"Because we are the Vigil," a third voice answered, and Leyara jumped in shock upon noticing a woman standing by her side.

"Who are you!"

"The Vigil's core tenet is non-interference," the woman continued like she hadn't heard Leyara's question. "However, occasionally, we have to light a candle in the darkness to illuminate the path. Simply watching when fate's led astray could undo untold sacrifice."

"Silsea Tromok, Emissary of the Eternal Watch," Perala said with a neutral expression.

"Eternal Watch? The headquarters?" Leyara said before her face rapidly shifted, and she turned to the ancient altar. "Then this is…"

"A Flame of Destiny. The destiny," Silsea confirmed, finally turning to Leyara. "We all have a destiny we must carry, and I admit our burdens aren't made equal. I understand you have misgivings regarding the matters of the Vigil. That you feel your life's path has been subverted by distant matters with no connection to you. Yet we can wait no longer, or we'll be consumed by fate's rising tide."

"That's…" Leyara hesitated, unable to meet the intense gaze of the nun.

"I've met the man who left a mark in your heart," Silsea commented. "He's a storm, rudderless and unpredictable. Dangerous. He's already hastened the pillar's ascent by half a year, causing tremendous ripples on fate's tapestry. Steering us into an unknown sea. Many will rail at having their trajectories and plans undone. This is your chance. You can calm the storm and lead him back to the light."

"You want to control him through me? Forget it," Leyara glared. "I've already gone against my beliefs over and over to live up to your rules despite being kept in the dark. That's nothing compared to Master's grace over the years. But I won't betray Zac. He's not just a friend or a participant of some event. He carries the fate of Zecia! You might not care what happens if the Kan'Tanu wins, but I do!"

"This is not about control. It's about balance," Silsea said. "The Vigil does not wish to dictate which Flamebearer enters the court or what choice they make. Your friend is no different in that regard. However, with destiny in flux, he might uncouple the river altogether. The pillar would return to the depths, delivering an irrecoverable blow to the Heavens.

"Where would that leave him? He'd become an eternal sinner, an enemy of the cosmos. Thrones or Seals, destruction, rebirth. It won't matter if the gates remain closed. Destiny's river must be allowed to keep flowing."

Perala's heart trembled as she saw the confusion in her disciple's eyes. She'd tried to explain, to prepare her, since the first signs appeared. However, Perala only knew a corner of the truth. She was only an outer disciple stationed in a desolate corner of the frontier. Leyara's connection with the Vigil was even more tenuous. Asking her to take on such a mission was asking too much.

"You don't—"

"If I absorb this, I'll become a Flamebearer as well? Will I be able to enter the Left Imperial Palace?" Leyara interjected, her eyes somber. "Master said my identity is unique. That it would award me certain influence?"

"You will gain entry, but not as a Flamebearer," Silsea confirmed. "You'll become the Vigil's Flameguard, protecting the flame of hope from the winds and rain."

"Will… I… remain?"

Silsea silently looked at the flames for a few seconds before lightly shaking her head. "I don't know. You will be annealed in the purpose of our undertaking, reborn to withstand the weight of destiny. Part of you might remain, but you could fade under its light. It depends on the strength of your conviction."

Leyara silently looked at the flickering flames for over a minute before a radiant smile appeared on her face. She turned to Perala, who found it harder to meet her eyes than face the assault of the Chapter Headers.

"No matter what, I'm confident I'll always remember you."



Thank you for making Monday so much better!

Sebin Paul







Ah, the Vigil is as much meddling as they claim not to. The irony!

Michael Fannon

Did we just get a quick update saying grandpa Peak and the everfast monarch are dead? And shit, Leyara can't die. She hasn't been made part of Zac's harem yet. He hasn't even formed it properly yet.

Aaron Schwartz

What the fuck? The heavens don’t need the pillars anymore… now, somehow Zach in the process of fulfilling the fate that he carries will somehow subvert the destiny of the entire cosmos and deal in irrecoverable blow to the heavens? By somehow, causing the very thing he’s working towards to … I don’t know reverse time or something by fading back instead of coming up? None of this makes any sense… Not to mention that if it’s true, and this is really so cataclysmically important, shouldn’t dividual be able to bring in someone more qualified to prevent it? Someone like Iz?


Damm love the chapter


Great Ogras pov! Hope we get more updates on him along the way!

Stefan Muntean

Wt.... What is whrong with you??...I was enjoying the first part then you drop the second part on me, do you want me to have a heart attack?? 😤😤😤

Sprightly Ebbie

Who Leyara again? The one that gave Zac panties?

Nate El

Please tell me Zac uses her underwear Krysta gave Zac in the tower to remind a brain/fatewashed leyata who she is. It would be so bloody absurd.

Palmer Evans

So Zac’s fate and ability to enforce his will upon the world regardless of fate is screwing everyone’s plans? It seems that they want him to claim the Eternal Heritage or else it’ll return to irrelevance in the Cosmos? I’m assuming his fate breaking ability is almost fully a result of the Void Emperor bloodline and not something unique to him, potentially why there can only ever be one Void Emperor every Era

Lex Luther S

Damn what a chapter. Truly setting up what's to come. From ogras working his way on becoming the arbiter of hell, punishing sinners to cleanse his flag and karma to zac being a storm that can even cut short the Destiny of the current Era to Leyara taking the flame of destiny to steer the ship known as zac, the son of chaos, back on course, to stop the collapse of the river of fate. But, the vigil will find that controlling chaos incarnate is far easier said than done, because Zachary Atwood is cooking up a scheme to rival all schemes. From destroying an ancient bell and drowning that damned spirit in system and heavenly lighting to lighting the Centurion beacon and laying waste to the zubor sector with whatever those foreign gods are to setting up the Technocrats as the scapegoats, zacs plan is truly showing why "Deviant asura" is such a fitting title. But man, to think the chapter heads would be such monsters; to take 30 zecia monarchs just to kill one of them as well as Perala fighting against the leader of the kan'tanu while some sacrifice themselves to open the way🤕🤕 it's truly looking bleak for zecia. And damn, to think Yselio was right on the mark when zac used his court token to reactivate the console, that even a flamebearer must suffer the consequences of messing with fates river😨😨 Edit: Holy shit Ultimate peak is dead to; kantaja was his wife and she was standing over his unmoving body. Fuck man the Lord of the Kan'Tanu is a right Ole monster; truly seems the foreign gods might really be the final line to zecias survival from this war.


It's nice seeing Ogras making new friends, still that path he's heading into, very demon like punishing sinners while being a sinner himself. He'll be a living hell if he reach monarch.


Let's not forget Zac is one set of remnants away from becoming chaos incarnate and they think they can control him, the hubris!


The Void Temple part is more about convincing Leyara to go with the Vigil's plan than to actually "fix" the mess Zac did. As much as Silsea pretends to know what's going to happen she too is part of a faction who is trying to enforce an agenda and Zac is making a mess of ALL the agendas in the war right now.


Yes, back in the tower of Eternity. She's Pretty Peak Friend, Vai's sister descendant.

Aaron Schwartz

What void temple? Do you mean the vigil? Why would you assume that they’re lying?


The way I read it was that Zac made a mess of all the curated path the external factions had set up in the war and now nobody knows what will happen. The Vigil is prompting Leyara to take the Flame seal and try to restore their order but I still remember the warning Zac was given before joining the war, if outside factions try to meddle too much in the trial the Heavens will intervene.

Aaron Schwartz

Not chaos incarnate. Just into someone who is ready to start turning their life, death path into an oblivion, creation path. Only after he’s done that can he turn his oblivion creation, path into chaos.


Well, those Vigil ladies seem nice

Aaron Schwartz

I don’t think the peaks are dead. And I’m not sure who the everfast monarch even is. The 3 named ones are the dravorak, the allbright and the seer family


Not lying, just not knowing what will happen. Zac has uncanny ability to screw everything he touches, so they are afraid that he might change stuff so much that heaven will go mad again. (My bet is beacon.. If it will call "gods from crack" similar to one in bell, then oh boi heavens will be mad as hell)

Mike Naka

Way back IMSMC, the Great Redeemer called Zac the fulcrum. Dayum! He righter than he realizes! TFD dropping bombs! Zac's gonna need some serious help. Good thing Zac's friends are getting upgraded- Catheya and the ice dragon, Ogras and a Supremacy-killing assassin, Vilari and the Epiclesis Bell. Sounds like a Kan'Tanu Chapter Head is on Zac's dinner menu. Don't know how he's gonna do it, but it's gonna be fun finding out. Zac's gonna have to get his ass to Mars, I mean the Abyssal Shores, but I'm not sure how he's going to equally power up his living side? Maybe with that quest to find the real Centurion station? Now for an Iz and Kruta update.


Thank you!

Lex Luther S

I think it's because his bloodline has become inverted. Zac void emperor bloodline existing for the 2nd time could already be considered an impossibility but it's inversion could be causing unprecedented effects on destinies river and the river of fate. It also doesn't help that he's chaos incarnate. Chaos is literally considered a paradox and impossibility in the era of order, a peak that shouldn't exist yet zac is climbing it; step by step, inch by inch, the son of chaos is climbing the broken peak and that alone should clash with the era of order in ways never imagined.

Lex Luther S

Kentaja is ultimate peaks wife and given she was standing over the unmoving body of her husband, it's safe to assume he's either dead or barely hanging on. As for the everfast monarch, he's not mentioned this so I don't quite know where you saw his death being mentioned. But, agreed, even though I'm heavily in favor of zac only having 3 wives, Catheya for his dao of death, Iz for his dao of life and Alea for his dao of war, adding a 4th member wouldn't be too bad an idea.


And here I thought that things were finally starting to go Zecia's way since Zac released the 'spear'. The fact the 'Ultimate' and Perala were in the same area (without fighting each other) shows that the majority of the Zecia elites really have joined together to fight these 'outsiders' regardless of past transactions. It's a real bummer because Average just came back as well.

Henry Wartemberg

It’s the Irony of Ogras being the punisher of sinners! Though I suppose that reflects Christianity.

Lex Luther S

It's important to remember just how unique an eternal heritage Ultom is. If it's truly from the first era when the heavens originally came into being, then it would explain how it can affect such a far off era so much and why fates river would be in such upheaval with its re-emergence. As to how zac has harmed the river, I'm guessing it's because the kan'tanu and zecia didn't want to push too hard during the wars opening, at least until ultom itself had been dealt with and the eras direction chosen yet zac using his cycle token to help reactivate the Centurion spear and it's destruction of so many important key points from the zubor sectors beachhead, it would explain why the ascent has been brought ahead by half a year though how zac could derail the entire river of fate and destiny and what that ultimately means is rather vague. My guess is it's because the eras destiny is so closely linked with ultom given Laondio created the system and set the course of choosing the eras direction that Ultom receding would cause the one true destiny to whither and become impossible.

Tyler S.

With the introduction of the last set of remnants needed he could try to complete his quests with Ba'zi and the celestial. As his greatest limiter is currently his Daos and Voids getting a better and stable should help with his Void Mt. theough his nodes


ogras + bene gesserit chappy

Henry Wartemberg

Nah I think Ultimate and Kantaja are dead. It pretty explicitly says they lost 30 Monarchs to kill one chapter head and push back the Lord

Jonas Lemke

So basically this thing will reforge Leyara into someone who can withstand Zac's fate while granting access to the left imperial palace? Guess it's time to test her fate or she'll become someone else

Lex Luther S

My thoughts exactly. Ogras becoming the ruler of his own personal hell to punish unorthodox sinners and the fact he's a demon with such a shady path, it's just way to on point.


Yea void gate had a bounty on him I think he killed two monarch or something like that but Perala kind of pardoned him


@Aaron Schwarts, when I mentioned the Void Temple or Void Gate I meant the branch that is active in Zecia, Perala, Vai and Leyara are part of this and are active in the war. The Vigil is the main Faction name in the Heartlands and they try to not let the river of fate to be usurped, but Iz mentioned even her grandpa doesn't know for sure what they stand for. I'm not assuming they are lying, I'm assuming they had a plan for the war and Zac threw a rock at it, even if it was by accident (he was basically kidnapped into that fight) and now they want to change things to the way they had envisioned it should be, however is that good for Zac, good for Zecia? Leandra showed us when people of power have an agenda they are willing to sacrifice a lot, even their family. Getting Leyara to play along is just one method. Still the war is not even a year old and doesn't seems it will end soon so things are likely to change.

Tyler S.

Excited to see hes return to the hord to pick up his Gramps and bounce (while killing the rest of his family)

Henry Wartemberg

I like trying to figure out what is the real nitty gritty behind the karma/ fate wuxia talk. Best guess: When he enters they are likely seeing he has a high chance of “winning”/ claiming the Realm. He’s clearly not that interested in trying to hold on to something that will only bring ruin so it’s not impossible he just grabs the bits he likes and lets it float off basically - ruining for everyone /“uncoupling it from the river- blah”


Zac has the anti-karma tech in him so he can step over unsaid rules enforced by karma, like how framebearers shouldn't face each other until the event starts.

Darnell Maxwell

1) Let's go! Starting the year off with an Ogras chapter! And he's even acting out one of my core beliefs. "If you kill a murderer, the number of killers in the world stays the same." Me: "So I should kill alot of killers and make that number go way down! Got it!" 2) Oh great, only half the chapter is about Ogras. Who could have seen that one coming and even called it last year before the break.😒 3) That's why I've had a hate boner for the fucking Vigil. There just like those fuckers from the white lotus! I knew they were shady and the whole just observing thing was bs! For those of you confused on why I hate the white lotus. Read the Avatar Yang Chen books. They're both on audible. If you don't want to read the books. Most members of the white lotus are more like that guy in charge of the Dai Lee. Iroh and the other members we see in last Airbender are by far the exception.


My theory is this arc might be leaving Zac to becoming a monarch by claiming the heritage and there will be a sector lock down to acquire more energy. This will make the stronger multiverse faction stay they hand longer since the system will be involved

austin kutz

In theory that's only possible if Zac reaches super high efficiency and perfect compatibility with his core, and the heritage is a complete chaos heritage, or can be inverted into one.


Theseus ship eh? Although, I am not sure I would agree. People change but are still themselves even if they adapt and change. Sometimes you just need Isaac Newton and his flaming laser sword to destroy that ship.


True but doesn’t he still have one burst of insight left with the last seal he could use that for an inner world


Remind me who leyara is again?


It's only the first step for the path. A piece of the puzzle. There's still a path for him. Have you ever heard of Sobek? He is known for the amelioration of evil. These are people with fell karma. He seems to be turning himself into a prison realm of rehabilitation. He just doesn't realize it. The reason this is all necessary is that by following natural paths of the heavens, they, the heavens, protect him itself. It's a Will. Alive but not sapient usually.


Dude. This arc is feeling uninspired. Like, no matter what gains Zac makes, it’s all pointless bc of the “river of fate” and numerous overwhelming opponents. Did you start binge watching Naruto or summthin?

Lex Luther S

Well, the issue is zac is just a piddling hegemon compared to the chapter heads and the leader of the kan'tanu; well that and we dont really understand what the river of fate is. And it's important to remember the leader was said to be on the level of the evening tide asura, someone that ran rampant through the zecia sector with none able to stop him. Besides, I feel these chapter heads and the leader will get their just deserts with the scheme zac is cooking up; afterall, the Centurion beacon could be the hope needed. Just gotta suffer through the turbulent years before then; though I feel silsea and perala would strap zac down into permanent time out if they knew the chaos he's cooking up😂😂 shattering a deformed bell and calling the system and the heavens while also forming his 5th glimpse of chaos AND making his way into the breache to activate the beacon while dragging his crew around, man I really don't think the frayed heavens can handle that much chaos in one day.


Another faction making plots against chaos …it’s futile.


You’d be surprised how many other characters line up like Ogras and Lucifer. Catheya is Demeter. Alea is Persephone. Joanne is Athena. Billy is literally a titan. Iz feels like shiva to me with the many wings and destruction she can do.

John Balenovich

Can we get some Ogras Grandpa action? They are mercs. Maybe Zac can hire them for something.

John Balenovich

Maybe Clan Azh'Rezak could act like the Swiss Guard and have an exclusive contract to protect Zach. It is time to bring Clan Azh'Rezak into the Atwood Empire.


Look, it’s time to start listing REAL motives for these groups! Everyone is trying to bend fate to their design… WHAT DESIGN! Seriously, I can’t pretend like their goals with the pillar being vague isn’t tiring. which goals align and which don’t! “I want the pillar to carve my path to the heavens” is every chump in this war and I need details.

John Balenovich

Zac has to get the heritage from the Left Imperial Palace to have a chance against the heavy hitters from the other sector. Then, when you factor in his corrupted bloodline, the heritage will be supercharged someway that makes Zac even more of a badass.


Aand Zac is Ares :d (Or Zeus based on his reputation)


I am wondering if the first defier is going to update the attribute limits for d race. They were supposed to be 40 to 50k. Zac’s attributes are way over that strength is 125k. Some retconning is needed

Christian Brock

His race and attributes are tied to his core, which is middle quality. Attribute limit would have increased greatly upon forming his core. Unlikely we will be told the limit until Zac is C-grade, or near it, and it can be set without problems.


Joanne is more like Enyo or Bellona. She is not exactly strategic like Athena should be


According to earlier lore he stays at d grade for his race until peak d grade so no his attribute limits aren’t tied to his core. That is why some retconning is needed.


Clan azh’rezak is way too weak for that. They only have 6 early hegemons most barely past level 150. Like that elder stuck at level 153


She ever lost a battle? Goddess of victory! But I’m not saying things are a perfect 1 to 1.

Henry Wartemberg

I’ve assumed we are heading into a mini war Arc. He still has a big chunk of the 2 years left before he enters Ultom. I doubt he’ll become a monarch before that

Lex Luther S

That was before zac and us readers truly understood what a cosmic core was and how it operated. After learning the race and attribute limit is tied to tbe cosmic core it makes more sense

Lex Luther S

Well, it's been stated that entire wars dwarfing what's happening in the zecia sector have been waged to decide the eras direction so I imagine this is the design they mention; that and adding sendors comment that this might be the last chance for certain powerhouses to forge their heavenly territories could give us all the info we need. As for what they want the pillars for, well, each one is an eternal heritage so that's reason enough to want one of the pillars. As for why ultom specifically is special, well, if zacs theory that ultom is from the very first era since the heavens creation, then it stands to reason why so many want to claim it

Lex Luther S

All plans and goals become naught infront of absolute chaos. Even the Buddhists sangha are at a loss on how to stop the malignant star known as Zachary Atwood and his ever increasing fate.

Lex Luther S

It would be a boon to zacs young faction. If anything, it'd bring in new blood, and demons are considered the 2nd most populace race after humans

Will Mill

Four monarchs were identified as lost. Three were named and Ultamate was hinted at “unmoving body of her husband” However unmoving doesn’t necessarily mean dead. Overall, the chapter identifies the need for more Monarchs. Can “winning” the trial allow the creation of an inner world so there are new and stronger Monarchs in the sector to kill off the invaders? I still believe the Draugr are of the Void bringing and linking Zac’s races together.


You didn’t really provide anything other than “they want it”. It’s a fight for survival for the non fated, fine. But what do the undead empire, 6 heavens, beast council, technocrats, kan’taru, peak family, tayn clan, baldies, vigil, foreign gods and probably more want IN the heritage? Will they bargain? Are 2 wanting the same thing? Who’s working with kan’tanu? How many flamebearers can there be? Are the system and the heavens working against each other? “Fate must be free”. Imagine a military general telling you that is your objective!


Is Leyara Zac’s friend? Cos if someone messes with his friends he will more than likely fuck their shit up. Even if the vigil have the best intentions, fucking with Zac’s friends can only spell their doom I reckon


She is the girl that gave him her panties soo, not sure 😃 They don't really have too close relationship because of vigil basically


I think why most factions want the heritage is so they can dictate where the era is going, we still don’t know what the heritage entails but the old monsters do and the premise of the entire story is fight for the ultimate power. If the heritage gives a edge over most factions that’s enough reason to for now to want it


Zac has noted that Azh'Rezak is quite powerful for its apparent weakness. Being a Swiss Guard-like role would be solid and they'd definitely benefit from the Atwood Empire environments.

Lex Luther S

Dude, the abyss is clearly an eternal heritage, but nothing in the draugr bloodlines we know of links his Eoz bloodline to his Void emperor bloodline. Certainly, there's void of death in the abyss, but that's likely the case for any such heritage like the Abyssal lake.

Jeffrey Worrall

It was far worse than losing 4 monarchs, "With the other sacrifices, Zecia lost over 30 powerful Monarchs to kill one Chapter Head and buy some time. " The 4 mentioned were among the most powerful Monarchs in Zecia. Basically Zecia is screwed because the best they have can't even match up 1 on 1 with the Kan Tanu's top Lieutenants, the head of the Kan Tanu can wipe the floor with them. Likely Zac is going to have to do something to overturn the board and create the chaos needed for Zecia to survive.

Jeffrey Worrall

He is good friends with Vai, who is related to Leyara and very close to her. I think he would definitely have a problem with this, it will once again remind him of his fanatical mother and her willingness to commit any crime to achieve her mission.


I don't think the Void of Death exists in the Abyssal Lake. Everything Void is without Dao. Zac doesn't even use the Void of Death in his Draugr form, he uses the Void of Life, as the Dao of Death and Void of Death would cancel each other out.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Pickled Rick

It feels like currently Ultom will take him to the peak of D grade and refine him to a foundation you would expect in the Heartlands not a Frontier sector. He will somehow get the Palace and use contribution or his ownership of it to hide it on Earth. It was alluded to there is better way to achieve Monarchy that how the Frontier elites do it and the Palace will likely allow him to make incredible gains before the Assimilation of Earth into Zecia. I don't think Zac will spend as long in D grade as he did in E grade.

Pickled Rick

Except the system and heavens has got its whole fist on the scale to give Zac the best chance to success. They have just given him the opportunity to perfect his oblivion and creation fragments which will give him support from two B grade beings who could destroy the entire Kan'Tanu easily. With the training Ogras is getting it looks like the two of them are being geared up to start removing unorthodox sects from the system with Zac unable to form anymore Karma and Ogras trying to gain good Karma from killing those with high Fell Karma.


Ah I remember why this was getting somewhat exhausting. Everything is so vague. Compared to how this book started off, it was as simple as his first skill. Chop. But now everything, everyone does in every chapter is like I’m reading words that make very little sense. I can barely form an image in my mind of what’s happening. I mean when what’s happening is clear it’s very good, but I feel like it’s getting more esoteric for sake of putting words on paper. I get that to the author it’s extremely clear, but because it’s a web novel and not the only thing in my life most of these names, place, people, and concepts lose there meaning. Especially after the numerous breaks. Have you thought of creating a glossary? A compendium or something? So if people are confused at what you’re talking about they can just look it up? It would help. It took me three attempts to get through this chapter.


do I often have the wiki open when I read so I can look stuff up as I read? Yes lol

Robert Rosenthal

Ok so the vigil/watchers are complete frauds. Why do people think peak or ultimate Albright is dead? Is that what tasil means in another language? If not the. This was someone else it’s a lot of previously unmentioned characters died. Other than that we learned that vigil like the sangha are trying to control Zac through a girl friend at least undead empire are using more than just that: also it appears sexual never had a chance against the kantanu except dumb luck from Zac 6 months or years would not change the imbalance at the top power levels