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"It's time," a voice echoed through the peak. "You've arrived."

"Thank you for your help," Arcaz said as he stood up.

Sendor had left soon after the first body was sent away, but he was clearly still keeping watch. A second cocoon enclosed his body, and he was soon shuttling through the Void. Three hours' worth of memories were exchanged as the connection was restored. The merge kept his mind occupied for almost two minutes, which was an important lesson on its own.

Arcaz began his return journey while Zac checked on his compound. It looked exactly as he'd left it, which produced an unsettling sense of disconnect rather than comfort. He'd spent over seven years inside the Perennial Vastness, yet only a few months had passed on the outside. It almost made his experience seem like a dream.

Not only that, but he finally felt the ramifications of spending such a long time in Temporal Dilation. First, three years inside an absolute Temporal Chamber while time outside stood still, then another seven inside the Perennial Vastness. Cheating the river of time came at a price, where Zac's body was assaulted by Temporal Energy that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

It felt like his surroundings were in flux, with leaves swaying so quickly they turned to a blur for a fraction of a second, only for them to freeze the next. Channeling his Daos helped a bit, but Zac knew it would be a while before the feeling gave in completely. At least it didn't affect his spirit or his Dao, which meant he was better off than most cultivators.

The temporal invasion left cultivators in an annoying state of imbalance where the Dao was not quite as distorted as when Temporally Dilated, but fluctuating in a way that made cultivation and meditation dangerous. Zac didn't feel any of that, and he soon found a way to enjoy himself and combat the backlash.

A powerful current of Cosmic Energy coursed through his body, and Zac's feet lifted from the ground. Then, he was floating a few meters into the air, unfettered by gravity's constraints. Well, mostly unfettered. Flying was akin to turning yourself into a Cosmic Energy magnet, generating a repulsing force to the ambient energy.

In reality, it was slightly more complicated, where you used your Dao to connect with the environment and weaken your earthly shackles. But it was fundamentally impossible without a core and the ability to channel those levels of energy.

It was similar to the method most low-grade vessels used to fly and only really worked in environments with enough ambient energy. Of course, Hegemons had enough raw firepower to switch from being magnets to rockets, expelling large quantities of energy to fly even in energy-starved regions.

Zac was curious about the situation back home, but he didn't make his return known yet. There would have been messages waiting for him if the situation was dire and required his immediate attention. Instead, Zac waited, observing his other body close in on his location. There was no sense of distance conveyed through his link, and he couldn't sense it actually getting closer.

The experience got boring after a while, and Zac began swinging his axe to get used to his influx of attributes. The transition wouldn't be difficult. His Strength had taken a massive leap forward, but so had his Dexterity. Balance was maintained, letting him quickly adapt to the change and enter his Evolutionary Stance.

The roars of [Verun's Bite] sang in the courtyard, where Zac was a blur moving back and forth. One moment, he stood on the ground. The other, he floated ten meters in the air. The technique would need to be expanded now that he could fly, but it was still in working order. Arcaz appeared next to him three hours later, and the energy drain resumed.

Having thought things over, Zac strongly suspected the drain resulted from forcibly disentangling Karma between his bodies rather than maintaining the link. It was easy to avoid Karmic entanglement with people on the other side of the Multiverse, but another matter entirely when you stood next to each other. It also explained why the cores extracted such a huge amount of energy when Sendor had him use that cursed piece of hide.

Sendor had thought him immune to Karma, but Zac knew that was only part of the picture. It was more correct to say that the Specialty Cores provided shielding, but doing so cost energy. Judging by the drain from slapping himself with a tainted object, he still needed to be careful when dealing with people above his grade. What if some old Arhat forcibly tried to link up their fate? Would his cores be drained until his Draugr body died from energy starvation?

Still, retaining some secrets when faced with the inquisitive Realm Spiritit filled Zac with a small sense of victory. However, the feeling quickly passed and was replaced with a torrent of confusing emotions as he sensed familiar ripples from within his bedroom. He flashed over and found the source in a hidden compartment.

Within was a Spatial Ring holding a solitary object; the Technocrat insignia.

Zac hadn't dared to bring such an item into the Perennial Vastness, so he left it back on Earth. Now that he'd returned, it immediately started acting out—it definitely wasn't a coincidence. Zac would probably have ignored the call if his breakthrough had gone according to plan. Now, Zac slowly reached toward the ring, even if he were filled with reluctance.

He'd thought his connection to his mother severed when she left with Kenzie, but there was no way he could ignore his Technocrat origin with his body being installed with hidden features. His Draugr body hid inside one of his isolated cultivation chambers before Zac took out the insignia.

Zac infused a wisp of energy, and the familiar form of his mother appeared in front of him. Seeing her stoked the flames simmering in the depths of his heart, where the most recent setback only added more fuel to the fire. Leandra, in turn, looked neither like the vengeful maniac in his Heart Tribulation nor like the doting mother she'd presented herself as in her previous recording.

This time, she appeared just as when they met in person; cold, callous, and infuriatingly calm when faced with Zac's wrath.

"You survived," Leandra said, her cadence like that of someone commenting on a new haircut. "I wasn't sure whether you'd find a path through the synchronization with your ill-fated choice of secondary body. Our inheritance has served you well."

"Not like I asked for any of this," Zac said, unable and unwilling to hide the anger and disgust from his voice.

"Railing against reality will change nothing," Leandra said. "For better or worse, our gift is a central part of your identity."

"What do you want?" Zac growled. "Why did you make contact now? What about severing fate?"

"I believe I made the right choice back then, especially after seeing your progress. Severing Karma and letting you walk your own path let you reach a point I didn't expect you would. Some things can only be nurtured in the wild," Leandra said, ignoring Zac's eyes veritably spitting fire at the remark. "And now, an opportunity to repay your family has arrived."

"Repay you? Repay you?!" Zac almost screamed. "Why would I ever help you? I hope your plans fail and the Kayar-Elu are finally removed from the universe."

"Then, what of your sister?" Leandra countered. "She is not yet strong enough to survive on her own. Without my protection, she'll eventually be discovered and killed. Besides, taking on this particular task is in your best interest."

Zac didn't answer, but his expression spoke volumes.

"You are suspicious. That is fine," Leandra nodded, her gaze shifting toward the chamber where his Draugr body hid.

Zac grimaced; she knew.

"You should be filled with questions, confusion. What else is hidden in your body? What were our goals, and how does it pertain to you? I'm sure you can appreciate that Class-3 isn't the end of the road we prepared for you. You can choose to maintain your ignorance and pray you will somehow survive the next transition. Or you can take charge of your fate."

Zac held onto a belly full of anger, but he knew she'd pinpointed his weakness. He really was afraid of his Specialty Core holding more secrets that would mess with his path.

"Only by taking control over your body will you be able to avoid disaster. Only that way do you have a chance to become something more than a tool," Leandra said. "You may despise the Kayar-Elu, but you're still nothing but a failed experiment in your current state."

Zac took a calming breath as he stared at the projection. A normal patent would readily provide the information he needed to avoid getting himself killed, but he knew he wouldn't be so lucky. Leandra was a full-fledged zealot hoping to overturn the Heavens to avenge her family. As she said before, she wasn't contacting him to help; she was using his situation as bait for him to further her goals.

"What do you want?" Zac squeezed out.

"It's simple. Our family prepared for our grand undertaking for eons, which included setting up several contingencies. I need you to activate one of them for me."

"Contingencies?" Zac frowned.

If Leandra was telling the truth about wanting to keep him at a distance and avoid Karma, then the contingency wasn't for him. That meant it was for the other half of their experiment.

"What have you done to Kenzie?"

"Your sister is doing fine for now, but lacking the unique features of your bloodline has proven problematic," Leandra said. "Unless you help activate a safeguard we created, the Digital Nexus will eventually be discovered by the Cursed Heavens. Your sister will attract a second calamity like the one that brought our demise. Your time is limited."

Zac's heart shuddered at the thought of Kenzie being forced to deal with a tribulation powerful enough to eradicate a clan like the Kayar-Elu. However, he quickly calmed down and looked at the projection suspiciously. That 'contingency' might be what brought Kenzie's demise rather than what saved her. It might even allow Leandra to take over Kenzie's body.

"You're lying."

"I find the truth a powerful enough motivator in this situation," Leandra calmly said. "And even if you have doubts of the veracity of my claims, are you willing to bet Kenzie's life on it?"

"If it's so important to you and your schemes, why don't you activate it yourself?"

"It cannot be accessed remotely, and I cannot tread where it's hidden," Leandra said.

"Let me guess. It's back where you lunatics got blasted by the System?"

"No," Leandra said. "It's inside Sanctuary, the Holy land of the Technocracy. In a sense, it's Sanctuary itself."


"What place is better to hide a secret repository of our family from the Heavens?" Leandra said. "What thing is better suited to hide the miracle inside your sister's body than Sanctuary's protective shroud?"

"If it's there, then it's probably been discovered by your enemies already," Zac said.


There was utmost certainty in Leandra's words, which made Zac recall a piece of Sendor's earlier explanation. The Kayar-Elu was one of the factions that participated in building the Technocrat's Holy Land. They must have installed some backdoors and secret features during that time. It might really be safe if that were the case.

Zac felt defeated as he looked into his mother's eyes. She had planned everything to a tee, preparing both carrot and stick to force him into action.

"Why me?" Zac sighed. "Why couldn't you just leave me alone?"

"My options are limited. Only a clan member can enter that place without triggering certain safeguards," Leandra said. "I've been marked, so I cannot go, and bringing the Digital Nexus there is not safe. That leaves you, who are fully free from anything marked by the Dao of Technology. You have the bloodline to enter, and your unique body will make you invisible to the eyes of my pursuers."

Zac knew what she was getting at. If upgrading his Duplicity Core had made him resistant to Karma, he likely enjoyed similar protections against various other methods, just like what the Concealment Array provided. It was possible he was uniquely suited to avoid the gaze of the Living AIs and ancient Technocrats inside Sanctuary.

"This is an opportunity for you," Leandra continued. "The safeguard is placed inside a hidden laboratory managed by my father, the leader of our family. There, you can find the answers to the questions burning in your heart. You can also confirm the truth of my claim before activating the safeguard.

"A simple task with a straightforward reward. As such, balance is maintained. The details have been added to the token."

"Wait!" Zac before Leandra's projection dissipated. "How long do I have?"

"We still have time before your sister is exposed, but that's contingent on nothing changing," Leandra said. "The sooner you finish your task, we can all return to our destinies."

Zac gritted his teeth as Leandra was about to disappear. "You say our Karma is severed, but that's not up to you. Sooner or later, I'll track you down. You'll pay for what you did back then."

Leandra only smiled at the threat.

"If you can accomplish such a thing, I will be content. That would mean the Zero Affinity Container would already be well on the way toward the Terminus. You would become an element of uncertainty that would break the status quo. That's all I can hope for, considering our recent setbacks."

"I won't go along with your twisted plans," Zac growled.

"Some things cannot be avoided whether we like it or not. The course was set long before either of us was born."

The projection disappeared, leaving Zac alone in his room. Only after a few minutes did he infuse a wisp of his will into the token to receive a brief information packet, if you could call it that. According to the insignia, there were two steps to the plan. First, he needed to pick up a key inside a hidden laboratory and activate some sort of protocol.

Both these things were required to access the hidden domain inside Sanctuary. The external lab was not among the hidden strongholds Sendor listed, but it was somewhat close to one of the Spatial Tunnels he knew of. And that was lucky as well, considering Leandra hadn't bothered providing him a route to Sanctuary. The missive said that the Eternal Storm was everchanging and that the roads she knew were likely compromised.

Sendor's Information Crystal had suddenly shot up in value, saving him the headache of infiltrating some Technocrat force to get his hands on a route. Still, that didn't mean the task was easy should he decide to follow Leandra's instructions. The first step of the plan needed to be finished within three centuries, at which point he had another two to reach Sanctuary and activate the safeguard. Five Centuries was an incredibly long time considering his age, but it didn't feel that way after comparing notes.

He wouldn't make it in time, even if he set out today. How the hell did his mother expect him to accomplish such a mission?

Zac put away the token as he tried to quell the storm raging in his heart, where anger, worry, and helplessness fought for dominion. There was no point in heading for the Sanctuary right now, even if he could technically send one of his bodies while the other stayed in Zecia. The Yphelion simply wasn't equipped for that kind of journey, no matter if you looked at its max speed or defensive capabilities.

The Yphelion was meant to be his ace while traversing the Million Gates Territory, though he ended up not going before Hegemony. However, no matter how dangerous the chaotic region at Zecia's edge was, it paled compared to the unintegrated regions he'd have to cross to reach the hidden base, let alone Sanctuary.

He'd either have to upgrade his ship by multiple stages or get a better one before setting off. Worse, according to the information packet, the safeguard only needed to be activated and not be taken to wherever Kenzie and Leandra were. As such, the path to the Six Profundity Empire wasn't marked.

The feasibility of the mission was one thing. The task itself was also an issue. He had already considered heading into the Eternal Storm to investigate his Specialty Cores. This mission would let him accomplish that goal, and he would even be able to visit a few of the other hidden strongholds on Sendor's map on the way. However, he'd have to be crazy if he took Leandra at her words.

It was not just possible, but likely there were some key aspects she wasn't sharing about the mission. It could very well be a trap. Zac thoughtfully looked down at the emblem, a plan slowly forming in his mind. Could he do it?

Could he achieve his goals, save Kenzie, and foil Leandra's schemes, all in one go?





TFTC, it’s a really good one. I for one am glad that the story has some good legs. It’s getting more difficult to find a great fiction. 😎


well here's hoping Zac won't forgive his mother when he finds out she didn't actually kill Thea. She's a huge bitch and I hope she remains a major antagonist until Zac finally gets strong enough to take her down


TFTCTFD! Acronyms ftw

Chris Fey

Ok my prediction: Zac and his mother's entire faction are in fact descended from the Void Emperor and part of why they think the System is broken is a peace treaty was made which the System ignores.

Owen Kaz

I kinda hope he just doesn't do it all all tbh. He's smart enough to realize that she won't let her experiment die. So his actions mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Lex Luther S

Lol, pull the heist of the era and yet kenzie back over to zacs side; though I feel is kinda mute until zac is a monarch at least.

Blake Noyes

My theory is that the void emperor became the basis of the system. Being able to absorb and integrate various daos matches both of them and we know he was close with Limitless

Random Information

So what are Iz and the Tayn Family making of all this?


i wonder if his sister is doomed to stay a plot device forever

Tyler S.

I hope that when he does get to do it he puts her down like a sick animal. Quick and clean, no emotion.


I would love it if he did that. I don't know if he has it in him. The railroading set up seems pretty overt. Zac can defy the heavens not the author!


Thank for the chapter. Personally, i am more on the idea, that Zac need to cripple his mom, and to make her "guard" his father tomb.... Or perhaps, when he strong enough (like the S grade, above A grade...) he ressurect his father, and after some bullshit, he tell him he found "Mom" (who his still crippled and powerless), and they can live like a "happy" familly.... Because, for her Death would be easy, but to see her familly plan going down the drain, and being forced to "take care" of a Mortal, that would be more horrifying....


Forgive, kill, obliterate or subvert her legacy then forget. She is little different to a broken AI herself. So "forgive" mostly means stop thinking of her as sufficiently like a person that feelings even make sense to harbor.




Time to talk to Karunthel to see what the quest to upgrade the spaceport is. Maybe the reward will be enough for the Yphelion to start the travel. And Calrin as well, if the skygnome can resist the heart demon from dealing with all the new loot Zac got from PV he will need to convert it into money to fund Zac's new quest.


honestly zac your sis is a lost cause your mother will break her word in a second honestly just cut your losses any other path simply helps your mom out

Timothy Dana

Then you have not been paying attention. His core has called a duplicity core as in ‘two faced’. The foreshadowing has been laid out a long time now. As for the plot. The earth plot just started. Have patience.


I actually didn’t mind this chapter and what it indicates for future plot. Personally I’m interested in more details about what the deal is with the Technocrats and the System, especially after the information Sendor gave us. I’ll also be interested to see how Zac handles seeing Thea alive and how much that will affect how he feels about his mom. I know some ppl really dislike Leandra, but I saw a comment maybe 10ish chappies ago guessing a plot twist that Leandra actually really loves both her kids but her background, status, and long term viewpoint lead her to act the way she does because she genuinely believes it’s the best way to help her children grow as strong as possible. Hot take but I like that idea and hope it develops in that direction. What did you all think?


I can't help but think that Leandra is so much more than the merciless, 2-bit villain we often see her as. I love when she shows up in the story.

Darnell Maxwell

Or or or, now here me out. We let Kenzie die to the tribulation lightning and then visit the technocrat base after the war to learn more about upgrading his specialty core. That way we get the upgrade, and we never have to mention Kenzie in this story ever again! Sounds like a win win to me. Heck you can even go kill mommy dearest when you become an Autarch! Edit: Also I find it fascinating that several people are trying to defend Kenzie to me yet none of them have named a single positive trait she has. All I've gotten is she's family and might go through a character arc in the future.

Darnell Maxwell

I'm hoping that if I keep asking for it The First Defier will just kill off her and Kenzie. I wonder if I could bribe him to do it?

Lucas Gulick

So Zac and Arcaz are going to split up to achieve the goals, then Zac will go to the Technocrat sanctuary and Arcaz will go to the Abyssal Shores.


I’m ready to see the titles and buffs for being the first D grade on a newly integrated world. Let’s do some Earth shenanigans for a bit pre-war

Lucas Gulick

I agree with the folks saying that this'll be his push toC grade, I think we'll also get some massive time jumps. He'll probably get most of what he needs to hit C (resource wise) from Ultom


She could be put in the fridge as one final plot device, but then the plot would take some serious dark ruthless turns. It would seem weird too since Thea already managed to get put in Schroedinger's fridge -- killed off as a plot device but also alive.

Tyler S.

That is exactly what a long standing story like this needs to be, if you keep such a powerhouse locked to the start it stunts the story. As in many cases the mc is left protecting his weaker family/friends but Zac has never been one to stay. Yes he was initially set on protecting earth but hes set that on the side behind his base protection as the leader of Atwood Empire. Now his main goal is to save the last of his accepted family, his sister. The Technocrat questline is ment to help upgrade his understanding of his quantum body modifications, this may also improve his understanding of the void from a 4th source (himself, Ultom, Void hammer). As for splitting the bodies up he most likely will just give it another few chapters.


Earth Plot can't be moved forward until they pick a location to move it from his quest reward. Then, they'll likely conquer the local areas, and Zac is very likely to allow his generals and confidantes to handle that as an opportunity for continued growth, just like the incursion. Considering their batting 100, I bet they continue to get opportunities for more incursions, as well. After the sector war, there will be Earth expansion wars, and most of it will be autonomous to Zac's story other than when he's needed to really bring down the hammer or make important decisions.

Tyler S.

The MC counts as a Plot device themselves, whats the difference?


Also, they're gonna live for millions of years. What's the rush? Leandra, despite any of her motives, is giving Kenzie the best option she has for growth and survival right now.

Jason Bradford

I’m still not thrilled by the double, but understanding it’s a technocrat issue that has a solution helps. It’s still, currently, a distraction and an unwelcome plot twist


She’s not on earth, nor the “Baron” or whatever his title is now.


I like that idea, as well, for more than one reason. I feel like tye Kayar-Elu's goal is reminiscent of that old Futurama episode where Bender gets a patch to be pals with the new robot. They're trying to slip their Dao into the System to make it their ally/servant while the rest of the Technocrats are still fighting a conventional war against it. If they succeed, not only will they be the masters of the system, their power will grow so much they'll become the undisputed leaders of the Technocrats. They're playing for winning the whole universe. That's why there's so many other Technocrats against their clan.

Jason Bradford

To be fair, I’d probably enjoy it if I had a book or two to read right now with it heading towards resolution - I hate it because I’m in the midst and it’ll be a daily grind of having it present and looking like a while before it resolves

Tyler S.

Yes, please quick little sides of hey i talked to these people got new quest A. Sold stuff, eyes going bokers, cha ching. Off to kill soul parasites and build a better core, oh while i also go talk with some old undeads and take a swim in death juice.

Kris Boxall

Thanks for the chapter! :D

Michael Fannon

Leandra WAS waiting for him. I called it! As for the end of week/month cliff prediction tomorrow? Thea and Everlasting Peace are back.


the difference is that Kenzie only exists to be saved, she has no other value to the storry


Everyone out for blood needs to remember the typical raising style of the families is to toss children into the wilds. Leandra just has an endgame plot as well so both helps her children while steering towards her goals. And kenzie being the cause for Zac to push himself has been the premise of the entire series. He was ready to basically stop growing when the world and his friends were safe. So sorry but being victim of old powers and their machinations and growing to protect his own people is literally the entire plot of the series

Han Pol

Or oggras is happy wanting to relax a bit before the war after his breakthrough only to be thrown into his fate remolding opportunity.

Olivier Combe

He should just contact the system and offer to be a double agent to destroy the Kayar-Elu, I'm sure the system would be willing to exchange plenty of benefits for that such as saving Kenzy

Tyler S.

The cover for book 10 is up on kindle looks awdome, cant wait for Aug. 1st


thats what i keep wondering about. zac is their entertainment show, i wonder what will they think about his technocrat origin and situation

Aaron Schwartz

I don’t think you understand what leandra is implying here. Jeeves’ existence is a high level threat to the system itself. If it finds her, it won’t matter how good her environment is, or how much longevity she has left. It will either mail her with enough tribulation lightning to drown an A grade, or issue a quest to every A grade faction within a thousand sectors to track her down and kill the dastardly technocrat menace, with a reward of a free breakthrough to the next grade or something else ridiculously OP.


Kenzie is literally one of the most important aspects of the story…what do you mean? She is the entire plan developed by the technocrats to destroy/subvert the system.saying she has no value when it’s clear she will be a major part of the stories endgame is a little ridiculous


The system can’t save her. The whole point is that the Kayar-Elu are capable of hiding from the system


this makes way too much sense. Wonder how TFD will justify not doing it that way, as it is just too easy


First he was fucked over during ascension then now he's got an almost impossible task he can't not do because Kenzie, there's no clear way of fucking over the plan or holding it hostage, there's no resources doled out to help accomplish...the story is getting kinda sideways momentum instead of forward...we need some fucking wins and the fucking corpses still have their plans for him that will inevitably fuck him over again because why not...


Exactly. If anyone wants their damsel in distress fix, simply watch a Disney Movie.


Ok so I’m trying to think of anyway this story could actually end. Ultimately it’s cultivation vs technology. Clearly both can’t exist in peace and one being wiped out wouldn’t be a very satisfying ending. Calling it now, Zac ascends to Apostle and uses his knowledge of Choas, and twinned bodies to split the multiverse into two “separate” quantum multiverses. One for cultivation and another void of cosmic energy but a multiverse for technology to rise.


This is starting to feel like Kenzie is being forced to be part of the series, it starts to get annoying if you pull a suspension for so long sooner or later we just forget about it, Until a few chapters ago, I totally forgotten about her existence


I'm curious how much the system already knows. Like in book 2 when gifted a quest to earn those life pills if he slaughtered zombies which helped balance his core initially


Am I the only one that thinks his mother is guarding her true feelings behind some kind of algorithm. Just like kensie tried to do. I’m betting his father comes along and Zac thinks oh I’ve found a true parent one who wants to help me. Only for it to turn out he’s the nutcase and his mom will have to save him.


I’m pretty sure there were a number of D-graders on earth and at least one challenged Zach when he was E grade. He trounced them thoroughly. It was one of the ways TFD pointed out that although Zach hadn’t reached D grade he had foundations that more than made up for his grade.

Henry Wartemberg

Assuming Kenzie can survive having something like Jeeves that is seemingly intertwined with her soul separated and destroyed (unlikely). Zac doesn’t particularly want to become a pawn of of the system either. Mainly seems to long for the freedom of autonomy


I think she’s hiding her true feelings. She probably knows it’s a hard road to save both her kids and this horrible path is the only way. The fact she didn’t kill Thea but let everyone think she did makes me think she’s ok. Secrets and lies in order to win the game.


I'm Fairly certain dad is dead. But that is also the dad who raised him not his biodad. So.... maybe.


I got the impression keeping Kenzy safe was a drive implanted by Leandra as children. He's always been unreasonably focused on that and I think Leandra referred to him as a protector in an interlude.


His earth dad is dead but I’m not sure about his real dad. I can’t remember anyone stating he’s dead. Perhaps just crippled and has been recovering though cultivating quietly like Zacs mom did.


Swagmaster is right. It has been mentioned repeatedly across the series that younglings are pawns of the old monsters, those in the middle serve as Dao guardians and guides to get the right tool to the right place according to their leader's orders. But with so many old monsters plotting at the same time no plan ever survives contact with the enemy and thus opportunities for advancement show up, the worthy and the fated rise while the rest become fodder for the next generation of old monsters and the cycle repeats.


A D grade force, by Frontier standards, with C grade industrial capabilities is begging for a hostile takeover.

Joshua Little

Above Ten Thousand People


That was an E Grade cultivator that challenged Zac on earth. E Grade guy was level 106 while Zac was 101 and defeated him just by unleashing his Dao field.


So we started off the series with Zac getting stronger to rescue his sister. Fast forward a few decades and he is...getting stronger to save his sister.


Kruta. Ogras. Catheya. Not many can even survive Zac's "help."

Kris Boxall

I believe it’s been mentioned that this is the case and Zac already knows this

Lucas Gulick

Is it cannon that Zac's dad is actually his dad? Cause the whole thing where he is 4k year old makes that a little tricky. Seems more likely that Liandra boned a fancy dude

Lucas Gulick

Yeah I vaguely remember that, "super brother man". If Zac knew he probably wouldn't care


Yea I’m tracking that TFD referenced Zac being excited when leaves to PV that he’s excited to be the first D grade. Could be misremembering I guess


The System has already tried to kill Kenzie indirectly and directly. It also comes off as an arrogant asshole too. It’s unlikely Zach would even get it to accept a deal, and even less likely it wouldn’t keep trying to kill Kenzie.


What’s with the rabid hatred towards Kenzie that I see so many people have?


This isn’t a question of “letting” anything. His mom is tough and resourceful but she’s up against the system itself. She said it herself a few chapters back that without the Zero Attribute Container the system is even better at tracking and killing Kenzie than feared.

Thomas Todd

I'm right there with you although she's been pushing the line a little recently


The anti-karma part of his core is designed to hide from the heavens, but does his luck and fate stats still work even when the heavens can't detect him?


He isn't zacs dad, zacs Richard Atwood is mortal and can't be 4k years old


Stop attacking my complaints with logic Altimar!!

Lonez Zhavec

Because Zac warned her to be careful about her work with Technocrat tech, she was naive and didnt listen, now Zac had to experience all that shit while believing his former girlfriend died.

Lonez Zhavec

Arent PV items limited to the realm only? They cant be brought out as far as I can recall.

Darnell Maxwell

TLDR: Kenzie is an entitled parasite that does nothing but cause trouble for Zac and let Jeeves progress her cultivation for her. She's like Uona and the chick from the pv. I could be a dick and just ask what there is to like about her but I'm not gonna do that. Essentially my hatred of Kenzie boils down to 3 aspects. 1) The first is the same issue I have with Theya. The sense of entitlement. She thinks she is some prodigy who deserves the best of everything yet doesn't put in the work. She takes dumb risks, not because she is confident in her ability to come out on top but because no matter what happens she knows someone will save her. Whether it be Jeeves, Leandra or Zac she knows that no matter what bad things happens to her, one of them will save the day. When Zac takes a risk he puts his own life on the line and will punch, kick or crawl his way out of it with his own two hands. Even when his luck saves him, it was only able to do that because Zac worked hard to get his luck stat that high. Even when he got all those titles from the roulette in book 1. He still had to survive on the island alone, figure out the basics of the system and even when he got off the island he was constantly on the front lines saving people and closing incursions. Kenzie does none of that. 2) The second is that she does nothing and gets rewarded for it. Kenzie and Emily were put in the same situation. They were young cultivators with a connection to Zac. Only while Emily works hard to constantly improve and be like her mentor Zac. Whether that be climbing high in the Tower of Eternity with a hybrid class, buffing Zac's troops in the mystic realm, going on missions in the big axe coliseum and getting trapped in space on a broken ship with no hope of getting home she works hard to always succeed. While she does all this shit Kenzie sits down, opens a book and stares at it. That's it. Jeeves does everything for her. I can't point to a single accomplishment she has in the entire story because Jeeves does everything for her! She doesn't even need to have high affinities! Jeeves was literally designed for a person with 0 in every fucking affinity to masterfully use the dao! And now she has any cultivation treasure handed to her as she is taught within the inner world of a fucking autarch! The one thing she would need to worry about is Tribulation lightning. The one crux of every cultivator stepping even a centimeter in the realm of unorthodoxy. It's a harrowing trial that zac has to regularly deal with. AND NOW HE HAS TO PUT A HOLD ON HIS PROGRESSION SO THAT SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT EITHER!!! Her path to power is open, easy and will give her no fucking problems at all! 3) She is a leech on Zac's life and doesn't even have the decency to try and minimize the problems she causes him. Whether it be begging Zac to bring her friend to Port Atwood. You know, the one who turned out to be a spy and allowed the Undead Empire and Church of Everlasting Dao to attack the island, clog the portal to the mystic realm and kill Alea. Constantly ignore the obvious signs that their mother abandoned them. Take little to no measures to hide their technocrat heritage despite the fact that it's well known the system hates them. And made Zac have to buy jammers just to keep her from trying to log on to the technocrat internet which could risk Earth being found out. In fact my favorite moment in this entire story was in book 7 when Leandra killed Thea and we go to Kenzie's inner monologue. Where she admits that she got a big head and went forward with her evolution despite being warned by Zac AND JEEVES that she should wait and further prepare. This was my favorite part because it was a carthatic justification to every negative feeling I have for Kenzie and for a brief time I thought Theya was finally dead. She's another leech on Zac but to a lesser extent. That's a story for a later day. To sum up, Kenzie is an entitled parasite that does nothing but cause trouble for Zac and let Jeeves progress her cultivation for her. She's like Uona the chick from the pv and that brat from Tsarun clan. Only difference is we're supposed to like this Mary Sue because she sometimes helps Zac and she is his sister. Also the voice the narrator in the audiobooks uses for her does her no favors. It like they told the guy to use the voice of a brat. At least it fits.

john henderson

There should be no reason it wouldn't, it was stated before that attributes are power taken from the Heavens, so they're a part of him. Judging by the fact he can still access the dao and cosmic energy, his attributes and fate should remain unaffected. I think that is one of the reasons the technology is considered so advanced, as it would probably be a lot easier to block out everything, but doing so would leave you effectively powerless.


He wins constantly what are you on about


Even if that is all true, it doesn't change that they're family. It's actually pretty realistic and good characterization in my opinion, to have Zac do things to help family that he loves, despite the personal cost. I have family that is very annoying and I don't like being around, but I still love them and will sacrifice to help them. Also, recent chapters show that kenzie is fully aware of her mother's lies and is currently going through a character growth arc of taking care of herself. She might even escape from leandra on her own. Jeeves might help organize and perfect her path, but she's the one deciding what that path is.


I don’t think technology vs cultivation is really the main end game. At the largest scale the mysteries/problems seem to be about the Terminus and things that have spanned multiple eras.


In vitro fertilization. However, the donation of Sperm does not a dad make. It has been specifically stated that Zac considers Richard Atwood his dad, biological or no. I believe it was the arc around the time Zac faced his tribulations at the beginning of E-grade.


Now this is the DotF I've been missing in my life

Darnell Maxwell

Cap. 1) She's Zac's family not mine. I as a reader have been given no reason to like her. 2) Can you tell me anything about her path. I know 3 things about Kenzie's path. She makes use of technocrat technology, she's good with array's and uses daos based on the elemental peak. And guess what. JEEVES IS THE REASON FOR ALL OF THAT!! Jeeves controls the robots for her. Jeeves understands and makes the arrays for her and Jeeves is the entire reason why she chose to get dao fragments revolving around that peak. They literally state it in the book. Kenzie has no say in her path. This is Jeeves path, she is just the vessel. 3) You cannot go through a character arc of self growth when any and all danger is being taken care of by other people. I'll admit I skipped the part of the chapter Kenzie appeared in. But unless Leandra set her free on some planet like Theya then she's being protected from any and all dangers in the multiverse. So that once again leaves Tribulation lightning. And guess what Zac is protecting her from that to! So please tell me what struggle Kenzie, not Jeeves, KENZIE is going through? What is she actively doing without the help of Jeeves to progress on this arc and somehow escape without Zac's help? It's ok if you personally are neutral on Kenzie or like her "character arc" but for me she is nothing but a drain on the series. Personally I hope Zac gets effected by the splinter when the Atavism happens and eats swallows up any lingering love he has for that parasite. At least then she will have improved the story by being a permanent cost Zac payed on his path to power. Because so far Zac has had no long term consequences for using the remnants power.


I think you mixed up Emily and Kenzie at one point there? Also, there have been long-term consequences, he just hasn't paid them in a way that will immediately impact him... Longevity loss. Which, for all intents and purposes, means nothing for the story, so you're right in that sense.


The technocrat war has spanned multiple eras. The terminus is the end but there has to be a reason and conflic that leads there. The last few chapters have basically set up the rest of the story as Zacs war with his two conflicting bloodlines. He’s from the Void Emperor and the Kayar-Elu who were two of the strongest factions in the limitless emperors/technocrats war. If that’s not foreshadowing for endgame I don’t know what is. He is the bridge between cultivation and technocrates (sort of, Kenzie is too though).


Agreed, at this point his mom is a quest giver so we an go on an "adventure" to learn about the people that are now directing the story. Glad it is coming up on an off month for me.

Jeremy Stohl

So did the oblivion remnants go with Arcaz and the creation remnants stay with Zac or has that come up at all yet?


But my understanding was that the limitless empire and the technocrats are all the current era. The previous era ended, then we had some void period with the first people before the Dao returned. Then we got the limitless empire/technocrat stuff. Followed by the creation of the system which led to a cataclysm while the system booted up and all that and the present is still the current era.


So I may be wrong, but my understand was always that limitless empire and techno rates was the previous era. The system led to the cataclysm which ended that era, leading to this one. Can’t remember when the first people existed, but I thought they rose up during the cataclysm when dao was taken from the multiverse by the system?


If we get lucky he'll run late and the system will cripple her while she shields Kenzie, that way she doesn't pop up like an annoying NPC every few hundred chapters.


But a lot of people survived the system cataclysm, we have heard about the Draugr who had issues during the time with no access to Miasma, it seems implied Sendor is that old, and subordinate factions of the limitless empire are still alive. I don’t think anything survives the end of an era except for the eternal heritages.


I don't think it works that way. I think he needs both to be balanced


It am intrigued by the Tayn Family history. Are they from a previous era or just another powerful faction with an Eternal Heritage?


I KNOW just dip zac should just wash his hands of the situation sever the karma himself. hes letting his mother control everything


so what zac should do once he hits the peak is double down on the hate of the dao of tech make her path even more in the dirt

Thenais (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 05:46:00 The return of Best Mom Ever - always there to push her kids forward
2023-04-28 03:44:38 The return of Best Mom Ever - always there to push her kids forward, free them of thots and give them juicy epic quests

The return of Best Mom Ever - always there to push her kids forward, free them of thots and give them juicy epic quests


A few thoughts. I agree with you Darnell Maxwell that Kenzie has not been fleshed out enough to be terribly interesting. However, I still think she plays an important roll in this story. She is the the primary driving motivation for Zac to initially progress as a cultivator beyond the integration of Earth into the system. Whether this is still the case is debatable, but her rescue is still a concrete long term goal. Something that most cultivation stories lack beyond the vague goal of just endlessly gaining strength for no apparent reason. Also she is an important tool that TFD can use to justify Zac being shoehorned into interesting journeys. Like say sneaking into a technocrat base to obtain on object to save his sister.


Let her die. Who cares.


What do you mean she is the one deciding her path? She is following the path that Leandra is telling her to. Even to the point where she had to modify her Dao to an esoteric one to hide from the Heavens while cultivating. Which she is only doing out of fear of her mother just killing her and taking Jeeves. Oh, and one more thing she did that Darnell forgot to mention. She recklessly sold array breakers through Calrin and earned the Thayer Consortium a large number of rivals. There were even bounties put out.

Darnell Maxwell

If the only positive thing you can say about a character is that they are a plot device. That means they're a bad character. 😑

Brian Block

I think learning Thea is alive will make him even angrier. If his mother had just killed her it would have been painful and he would have had to carry the memory forever, but now his mother tricked him to think she killed her and kept the truth from him. That doesn't even bring up the fact that the situation she put Thea in is incredibly dangerous and she only survived by getting lucky and having a connection to Zac.


This guy. Right, who cares about our MC's primary long term objective. Its not like protecting his sister was his main motivation from the beginning or anything.

Shafan Knight

Or... What if TFD has Kenzie split like Zac did, but instead of being linked, Kenzie and Jeeves become their own separate entities and the Kayar-Elu then have a more powerful being in Jeeves that is not limited by the System. Jeeves being the actual tool designed to take out the system yet still under the Kayur-Elu's control.


I'm all for him saving her. But to be honest, she did bring a lot of shit of the current trouble on herself by not listening to the repeated warning her brother gave her. He can't save her from herself forever.

Jesse Wilkerson

every time she shows up it makes me think of that one mothers basement video "how to sucessfully neglect your children" something like that. funny stuff

Michael Fannon

Considering she is now on a path for a broken peak, the system. And admit it, you want to see her reaction when she learns Thea is still alive.

Michael Fannon

My running theory is that Karz, Zac's likely biological father, was made into the system.

Michael Fannon

After the PV arc, I'm pretty sure the end goal of the technocrats is to add the dao of technology as part of the grand dao as a new pillar. Remember how the whole conflict of the multiverse is the 8 by 9 thing? What if technology is added to be the 18th peak and brings true balance to the heavens? Since bringing balance to the heavens is the goal of a lot of really old monsters and powers, maybe that is why the heartland factions are helping Leandra?

Michael Fannon

My thoughts: Kenzie will willing join he mothers cause afte finding out about Thea and the true history, and eventually become one of the major final antagonists.

Michael Fannon

Karz is likely the system. The system is a "broken AI", meaning that it was made, at least in part, by the technocrats. The system is looking more and more less of a training tool and more of a way to mend the heavens. So maybe the task of making the system was a joint venture built on peace before something went wrong or someone betrayed the others, and the system was never fully completed, making it broken.

Michael Fannon

Or maybe Leandra really does care about Zac and Kenzie, but throwing kids into certain death trails is how powerhouses raise their kids. And being an old monster with millions of years of experience, she is no doubt manipulate Zac to do what is best for him. If he survives that is.

Michael Fannon

So, just pointing this out since I just realized this, Zac is 100% going to this lab. Why? Because it was the personal work space of Zac's grandpa who also happened to be a peak supremacy and leader of a peak faction. There is going to be treasure in there worth more than anything else Zac has encountered except Ultom.


So if iz gets Lord Atwood and Cat gets Lord Black Thea gets billy? Lol

Mason W

It would be great if Zac had a master plan of his own instead of just getting whiplashed around by peak forces.


Definitely not from a previous Era. The only thing it seems that can cross into another Era is eternal heritages and what is within them. Some other objects too.


The limitless empire and technocrats are from earlier in this Era. They have eternal heritages from previous era.

Random Information

So what is going to be the end-of-the-month cliff to finish today's chapter? Maybe Earth's forces are already at war somewhere and Zac needs to get there fast?

Michael Fannon

That was only shown during the flashback made by the system, so it is unknown how much of that is real.

Michael Fannon

The man who raised him and is the biological father of Kenzie is not Zac's biological father. It is unknown who that is, but is likely either Karz or a direct descendant. He was sealed as an embryo for thousands of years while Leandra healed enough to make to Earth, and was born 2 years after that. Not unheard of, since Iz was sealed in a similar fasion for millions of years. Also, given that Leandra had sealed her memories, I'm going out on a limb here that it was probably Richard and Leandra getting together that unsealed Zac.

Michael Fannon

They exist with his soul aperture. Zac still only has one soul and one core, so both bodies have access to both sets simultaneously.

Michael Fannon

Either Thea and Everlasting Peace are on Earth waiting to see him, Zac is about to go upgrade the shipyard, or Emily wants to introduce her new boyfriend.

Matt Spratte

I wont F5 like crazy today, let someone else get first. lol I am not eager to read that cliff

Lex Luther S

Zac cant upgrade the ship yard until he gets a quest and by the sounds if it, it'll involve a very high quota of ships sold while zac probably being at a certain cultivation level. With thea and the abbot being on earth; that's a good possibility, but don't forget even Iz said that if her grandpa hadn't prepared a back up method, she'd of never gotten through the shroud and that its particularly strong so they may not have been able too get in

Mike Naka

What's the greatest trick TFD could ever pull? Convincing you Thea and Zac belong together. -Keyser Soze

Lex Luther S

Theas' character isn't bad; but as a love interest, she's very one note and Mehh Catheya had far better character development and build up to becoming zacs woman. It's why Iz becoming zacs lover would open up so many avenues TFD could take this after ultoms end.

Lucas Gulick

Yeah but Thea has super strong Karmic links to Zac / earth. That's how the Great Redeemer was planning on reaching earth in the first place so it should be possible

Lucas Gulick

Let the refresh spam begin!!


We’ll it was implied that m the technocrates have enhanced cognition. Maybe he awakens that at some point because right now intelligence is his dump stat


Two bodies is quite an interesting way to avoid the Thea / Cathyrn harem dillema


No it's not. He's still one mind, two halves of one soul. It'll still be multiple partners.


The Doa of Harem makes it way into any long running serial regardless of author. Also Zach and Iz are fated.


So Zac is just a "Zero Affinity Chamber"? A void container that the Technocrats wanted to fuse Jeeves into so they could launch their anti-dao android bomb at the Terminus, dismantling the cosmos-spanning doomsday weapon that is the System and ending the current Era? Or if not a 'bomb", maybe Jeeves was meant to hack the System through the back door at the end of time? It's possible the Void Emperor has admin access or something, too.

Michael Fannon

My take was that the plan for Zac originally was to use the strongest bloodline possible to creat the ultimate cultivator, fuse him with the greatest invention of the technocrats, and use his mother's bloodline toe hide the technocrat parts from the system. Eventually, Zac would have become an apostate of technology, possibly creating a new pillar of dao and forcing the system to accept them. I think this failed because the void emperor bloodline is from Karz, who I think was made into the system, was able to sense his bloodline and found them.

Chris Robey

Possible correction/ adjustment. Would arcaz appear 3 hours later or just a few minutes later? He was on the perennial vastness for 3 hours which is like a few minutes in earth.


I’m sorry but leandra probably was the only one of the tree of them who knows how to fix the problem with the system. Remember that Kenzie originally ignored Jeeves for a while back at the very beginning and during this chapter I got the feeling that the only reason Jeeves and Kenzie are obeying leandra is because they might die if they don’t.

Darnell Maxwell

Pretty sure they just wanted the system to trear them like it does every other cultivator and incorporate the doa of technology into the system's purview. That way they could benefit from it as well instead of the system trying to kill them any chance it gets. Zac was just supposed to be the perfect host. With 0 affinities Jeeves could explore every doa on its way to the top instead of being forced down one path that aligned with its affinities.

Darnell Maxwell

Because he believed Kenzie Atwood would be there to keep him afloat despite the enemies she made. And instead what happened was she left Kalrin to clean up the mess she made while going to cultivate with her mother. So that ended up being another issue Zac had to take care. Don't care if that wasn't he intention. Still the same result.

Darnell Maxwell

False. Literally the chapter Zac reunited with Kenzie, she was saved by Jeeves. We then learn it upgraded her class in the tutorial and walked her through surviving the trials. Jeeves has been spoonfeeding her every step of the way. Also what do you mean specifically by "problem with the system". Not being sarcastic, I just genuinely don't know what your referring.