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Zac sighed as he sat down to face himself. He'd check in with the creators for a shipyard-upgrading quest later, but he had too much on his place to worry about this matter right now. He'd have to survive the war and Ultom before worrying about heading into the Endless Storm. Perhaps he could trade the Primo's item inside the Hollow Court for a vastly superior ship. Perhaps Ultom would provide him with another solution. Worrying about it now wouldn't do him much good.

The real question was, what should he do going forward? Too much had happened too quickly, and he hadn't had the chance to sort everything out.

"I guess you'll be Arcaz for now," Zac said, and his Draugr self wryly smiled as he transformed into the usual appearance of his alias.

There was no point in telling even his closest confidants the truth of his shared existence. What they didn't know couldn't hurt them. The official story would be that he was really split apart during his breakthrough. Both were him since they came from the same soul, but they were their own people who would gradually diverge in the future.

It had been a relief to rid himself of the constant worry of his duality being exposed and becoming a test subject of some desperate Monarch. Unfortunately, it looked like one secret had been replaced with another. Some would likely think he was lying, but if Sendor couldn't figure things out, how could some Monarchs in the frontier? That uncertainty might actually provide some protection. Would the Undead Empire dare target him, unsure if his Draugr self even had Ultom's seal?

Zac stood up and started swinging his axe, but he frowned as he felt the moves sluggish and crude. Part of the reason was that he no longer had his [Thousand Lights Avatar] to channel his Daos through his bodies. That problem was easily solved, but it wasn't the main issue. The real interference came from the shared consciousness.

He'd already guessed as much, but it became increasingly apparent when trying to use his Evolutionary Stance while Arcaz looked on. He tried repeatedly, but Zac failed to enter that ethereal state when both bodies were next to each other. They were hearing the same things, seeing the same things, though from slightly different vantages.

The difficulty of keeping the impressions separate created a delay which made it impossible to become one with your weapon and Dao. Only when Arcaz closed his eyes and entered a Void State to block out the surroundings did Zac manage to use his technique to its fullest. Both bodies simultaneously activating skills was easier, but Zac believed he was better off keeping his personas split up for the time being.

He could send one body to the battlefields while the other worked on upgrading skills or cultivation, or perhaps send both to different battlefields on different worlds. That would at least let him rack up wartime merit at twice the speed while improving his cover.

However, his top priority was reaching a point where he could freely control his bodies, whether they were on different worlds or fighting side by side. It was the key to pushing his strength to the next level before Ultom, and it might even help him with one of his long-term goals; fusing his stances into one system utilizing all three Daos.

In fact, reaching that step didn't necessarily require him first putting his bodies together. He had access to all Daos in both bodies and could freely use all three energies his Cosmic Core produced. Of course, he'd have to learn how to walk before he could run. How would he fuse his techniques when he couldn't even use them simultaneously?

Zac believed he would eventually grow more accustomed to his new form of existence, but there should be some ways to speed up the process. He didn't want to waste his free points on Intelligence, but there were undoubtedly some training methods for cultivators using beasts, puppets, or clones. They all required splitting one's attention, sometimes into thousands of avatars. He just needed to figure out how to do so with two.

How hard could it be?

Zac shook his head and sat back down, where he began dividing his items between bodies. Each side would have to keep some opposing materials on hand for Soul Cultivation, but it'd otherwise be easy enough to split the assets. The last item he took out was Alea's necklace, which he'd stowed away in a reinforced spatial ring to protect her from the Tribulation Lightning.

He'd already noticed his Spirit Tools were linked to both bodies, but Zac still handed [Love's Bond] over to his Draugr side. A surge of spiritual energy poured out of the necklace the moment she was out of the ring, and Alea's avatar appeared between his two forms with a huge smile on her face.

"You did it! I knew- Wait, what's going on?" Alea said as she curiously looked back and forth. "There's two of you now? Why do I feel connected to both?"

Zac wryly smiled and explained the situation through their mental connection. Alea was one of the few he could let in on his secret. He doubted he could keep it from her even if he wanted to.

"That's great!" Alea laughed as she hugged Arcaz from behind. "I was getting annoyed by having to share you with that mutt, and then you even got a copycat plant. Now I get one of you all by myself."

"I'm still going to fuse back together eventually," Arcaz commented as he equipped the necklace, bemused she was more annoyed with Verun and Vivi rather than Catheya. "How are things on your end?"

"I can break through any time as long as you provide the materials," Alea smiled.

"And you really don't need any arrays or other preparations? The [Divine Investiture Array]'s enough?"

"It'll help me through one final time. Oops, I have to go now," Alea said before she turned into a streak of energy that returned to the necklace.

Zac looked at the necklace for a few seconds before sending a message through Communication Crystal. It only took a few seconds to get a response, and its content made him frown. He flashed away, leaving his Draugr body to prepare for Alea's breakthrough. It wasn't the only thing that needed to be dealt with now that he was finally a Hegemon.

He also needed to expand and refine his pathways. The System only provided the initial expansion, and he would have to fix the rest himself. He'd begin with his Draugr form while his human side went and got to the bottom of things. Vilari's message couldn't wait.

Port Atwood was mostly the same, though Zac didn't check things thoroughly as he made a beeline for the enormous administrative building. He flew the first stretch but soon switched to [Earthstrider]upon realizing the Peak Quality E-grade skill was still faster than his rough application of flight.

Vilari was already waiting for him in the lobby along with Joanna and Ilvere, and Zac breathed in relief upon seeing that all of them were fine. Joanna sported some new scars, but her aura had grown significantly stronger since they sparred last.

"Congratulations on your successful breakthrough," Vilari smiled. "I hope everything went well?"

"Well, things took a weird turn, but I'm fine," Zac grinned. "I'll tell you about it later. What's this about the war starting early?

"There was a sector-wide announcement around three months ago," Vilari said. "We were fighting our first battle within three hours."

"So it really happened," Zac sighed, incredibly relieved he didn't waste an extra decade mastering [Essence Union] for his core. "How are things?"

"For the Atwood Empire? Mostly fine," Joanna said. "We're still in the war's early phase, and things are kept on a smaller scale. Our losses in the first couple of battles were on the higher side, but that's to be expected when so many of our warriors were untested recruits. Those veterans and wandering cultivators you managed to scrounge together were a huge asset, but with those nasty Heart Curses in the mix..."

Ilvere spat in disgust when Joanna mentioned the curses, and Zac understood the sentiment. Even he had found the things difficult to deal with back in the Void Star, and he was immune to their influence. They had to be a huge threat to normal cultivators.

"Luckily, our enemies thus far have been quite weak. Most seem to be captured warslaves, ill-organized and equipped," Ilvere said. "Our resources have allowed us to compensate for our shortcomings in experience."

"So things are fine," Zac breathed in relief.

"The Atwood Empire is winning, but Zecia is not," Vilari sighed. "Many established factions have suffered significant losses in these few months. The Kan'Tanu have already formed multiple beachheads in our sector. A few factions have collapsed already, their members turned into more warslaves."

"So fast?" Zac exclaimed. "How's that possible?"

"Follow us," Vilari said, leading Zac to a congress hall that had been transformed into a command center.

There were over fifty people inside fast at work, sending messages or analyzing the data appearing on a mix of large screens and arrays. There was also a huge star chart projected in the center of the room, which Zac assumed showed the current state of the war.

"This thing was delivered when the war officially started. It currently shows a three-dimensional map of Zecia," Joanna explained. "We're the blue dot, and the red spots are lost territory."

The map was an almost incomprehensible cloud of white. Zac could only recognize a few pieces, mostly the large empires. For example, it wasn't difficult to find the band of lights representing the Undead Empire since they emitted a weak hint of Death. However, one thing was quite clear and very troubling.

"There are red dots all over the place," Zac frowned. "How's this possible in just three months?"

The scene made him think of the Void Gate and the Kan'Tanu scheme to infiltrate the Zecia Sector through the Void Star. They'd pop out from Mystic Realms all over, wreaking havoc on regions that were supposed to be safe. But hadn't they ruined that scheme when they blew up the Stellar Ladder?

It hadn't been his main objective back then. He had simply wanted to destroy the connection to the Lost Plane before Gemmy, Billy's pet Realm Spirit, died and took them all with her. Blowing up the Kan'Tanu's backdoor entrance to the sector was just a welcome bonus. But looking at the map, it felt like his actions weren't as permanent as he'd thought. Had the Kan'Tanu managed to restore the ladder?

"The inter-sector war has innumerable war fronts," Vilari sighed. "We have thirteen arrays across our two planets, eight of them on Earth. Each will activate independently, though we cannot figure out any pattern. At that time, our command center receives an order of minimum deployment."

"We can't send less than the minimum, but we can send more," Joanna added. "We've done that so far to make sure we won't get overrun, but it's not a sustainable method. It increases our total loss rather than reduces it."

"We can also activate the arrays on our own," Ilvere said. "We haven't done that so far."

"Have any enemies ever stepped onto our soil?" Zac asked, having a pretty good idea of how there was so much lost territory.

It looked like the System was the cause of the chaos rather than some Kan'Tanu scheme.

"No," Joanna said, looking a bit disgusted. "It's part of the rules of this 'game.' Each array is considered a battlefront, so we have thirteen. The first battles all took place on neutral territories. Probably dead worlds the System has sourced from somewhere. We get extra merit and advance if we win a decisive victory."

"Into the Kan'Tanu Sector," Zac surmised.

"Exactly," Ilvere added. "At first, it's at remote unimportant worlds. But if we keep winning, we'll get sent to more powerful planets where the resistance is fiercer. Of course, each succeeding victory also snowballs our battle merit, and we get the chance to loot more flourishing worlds."

"So when you said whole forces have collapsed already, it means they suffered a series of disastrous losses until their main worlds were conquered?"

"Exactly," Ilvere said, looking at the shimmering lights with a frown. "We can only see our side of the map, but our intelligence channels indicated there's a lot more red in our sector than theirs. The Kan-Tanu are fewer in number, but their warriors are all incredibly fierce. No matter if it's attacking or defending, they fight to the end."

"Not like they have a choice with those disgusting things inside their bodies," Joanna spat.

"Can we reclaim those planets?" Zac asked.

"We can," Vilari nodded. "You can spend merit to shift a certain array's battlefront. It's very cheap if you've got the advantage but very expensive if your enemies are bearing down on you. Sometimes, you'll shift to a local battlefront where the goal is to rebuff the invaders. Those give bonus merit and are quite lucrative. Of course, the opposition is quite stiff."

"What if we just fly over?" Zac asked.

"It's possible, and it apparently gives huge bonuses. But it is very dangerous," Joanna said.

"Dangerous, how?"

"For one, it splits our forces. Any soldier we put on a fleet of Cosmic Vessels is one we can't send through the teleporters. It could lock up our resources for years, considering the level of our vessels and the distances involved," Joanna said. "It might be different now that you're back, though. You could teleport a strike squad to a nearby planet and fly over."

"It's still fraught with danger," Ilvere interjected. "These dots are updated with at least a few weeks' delay—the invaders will have dug in by the time you'd arrive. And while the arrays send us toward forces of matching strength, anyone could be waiting on the other side in this kind of mission. For example, we can teleport to a few worlds in the Kan'Tanu Sector at a very favorable price. What if we run into a Monarch? We'd be sending our warriors to their deaths."

Zac slowly nodded. You could likely control the risk by picking the right worlds to target. For example, a Low D-grade world would have been ruled by a Middle Hegemon at most, so the attackers were unlikely to be stronger than that. Monarchs were strategic resources, and the Kan'Tanu wouldn't send one to guard some random planet.

"There's more. I hear an enormous army is making its way through the Million Gates Territory, which will only increase the pressure. The chaotic region acts as a natural defense, but it will only delay the inevitable. The peak factions are already asking for reinforcements, even talking about forced drafts to shore up the physical battlefront. We'll be at an even greater disadvantage then."

"The war's barely started, and things are already so grim," Zac grimaced.

"It's bad, but not quite as bad as it looks," Ilvere said. "They have the advantage of unity and being more accustomed to bloodshed. Meanwhile, Zecia has quite a few declining factions who's maintained their status by bluster and hollow strength. These factions snapped like dried wood when the Kan'Tanu descended on us, but the rate of losses is already slowing down."

"Zecia has a huge advantage in terms of population," Joanna added. "The Kan'Tanu's cultivation method has an extremely lethality rate. Some estimates put their population at less than a third of ours, even if their sector is reported to be larger. And while Zecia has suffered huge defeats early on, we've also been tempered by the bloodshed."

"So time is the key," Zac muttered. "The Kan'Tanu wants a quick victory while we need to slow things down. We can use the war to transform our population into a superior army if we endure long enough."

"That seems to be the case," Ilvere nodded. "But it's easier said than done. Those Heart Curses are as troublesome as the Undead Empire. Zecia's growing stronger, but the Kan'Tanu are constantly adding new warslaves to their ranks, replacing their losses. And even if the plan is a success, it will have been paid for with rivers of blood."

"There have already been reports of factions surrendering," Vilari sighed. "Whole factions defecting and implanting themselves with Heart Curses to avoid battle. Luckily, the System heavily punishes those traitors, making it a relatively rare occurrence for now."

"Punished how?" Zac asked.

"I hear they stop getting wartime merit, though I'm unsure if it's a permanent punishment. They also have to keep stepping onto battlefronts, where they are given more dangerous enemies. Some Clan in the Dravorak Dynasty defected and was matched against an elite regiment of the Dravorak Imperial Army the next week. There are recordings of them being cut down to the last man, butchered like pigs."

"Intentionally spread to quell those kinds of thoughts, I guess?" Zac asked, getting an affirmative nod.

"There's more," Vilari added, surreptitiously looking around. "Should we adjourn to a meeting room?"

"I'll check the latest reports," Ilvere muttered and lumbered off.

"Is it about the inheritance?" Zac asked after he, Vilari, and Joanna were alone. "Have you figured out how the System will award the final pieces?"

"In a way," Vilari said as she shared a screen.

[Call of the Soultaker (Campaign, Inheritance (1/?)): Rise two ranks through War Merit. (0/2)]

"A multi-step quest," Zac muttered. "With seal pieces hopefully waiting at the end."

There was no other way to read the quest, considering Vilari was a Soultaker of the Anima Court. Zac had no idea how hard it was to rack up enough merit to rise two ranks, but it couldn't be too hard for a talent like Vilari. The real problem was that the quest didn't say how many steps it had, making it difficult to estimate how quickly these tasks needed to be finished.

"That's the assumption," Vilari nodded. "Every sealholder has been awarded a quest, though our tasks are individualized."

"I haven't gotten one," Zac frowned.

"You should get it as soon as you register," Vilari said, and there was a flicker of anticipation in her eyes.

She wasn't alone. Joanna looked at him with expectation.

"Register? For the war?" Zac asked.

"Exactly. Before that, you can't even enter the battlefields or check out the Merit Exchange. You won't believe the things the System has put up for sale," Joanna said with a wide smile. "I can't wait to see what rating and designation you'll end up with."


A/N: That's it for April! Thank you all for your support. The Perennial Vastness is over, but we dive right back into it in May. Hope to see you there!

EDIT: Forgot to mention; Editing days are the 15th, 16th.



First? Tftc!

Timothy Dana

Edit: but he had too much on his place to worry about this matter right now. *on his plate*

Michael Fannon

Quick question: the system still recognizes Zac as one person since he has only one share status screen right? So, doesn't that mean he can only register once with a single name defeating his attempt to hide he is one person with 2 bodies?

Andrew Miller

Nice spot to stop for April. Not too vicious of a cliff of information either! Can't wait for this party to get started. My main question is will the quest be the same for both bodies, or individually merited?


I think as long as arcaz and Zac both contribute all the points will go to Zac Atwood but they will split the rewards where they are needed. They are both Zac and therefore everything either does will be attributed to Zac. If that makes sense lol

Darnell Maxwell

I got nothing negative to say this time. Thanks for the great chapter and I can't wait to see what Zac is able to buy in the Merit exchange. Especially since the last time he used one of these things we got best boy Verun!

Bilal Williams

Dope end of the week and month thanks


exciting! can't wait for him to finish his pathways and finally enter D grade :)


So will Zac encounter the devilish Prince Yselios first, who's cunning is said to match devils and beat a stronger elder brother and a more intelligent elder sister or will he meet the Meatball primordial instead, who believes might makes right and strength rules above all. Seriously these two make an interesting combination of enemies though I doubt they would work together. I'm staying for next month.

Darnell Maxwell

Ooooooh, will the system count him as two people? That could be really good or really bad. Really bad because he'll need to work twice as hard to do quests like increasing his merit rank by 2. Really good because if other people can see his rank it'll help sell the story that Arcaz is a seperate person. The best case scenario is that points either body earns are split in half and awarded to both. Then add points for destroying the stellar ladder to who did what. So for example Zac would start with like 3,000 points for slaughtering several invaders. While Arcaz would get 5,000 for destroying that goblin thing solo, killing several invaders and blowing up the ladder. Then every time they kill a grunt that awards like 6 points, each body gets 3. That way both bodies will steadily rise in points and rank. Keeping the story up and making the grind easier. But I don't know if even Zac is that lucky.

Darnell Maxwell

Did Zac get anything from the system for summoning the chaos pattern this time? Or did he just get the mana from Sendor?



Darnell Maxwell

Oh I thought he made that. Seems like kind of a waste compared to all the stuff he's gotten in the past. Aside from that time in the Tower of Eternity. I feel like he could have negotiated an easier tribulation or something.


I think it was a balancing act between the teleport back to his manor and being allowed to take several motes of Chaos with him.

Darnell Maxwell

It better apply to both. He's only missing one seal. If he does get quests for each body then he should get twice the rewards as well. I don't think the writer would make him do twice the work for the same prize as everyone else. I say the writer because after the pv and twilight forest I've realized how much the system likes to scam Zac so that sounds like something it would do.


ABC: Always Be Cliffing! Not too bad of a cliff this week. A nice little thing to ponder over the weekend. What sort of rating will our boy get? TFTCTFD!


Ready for War!

Gabriel F

Neither do I Vilari, I can't wait to Monday.

Gabriel F

The system uses the class as an identifier, as he has two separate I suppose he will have two distinct counts and a sum of both points.

Lex Luther S

Feels short but that's cause I read so fast 🤣🤣🥶🥶 well, I'm still not to happy with zac gaining a second body but TFD knows how to dig into my brain ti well with the war arc finally coming into fruition, especially since they've got a battle in 3 hrs. I, too, can't wait to see what zacs Rating and designation is, we know it's gonna be crazy especially with the merits he gathered by closing the stellar ladder. Seems zacs gonna have to find some soul treasures to help speed up the reformation of his thousand lights avatar, even with his 3 fates soul and former experience making it extremely easy it'd still take time and that's something zac is sorely lacking

James Squibb

When he registers, will that change the designation for new earth? Does everyone have to register?

Rushin Lad

Hell yeah I caught up from book six in December and man do I have the excitement


Good chapter, thanks.


First, Zac will only meet those two at Ultom. Not through the war. Second, how dare you refer to it as meatball. The Unsealed Primordial will remember this affront to its prestige.

Michael Fannon

Personally, I would love it if it marked him as Zac Atwood/Arcaz Black and as a single person. Mostly because my biggest complaint about the two bodies thing was that it would make him hide again. I was so ready for Zac to actually reveal himself and be recognized as a heaven chosen genius that accomplished the impossible, not another excuse for Zac to be timid and hide.


Endlessly excited. The war begins....

Lucas Gulick

That was actually a pretty gentle cliff, reinvigorate your Dao TFD! You'll never reach the peak of cliff with soft serves like that

Michael Fannon

It's the System. It is always a scam. Remember back when almost all the stores on Earth were system run and was significantly marked up?


The war efforts allow him to capture Worlds! We have front row seats to the creation of a true Empire.


Rarwrwrw ready for monday


Just absorb them all and make earth a true A grade planet 😂😂😂. Which humanity then can destroyed 😂😂😂

Mark Thorne (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 20:59:07 Aaaaand I'm out. TFD is doubling down on this absolutely awful twist. Maybe I'll check back in a few months....but probably not. It's amazing how one of my favorite series went to total disinterest in 3 chapters.
2023-04-28 18:44:08

Matt Spratte

got damn it I knew it was gonna be a cliff but damn it I didn't expect such a strong one.


Does he still have thousand lights avatar or did it get essentially used up when he cloned himself


It's interesting enough that I'm willing to see where it goes. I betting it does something odd when he goes for the Technocrat heritage.

Lex Luther S

Zac had to use what he'd built of the thousand lights avatar to give a framework and pass on all things that makes Arcaz Arcaz; bloodline, nodes, pathways all of it. I'm guessing Arcaz has the skeletal framework at the least, but zac won't have to much trouble cultivating again thanks to his 3 fate soul; it made cultivating it effortless when he was filling in the skeletal framework so It shouldn't take too long to make the skeleton.


Thanks for the chapter! I wonder how many heart curses Zac will eat before the enemy starts to take him seriously. His faction is quite small compared to the real big players in Zecia after all. Interesting that the System is even trying to make designated battlefields for each opposing side, instead of just letting the war run naturally. the System really does want to get its grubby hands in every little thing that could signify a power dynamic.

Lex Luther S

Those participating in the war have to register before they can do anything really; as to how these designations are gonna work, that's to be seen.


Kind of like when ELLC Had the MC mind raped into two characters, splitting away much of who he was. Even the author in the author's notes was saying he didn't know WTF to do with the story the chapter after he pulled that.


I don't remember, do both his bodies have his Void abilities AND his Draugr constitution? Because without both, they might struggle more against the blood curses than he did at E grade.


Yeah, not a huge fan of the split, but then enough with training and advancement. Let's get back to galactic wars! I'm actually more excited about this ARC than I was for PV.


Did talk to cathaya and orgas after he evolved to d grade or not yet. I wonder if they haven't yet how they will react to what happened.


I think he gets both because he said “if I’m in void state” referring to his draugr body and fighting close to it. And the adamance of eoz might work? I think he basically has separate classes with his bodies, but is only hindered when completely cut off. Otherwise he is super strong compared to everyone else. Interesting development, I think the two bodies are growing on me. Just a little.


During his test with Sendor it showed that while close by his both bodies had all benefits from the other but too far apart or sealed by a powerful Dao they acted as different individuals.


Ogras and Catheya are going to figure it out. They both know about his Core Blueprint and more importantly his unbelievable Luck and Providence. There is simply no way for Heaven's favored son to fail in his path. Vilari being a mentalist should know as well.


I shouldnt have read the comments. I went expecting a cliff hanger. All we are missing is the precise details of his version of the system prompt. For a quest he had known about for years. Looks like he still has a couple of chapters left before he can even get to a cliff.

Random Information

So does Zac have any War Regalia? That was what was supposed to make D-grades so much stronger than E-grades.


So he is now potentially vulnerable to something he was previously impervious to. Got it.


Can someone remind me of what [Essence Union] is again?

Random Information

It was a bit strange that Zac didn't find out who had advanced to D-grade in his absence. Emily, Vilari, Joan, Janos - actually all sealbearers should have advanced. But Zac didn't find out in this chapter.


The other thing I'm wondering about is his relationship with cathaya? Is it with Zac or arcaz? I still haven't figured it out yet.


First half of the chapptsr: "for various practical and/or political reasons I definitely need to treat my two bodies as if they are two different people with their own story arcs. Definitely. Because resons."

Luke Scheffe

Not too far apart. In different levels of spacetime, so effectively if one is in a mystic realm and one not, or one in the main universe and one in the void.


Finally the war. I will feel a lot better about this two body thing if Zac gets the hang of fighting with both bodies and get to some galactic a$$ kicking in this war. Two questions 1 will Zac have to register both bodies, and will both get the same or different quest for Ultrom 2 will the shipyard be able to produce C grade ships now Zac is D grade?


I love Alea. I hope she gets to be around more after her evolution.

Rushin Lad

No sir his next shipyard upgrade is mid D-grade ships I believe


Cool chappy! Is Zac gonna give his master a visit? Would love to get his input on Zac situation, he may have some ideas on how Zac can handle the spilt perspective problem.


The third layer of [Cosmic Forge] was called [Essence Union]. It still wasn't a proper crafting technique, but it was getting closer. Zac was only privy to a short introduction to the technique, but that small piece was enough to fill him with excitement and anticipation. The first two layers were pretty straightforward; to add or remove essence to a piece of equipment. [Essence Union] was a technique that would make the process more refined. It was very rare to find an essence that perfectly matched your path. But what if you could take the useful parts of two different Natural Treasures and add some of your Dao as glue? Creating tailor-made essences would allow you to craft a piece of equipment much more suited to your path. Zac almost drooled imagining using [Essence Union] to transform all the treasures he'd collected for his Core Formation into perfectly suited materials. Unfortunately, unlocking the next chapter was easier said than done. Cosmic Forge (Unique, Inheritance): Extract two Cosmic Cycles from a three-cycle refined item. Reward: [Essence Union]. (0/34)


What do you mean? They’re the same person. He definitely mostly uses his dragur form around her though


For shure there will be an upgrade Quest for the shipyard.


I believe twinned existences are a secret known to only the Technocracy. Specifically, his family aka The Kayar-Elu.

Matthew Hay

How does the system use the class as an identifier? He has had 2 bodies and 2 classes for a long time and that has never been the case. During the integration he was only registered as one person on the ladder. In the Tower he was only registered as 1 person. In the Twilight Ocean he was registered as 1 person. In the Orom world he was registered as 1 person. At his life/death trial he was registered as 1 person.


So she is still fine with his human form, bc I asked for the sole reason of me being mind fucked by the author and my inability to comprehend what I read due to my 7 intelligence. Mainly for the reason of which side she likes better? His human or dragur side, if I had to put it some way.

Henry Wartemberg

Interesting. Gut feeling… The system is obviously fully aware of his twinned being status. He will almost certainly register each body separately for the war. Ultom seal though… I doubt that is replicated. The system will likely give a tailored challenge to him (quests are individual) ‘raise each registered body 2stages’ kind of thing. Oh and we reckon he is considered same rank as Early Monarchs?

Henry Wartemberg

He can help with training for multi-tasking training or ancillary skills though. That is a general enough skill. Handling multiple bodies / inputs is not exclusive to just them


He's not supposed to go back until late hegemon at the earliest

Zachary Blevins

See alea gets it to bodies double the trouble he can actually be two places at once he can tackle two story arcs at one time I mean I’m pretty sure by the time he’s able to form his inner world he’ll be able to fuse back into one body, hopefully after that, he’ll be able to use both life and death abilities at the same time like a true edge Walker then he’ll really be on his way to the peak of chaos I’d like to see him get two more shards soon I’m curious to see what ability he would gain after he gets the next two shards

Thomas Todd

I think he might get access to some sort of flying fortress too, they were mentioned when he first got the shipyard

Michael Fannon

Not until late or peak hegemony. Zac has a middle quality core so he should be able to easily evolve it once, but it will be awhile after that until he can refine his core to evolve again.

Darnell Maxwell

He's trying to make the multiverse believe that at D-Grade Zac Piker split into Zac Atwood and Arcaz Black. That way old monsters wont hunt him down for his specialty core since he'd be two people instead of having two races. However if one of his identities is unable to register or if the system does what you suggest then that narrative becomes harder to sell. He wants to look like he has become two heavens chosen elites instead of one divine monster that people should hunt down to study his cultivation.

Tarl Reynoso

We got a reason. Zac doesn't have the Intelligence Points required to control both bodies in a high level fight currently.


He needs to accomplish the same goals as originally laid out. Meaning the same number of chapters to cover them, but less time in-universe to get it done. Even if the POV goes back and forth every 3-10 chapters, it should have little to no effect on the amount of chapters needed. In fact, it could make it take less chapters, as he can gloss over travel time and minutiae while writing the other POV. It kills me how everyone thinks we will suddenly have two storylines of the same length, introducing arcs we didn't already plan on, making the story twice as long. I am betting TFD has thought this out in advance way better than any of the readers who has been complaining nonstop the last few chapters and didn't suddenly lose the ability to write a coherent story after 1000 chapters and years of writing.

Tarl Reynoso

Atwood Empire Building is one of my favorite parts of the story!! Super excited for it!

Lonez Zhavec

Im with Villari on this. I cant wait for next week. uggghhh

Mason W

War regalia!


Having the ability to accomplish twice as much and be in two places at once is insanely useful. Obviously >.>

Ben Waschuk

I was wondering where the cliff was, thanks for helping me find it


So with two bodies he will basically be constantly in battle, one recovering and cultivating the other fighting and then swap.


@Darnell Time will tell. While he might have two varying status screens, everything else, like sub-screens, quest screens, Dao, Ultom, Nexus Coins, Atwood Empire should still remain identical and linked


Oh God I may have shot myself in the foot... I was planning on taking a break from Patreon... and then we have this. Sigh the mind is strong but the body is weak


Semantics, but he obviously already is D-Grade, just not as efficient as he could be after correcting his pathways

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


You lost me here for the most part. Although it was only a brief interlude, can’t believe I almost forgot about the unsealed primordial!


I believe Zac will still count as a single entity. My thoughts on the matter: Zac is pretty much the flip side of Thea‘s situation. Due to Leandras intervention, Thea has one soul, but in the eyes of the System she (her body) died, hence her inheritance was unsealed. Her soul still remains integrated, enabling her to cultivate, view her screens and accept quests, even though her body (might) no longer be recognised by the System. Zac is on the other end of the spectrum: He possesses one soul occupying two bodies. Kind of a poetic symmetry/balance.


How I understood it: Both still have the Void Emperor blood line. His Draugr nodes were always classified as non-bloodline secondary nodes. Both halves still benefit from the Eoz nodes as well as things like Foresters Constitution, as long as neither is isolated through things like temporal distortion or the higher grade equivalent of Dao fields


Ogras and Catheya have no clue. That’s going to be a big surprise after they finish their own core formation and then return after their respective opportunities that Zac bargained for with Sendor. As for your other question: While it’s what’s on the inside that matters most, it seems obvious and natural that Catheya would prefer Zac’s draugr side. I just don’t think it’s a prerequisite of their relationship. What you should have asked, is if or when he will reveal the body split to her


You‘ve got it in reverse. (While it wasn’t explicitly stated, I suspect that Zac already has some War Regalia with all his Loot over the years) War Regalia require vast amounts of cosmic energy, that except for some uniquely gifted Heaven’s Chosen, they only become efficient and worthwhile, when powered by a cosmic core of a Hegemon


Same, but I am staying strong. I will be back in like 3 or 4 months.


Ty that's exactly what I need: a challenge to keep me on the straight and narrow. Winter's where i make my bank anyway (southern hemisphere)


Oh my god, Zac's going to meet up with Thea and Arcaz is going to meet up with Catheya and then he'll intentionally not tell them he's one soul in two bodies and then he'll start his harem based off that. And then Iz and Thea will fight over Zac and Catheya will sit back smirking not realizing that she's technically fighting over him too... Oh my God this is better than a Spanish soap!


Not really. It takes being shifted through space-time or being contained by a monarch. If Zach is facing off against a Monarch, he’s screwed to begin with


I think Zac needs to visit mossy very soon and get a some more mossy mental crystals, one for each of his bodies and two more for vilari and janos. He will need more mental energy to control two bodies at once. If he contracted mossy to work for him in exchange for an isolated planet they win in the war he could even turn mossy into an ultimate weapon. Mossy could make an army of parasites/soldiers join the "unity" and fight for zac. He only has to be powerful enough to keep mossy in check...

Justin van mele

Anyone else want to see Zac leading an army to crush a low D-GRADE clan on the enemies side?


No time for chilling 😭

Han Pol

Personally I find these systems war rules and Joanna's inteligence so far strange. I mean the system should also give a maximum deployment or have the minimum deployment very high. Else sending more people will always result in less casualties. (unless the more people are vastly weaker.) but than they get stronger by fighting now so they should send more for a while unless it pushes their rating higher pitting them agaisnt stronger foes.


yeah, I kinda count not being destroyed with the chaos motes after he released the dao of chaos. The motes worked perfectly, as a 'stablizing' force! Technically, you could think the chaos mote repaired the duplicity core, which protected him from the last tribulation. And now, he has a working Karmic shield, a HUGE ability! No more Great Redeemer hack skills! The system repaired broken sections of the zero affinity container.


I gotta know what 2 bodies can do in the system: 1. war array receiver and end point- can Arcaz be channeled into and then empowered Zac fight from a distance 2. What happens if 1 half dies? "The deviant Asura is unkillable! He survived a monarch Full power?!" 3. Orom prisoner shackle proof? The only thing so far that blocked the link was a time Dao domain 4. Eat and trash talk at the same time! Answer you own knock, knock jokes! "you think I'm crazy, THAT guy is crazy" 5. Dao Conflict Rasengan- all naruto fans know what I'm talking about! heck, cosmic/miasma blasts are possible as well!


Maybe they get less rewards if they send too many people... so in the long run it'll slow their growth which could get them killed. I also think this rating Zac will get determines how many average soldiers he's worth... so zac can join a battle but 200 less of his followers would have room


lol i can imagine having the invaders try to take over the moon only for mossy to do his thing

Gabriel F

Matthew Hay the system using class as identifier is my assumption. Each class would be an account in the system, as shown by Thea that the system works even in unintegrated space. Those with class still has benefits from the system and the integration confers access temporary access to all people were the integration takes place and the first class should register the person as a permanent beneficiary of the System as the pathways will be marked by it. Thus having two classes allow Zac to choose each one to register in events, the identifier of registration is the class, not the he needs to be in that class/body to register when asked. Probably the system will not allow Zac to choose the identify of his body as each body has its own class even if body share the benefits of each other attributes/titles/nodes.

Kevin Squalls

Instead of "an extremely lethality rate," "extremely high rate of lethality."

Michael Fannon

The more I thought about, the more I have been ok with the 2 body thing, except for this reason right here. Zac was ready to come out as the heaven's chosen he is, complete with an impossible core and titles to prove it (which he got). Instead, soon as he realized he could fake it and hide what he is, again, he immediatly goes timid and cautious. For no reason! Zac, as he is now with the 2 bodies, would be considered a peak existence in the sector only being rivaled by local monarchs as soon as he trains. Training that could easily be done by friendly Monarchs as soon as Zac asks. Hell, Iz's faction or the undead would gladly help Zac get to the technocrats because of the system bonuses they would get. And, thanks to the system locking down the sector, it is very unlikely that Zac would face a major threat like a b-grade until the war is over and Zac is either a Monarch and about to be. Yeah, the whole Zac going back to hiding and paranoid is just bad to the point it runs counter to his path. It is to the point I really hope that the title and designation he gets ruins those plans by making it clear Zac and Arcaz are the same person. I think it might be the case given he still has shared quests, stats, titles, bloodlines, and core.

Michael Fannon

I really hope he is forced to only have one for his single soul (he has one set of stats, quests, titles, rankings, etc) and that it will be public displayed (like all rankings) and ruin his plans to hide the fact he did the impossible and is a heaven's chosen. Zac can probably get the quest for the shipyard to upgrade to mid D now, and with his core being middle quality, will be able to upgrade it to high D pretty soon as well.


Comment In Case the author reads these: back when Zac was negotiating with undead empire, and should have tried to do something like we will gave eath (and the othet planet ) to you and your druger line. Or other boons/ requirement that would help him choose death. every Zac negotiates with a bad against is really bad at negotiating. The undead empire has lot of factions that want different things from zach many of which could try and add things they care about unto the deal. Even if just ammendment style offers. But in this story they just roll over. Even if you would roll over great negotiators still get things. When someone asks for more, You ask them to something else at least. Happy to give more on this in dm.


I agree invasion style soft level limits, would make sense. Since system I formation is delayed they need to use the scouting ships as scouts...


Recently rereading the entire collection before starting book nine, and now that zach is D grade and has taken a great leap into becoming a notable emperor , I want to see him interact with the old motley crew, like David and Sap Trang .

Jeff Wells

The problem is the Undead Empire doesn't have a lot of immediate leverage over Zac, and Zac has shown (to us, not necessarily the UE) over and over that if your leverage isn't immediate it may as well not exist. All their leverage is with gains or punishments in the relatively far future (e.g. bathing in the Abyssal Lake, repercussions for abandoning Drauger side, etc), and they've dangled some seriously massive carrots in front of him, but he's still the type to stubbornly go his own way regardless of what others want him to do. Their only immediate means of applying pressure at this critical juncture is Catheya, but Catheya believes Zac can achieve what is thought to be impossible - achieving hedgemony with a life/death core. So in reality their pressure is nearly non-existent. They could punish later if he failed, but he entered into the situation assuming he had made an enemy of the UE, so nothing really changes for Zac.


I wonder if zac will achieve atavism by the time ultom starts

Philip Pleiss

The part that keeps throwing me off is that I still haven't figured out how to mentally categorize/visualize things. The sudden perspective shift 3 paragraphs into the previous chapter left me crosseyed, and in this one it feels like it keeps shifting between "one consciousness controlling two bodies" and the "I am my own best friend" trope from stories that have clones. Eh, we'll see how it goes. I am gonna take a break until the RR chapters are caught up to this one, and from there I'll see if I want to go back to contributing. Maybe reading them in bulk will make it less confusing.

Matt Spratte

i wish i could get 5 chappies in one day

Lex Luther S

I've had a question on my mind about the remnants; can zac still form the hallowed chaos like he usually does or will these 2 bodies cause an issue?? I'm very curious about that

Mike Naka

After listening to the latest book, Zac got a lot from the ghost he fought in the Twilight Ocean, Aio Oro (or just Oreo), e.g. the 1,000 lights avatar, but he didn't really get anything from the vampire girl's spatial ring. Am I just not remembering? Any 'Rain Men' out there that remember?


He opened hers but it was trapped. He pulled out some special blood, and maybe one or two other things.

Michael Fannon

Shouldn't be an issue. Zac still has only one soul, with the 4 sets of remnants. So, in theory, he should be able to use both creation and oblivion with eith body to form chaos. Possibly, he could use both bodies to channel one form of energy each. There is still a lot that is not known with Zac's new situation.

Tyler S.

He goofed and only got some training manuals/information and the blood used for the Effegy now to be repurposed to Varun probably.

Jay Fowler

Can he please just check in with Earth. It feels like it takes 5 chapters to get there