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'There's no Karmic link between my bodies?' Zac thought with surprise.

"How marvelous. I sensed something hidden within your body, but I didn't expect something like this," Sendor continued, seemingly talking to himself. "How did such a method elude my gaze? Why can't I figure it out even now?"

"Even you can't tell?" Zac said, the words coming out of his other self.

"I can tell neither is a clone. Both are real," Sendor said. "But there is not a shred of Karma connecting you. That should be impossible. New threads should form even if the process somehow severed your fate and split you in two. Both halves are indelible parts of yourself and your path, yet you might as well be strangers.

"That is doubly true if you're one entity sharing two bodies. Those at the peak might be able to hide the connection between their avatars through force. However, you're just a Hegemon, and you're inside my domain. It shouldn't be possible for you to hide any connection between your selves. So are you one or two?"

Zac didn't immediately answer. Instead, a scowl appeared on his face as he parsed what the Realm Spirit had just said. "Something inside my body? Did you know this would happen? Was my fate another interesting thing you wanted to observe?"

"Of course," Sendor said, clearly unfazed by the accusatory tone. "That is the trade. You get to enjoy the resources within my worlds and get assistance with your core formation. In return, I get to observe the process in search of answers."

Zac wanted to retort, but he knew the Realm Spirit had a point. The amount of resources he'd extracted from the Perennial Vastness over the years was shocking, and that didn't account for the unique opportunities like the Keys of Ascension and his Core Formation Setup. Looking back at the process, there was no way he would have succeeded with his core formation if he had tried it back in Zecia.

He even got his hands on an invaluable inheritance of the First People, and Sendor showed no indication of wanting it back. Of course, all that didn't mean the situation wouldn't leave a bad taste in his mouth.

"Still, you could have warned me," Zac muttered.

"And what would you have done?" Sendor smiled. "If I couldn't figure it out, how would you? My warning would just become an anchor holding you back. All things considered, things worked out quite nicely. "

Zac gave up and instead considered Sendor's other words. If Sendor truly wanted to get to the bottom of Zac's body, he would, one way or another. The System interfered during their previous encounter, but that was because Sendor was about to divulge some taboo secrets. The old Realm Spirit might even be able to help him figure out some aspects of his situation.

This might even be an opportunity to make some money.

"The answer to those questions doesn't seem to fall under the trade you mentioned," Zac eventually said. "I could tell you, but you'd need to provide something of sufficient value in return."

"Fine, brat. What do you want?" Sendor said with exasperation.

"Valsa brought a piece of her ancestor into this place…" Zac said. "And I'm soon heading into an even more dangerous place, where people like Valsa will be a dime a dozen. I want an edict to protect myself."

"No way," Sendor said. "Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. The System's full attention is on this trial. There'll be no bending rules or sneaking things inside."

Zac was more relieved than disappointed by the rejection. Getting an edict would have been nice, but it wasn't crucial as long as the others couldn't bring one inside.

"Still, those from the heartlands are bound to have powerful lifesaving means," Zac said.

"One mark," Sendor said. "A piece of my spirituality at the limits of what the System will allow. I warn you, though, it will have a consciousness of its own. I will not attack one of the connected brats and break my promise of neutrality. At most, I'll block their attacks or trap them while you run away."

"Fine, but one piece for each body. And one to Catheya and Ogras."

Sendor's face turned ugly, but he slowly relaxed his face. "Fine! Both your bodies, but not those two. It would go too far. Ask for something else."

Zac had expected as much and countered with his real desire. "Provide the two with some other opportunity, then. Something suitable for them. And after they've broken through, not before. Send them back a year before the inheritance."

Sendor looked like he was about to reject, but a smile suddenly spread across his face.

"You're asking me to remold their fate," Sendor said. "You should know, such a thing is not as simple as me throwing a couple of inheritances their way. I'll warn you because I like you; if you ask this of me, you'll sow Karma, and sating my curiosity isn't enough to resolve it. Forming Karma with someone at my level can have unexpected consequences."

"Like what?"

"Who knows? I'm quite powerful, and my fate is like a bottomless ocean," Sendor grinned. "I'm like the Sangha; people just end up inside me and become my helpers. You've met a few of my disciples and refugees already. Seeing your penchant for trouble, I'd guess you'd end up in the second group."

Zac looked at the horned avatar for a few seconds. "I'll take my chances. Can you do it?"

"It's a small matter. I'll call in a few favors."

Zac nodded in thanks. This was the thing he was most worried about. In a perfect world, he would provide all the people back home with opportunities, but time was running out. The others were just too far behind to contend for the prizes of the Left Imperial Palace. They would, at most, be able to stumble onto some minor opportunities while staying out of harm's way.

Only Catheya and Ogras had the potential to accompany him into the inner parts of the trial, where he expected to encounter the real elites from the Multiverse Heartlands. If he could use this opportunity to help his girlfriend and best friend, why not? He could hold the fort back home while they advanced their cultivation.

There was certainly a self-serving component to this idea. He was outmatched and alone when it came to the trial. The Undead Empire had its own designs and couldn't be trusted, while Iz had responsibilities to her family. She would likely have helped him if it were some frontier trial, but this was an Eternal Heritage. He couldn't ask Iz to give up on that to help him hunt side treasures.

Left alone, Zac lacked the qualifications to fight for the best opportunities within the Left Imperial Palace. However, meeting Kruta and Esmeralda had already set a foundation for something promising. With two avatars and two more capable helpers on his side, he suddenly had a proper squad. They wouldn't be the strongest group around, but they had a shot at making a killing inside.

And the odds would only get better the more benefits Zac extracted from the Realm Spirit.

"Since it was a small matter, let's call it a freebie. Next, I want to bring the Core Formation setup back home. Also, a couple of Middle-stage D-grade Supr—" Zac said but was interrupted by a wave of Sendor's arm.

"I'll stop you right there," Sendor said. "I can't mess around with your fate too much. You are marked, and the System has its own thoughts. I can tell it's a bad idea to meddle with your cultivation, but I have a feeling a path will show itself to you soon enough."

Zac grimaced. The Realm Spirit might have been making excuses not to avoid spending money, but Zac felt he was telling the truth. If the Pathstrider title wasn't enough, he'd just gotten another title that felt like a target on his back. Meanwhile, war was brewing in Zecia. Zac wouldn't be surprised the System was prepared to send trouble his way, trouble with rewards so tantalizing he couldn't say no.

"Something else, then," Zac said, ignoring Sendor's raised brow. "I want an answer. About my ancestor."

"I really can't talk about that, for both our sakes. Didn't you see the System's reaction the last time? The Void Emperor and the Limitless Emperor set the stage for this era. It's dangerous to delve into those secrets with the era's ultimate direction still up in the air," Sendor muttered. "Besides, I've already helped you out plenty."

"Wh—" Zac said, but his eyes widened as a burst of images appeared in his mind.

Of the Ogre Autarch hiding in a dimensional pocket, looking at his breakthrough with greed in his eyes. Of Sendor capturing him and sending him into some vortex. He also noted that Lova was there, disapproving of Engo's plans but making no moves to stop him.

The scene filled him with a sense of defeat. It was a cruel world where everyone was looking out for themselves.

"Thank you," Zac said, his back slick with sweat from having been targeted by a Peak Autarch. "Still, keeping your people in line shouldn't be considered doing me a favor. I doubt the System would let your followers wantonly attack youngsters in a trial like this."

"Greedy brat," Sendor muttered before a mischievous smile spread across his face. "Fine, I'll disregard Engo's transgression. That doesn't change the fact my options are limited. Luckily, I came prepared with something else that might interest you."

"What's that?"

"I can tell you about the Kayar-Elu."


Kenzie sat in silence, surrounded by eight gleaming runes. The arrays looked simple, but they were just the tip of an iceberg of vast networks the size of small countries. Every hour, they used enough resources to bankrupt Earth. Each rune flickered with lights and impressions with such speed Kenzie couldn't keep up, but she wasn't meant to.

Jeeves was fast at work, using the distilled truths of the purification arrays to further modify her four Dao Branches. Kenzie only needed to incorporate the changes into her understanding. She still felt some reluctance and alienation when sensing the refined Dao fluctuations from four of the arrays, but she knew that she didn't have much choice.

A low rumble, audible only to herself and Jeeves, indicated the seclusion was nearing an end. Three months wasn't long, but it was a distinct improvement compared to when three of her Dao Branches were still purely within the Peak of the Grand Element. Back then, she could only cultivate for a couple of weeks before the System caught her scent.

Kenzie hadn't expected that cultivating a peak fully integrated into the System by one of the Apostates would have such a troublesome consequence. It acted like a homing signal for the System, a signal that had only grown more powerful as her Daos and Jeeves evolved. Jeeves could still avoid the System gaze, but it would just be a matter of time before they were caught.

Even Leandra seemed surprised by the situation, even if she hadn't let anything on. Like Kenzie, Leandra had likely thought the System would look the other way after the initial punishment that eradicated their clan. However, the System grew less willing to accept her existence for every step she took. Reaching Hegemony had been the tipping point, where it actively started to hunt her down.

As such, a plan was set in motion. If the Elemental Daos were the reason she was being exposed, then the Elemental Daos needed to change. And with Kenzie's accidental inclusion of wind as an element, Leandra came up with a solution that wouldn't require her to reset her cultivation. Such an undertaking would be incredibly difficult, even with Jeeves aiding her. Kenzie even feared Leandra would cut her losses and extract Jeeves if things reached that point.

The solution could be found in the sibling Peaks of Heaven and Earth. The almost forgotten Earthly Peak was one of the rarest cultivation directions, not just because it had yet fully reformed. It was difficult to understand, and its strengths were not readily apparent. It was sometimes called the Inverse Peak due to its ability to transform other Daos, and it was a dominant force in the lower planes.

Many believed that the incomplete dimensions of the lower planes were required to prop up the prime realities, but they didn't see much other use for the Earthly Peak. Even the summoners and mages using the hidden planes to power their skills or call upon familiars generally cultivated the matching Dao of the plane they connected with. In contrast, the Heavenly Peak had quite a few followers, thanks to it encompassing the Daos of Wind and Lightning.

The System didn't share the cultivation world's indifference to the Earthly Peak. The Heavenly Peak represented the System more than any other, evidenced by its purpose and the Tribulation Lightning. Even the Apostate of Order only helped streamline its methods. Since the Peaks of the Heavens and Earth could be considered part of the same coin, the Heavens couldn't reach perfection before the Earth was restored.

As such, it was another broken peak, one that the System was most interested in mending. Innumerable years of effort had yielded results, and the peaks were nearing completion well ahead of schedule. But it still wasn't quite there. By incorporating these two peaks into her cultivation, Kenzie would weaken the link from the Elemental Peak and make the System think twice about striking her down.

After all, she had a small chance to succeed where the Apostate of Mercy failed.

Gust, already being part of the Heavenly Peak, would borrow from the Earthly Peak. Today, her wind-attuned Dao Branch had become the Branch of the Inverse Wind—Heavens taking on the aspects of the Earth. To balance it out, her Earth-based Dao had been pushed from an Elemental Peak to enter the Earthly Peak while taking on an aspect of the Heavens, becoming the Branch of the Seal Mountain.

The next step was to connect the two remaining Elemental Daos. The Branch of the Inferno was now the Branch of the Reformatory River, a combination of Fire and Earth. Finally, she'd infused the truths of Lightning into her water-attuned Dao, forming the Branch of the Tribulatory Sea.

It would have been downright impossible for anyone else to make such a drastic shift after already having entered Hegemony. It wasn't just a matter of affinities; every aspect of her cultivation was being rewritten in a way that shouldn't be possible. Skills, Classes, Constitution, Soul, Cosmic Core; everything needed to be updated to accommodate her new direction.

Only Jeeves was able to accomplish something like that. And even he needed a lot of help.

Kenzie still didn't know how Leandra had managed to convince the Heavenly Palace of the Six Profundity Empire to gift them such a large section of the Immemorial Realm. Her identity as a Core Disciple of the Hidden Sect was certainly not enough for such treatment, and neither was Leandra's status as a Formation Guest Lecturer. The generosity felt like a dagger against her back more than anything else.

What could she do but accept? She wasn't willing to be struck down by the Heavens. Today, the whole region had been turned into her private cultivation environment, a luxury that only the Sage and a few of the Palace's Autarchs could enjoy. Kenzie could only hold on and desperately study to ensure she understood the details of her transformation and her new Daos. She hadn't left her seclusion for a decade, not even when Jeeves was forced to power down.

Part of the reason was that the price of ignorance had been engraved into her bones. She wouldn't forget the painful lesson from when she was brought away from Earth. The other reason was fear. Fear that she would one day be considered redundant, that Jeeves alone was enough for Leandra to accomplish her goals. If that day ever came, she needed to be ready. She needed full control over every aspect of her cultivation, if only to ensure she could hold it hostage.

Days passed as one tendril of unblemished Dao after another was extracted from the arrays. They were then split up, often into elements so small Kenzie could barely sense them, before they were implanted with expert precision by the AI. Some entered her core, others her cells, pathways, or even her soul. The pattern appeared without rhyme or reason, but Kenzie knew Jeeves followed a meticulously laid-out plan.

A sudden rumble forced the process to a halt, and Kenzie opened her eyes with a sigh of relief. She didn't bother trying to contact Jeeves—it would take a few days before the AI activated again after the warning. A moment of respite where she could try to catch up to her untiring companion.

"Three months… Still acceptable," a quiet voice echoed through the chamber, giving Kenzie a start. It had been quite a while since Leandra spoke to her in person.

It had only taken six months for the harmonious façade to show cracks. Kenzie simply wasn't able to keep up the charade. Zac's despairing face popped up in her mind every time she smiled at Leandra, and Kenzie died a little inside every time. Furthermore, she suspected that Leandra actually knew that Jeeves had shared the events yet seemed unbothered by that fact.

Leandra still assisted her cultivation with wholehearted dedication, but their relationship had cooled beyond that. Their dynamic was more like that of a teacher and disciple than of mother and daughter, and neither tried to change that. If anything, it felt like too much. Kenzie hated the fact that she was still fully reliant on Leandra.

After reforming her constitution and resuming her cultivation, she'd hoped she would have found an opportunity to break free. But as the years passed, Leandra only became more integral to her progress. Without Leandra's computers, Jeeves wouldn't be able to calculate the path forward. Without Leandra's connections, the transformation would have forever remained a theory.

Even more, Kenzie hated that she still didn't dare voice her misgivings. She'd written hundreds of speeches in her mind, scathing denouncements, yet they remained unspoken. Every time she looked into Leandra's eerily calm eyes, the words died in her throat. Because within those eyes was the unshakable conviction of a fanatic who'd do anything to achieve her goals.

Kenzie hesitated a moment before stepping out of her chamber, finding Leandra sitting at a table in the garden.

"The first branch will soon return to Late Mastery," Leandra commented, getting a terse nod in return.

"It works, but the effect is limited," Kenzie said. "Sooner or later, the interference of the Broken Peaks won't be enough. You might have to seal me."

"You're correct, but we have yet to reach that point. You should be able to form Earthly Daos and reach the peak of D-grade with the current measures," Leandra said with a small smile, her eyes shifting to the shimmering sky. "And as luck would have it, I've found a permanent solution."

Kenzie slowly nodded, feeling confused rather than relieved. Not being under constant threat of annihilation would be nice, but what was that flicker of emotion in Leandra's eyes just now?



thank you TFD :)


Clifs on top of Clifs, built over Clifs and under Clifs, within Clifs and around Clifs overlooking Clify Clifs. This is it, the Clif has broken me, I'm a broken man.

Rushin Lad

This story keeps blooming I don't know about ya'll but this is like crack to me


I dont like Kenzie. Please just kill her off.


The audible sigh I had when I saw another PoV mid chapter


So true. She is the worst character in the entire series by far.


So long since we heard from kenzie.


Nice! Glad to hear from Kenzie and see what life is like for a scion of a great power


Plotwise, she is Leandra's back-up Zac, there is no way she's going anywhere. She also happens to be one of Zac's biggest reasons for cultivating. He wanted to get stronger from the beginning to find her. This entire series was planned around Zac, Kenzie, and Jeeves, and it's extremely obviously the case, so it amazes me to see comments like this.


Ah, Zac's double is about to get kidnapped and have its Dao shoved back in Zac so the shell can be used by Leandra thereby reforming our favorite Edgewalker and deleting this double body nonsense. Just let me believe.


I know that and it would be really bad for the story if she were to die. But you have to admit that she didnt work for anything she has and that its just really frustrating to me (and many other i guess).


I don’t see the problem. I’ve seen so much moaning in here the past couple weeks. She’s fine.


The problemis that she didnt work for anything that she has and still behaves as if she were some great genius. She isnt. She just had luck (massive luck) that she got Jeeves


You to forget she actually loves her son and isn’t actually a fanatic.

Darnell Maxwell

I refuse to read anything about Kenzie. But other than that... I WAS RIGHT!!! Zac can have so much bad Karma or just go on a rampage now with one body and not at all implicate the other! This is gonna be so much fun! Now the question is who will be the executioner in the trial? Will it be a return of the Deviant Asura or the enemy of the Heartlands Arcaz Black!😈

Philip Pleiss

I mean, respect to Zac for having a pair of big ol brass ones that spark when they clank together, but I dunno if it is a good idea to keep pushing it with these supreme existences. He almost comes across as petulant when he makes these demands. Like a kid demanding compensation for doing household chores. One of these days he is gonna ask for something worth too much, and the person will give it to him anyways, ending up with debt to some baaaad people. I did notice that Sendor let the answer to his question slip without actually "answering" it. He just confirmed that the Limitless Emperor and the Void Emperor were two different beings, and they both created the system.

Justin van mele

Look a eyebrow twitch mom is a bit happy that her boy made D-Grade, how sweet.


I held out hopes that Leandra would be an ally even if she had goals that might conflict with Zac. But I get more and more of a foreboding feeling every time she is mentioned. This in particular sounds like she plans to target Zac in Ultom somehow to help Kenzie and Jeeves. I still believe Kenzie will figure out how to checkmate her mother and save Zac though. You can't give a super computer with infinite potential to somebody and have full control over them.

Random Information

No she doesn't. She realized back when she was first kidnapped that Jeeves was responsible for all her success.


Please don't keep Zac split, I was hoping Sendor could smoosh him back together or something


Lmao her whole part this chapter is her pointing out that her only value right now is as a container for Jeeves and desperately trying to change that so she doesn’t get axed when she outlived her usefulness as storage space. Where’s this part where she acts like she’s a great genius?


In the last chapter Zac speculated about why he splited in two, reading what is happening with Kenzie I am wondering if the split is a defence mechanism. It would make some sense the system wants to get rid of jeeve not kenzie splitting both bodies one can get the benefit of all the calculation whitout any negative effect, henceforth why there is a feature that cut the karmic link. Then you would only have to protect the "machine" side.

Matt Spratte

bro same!!! i want the Zac situation fully explained and explored already


Yeah my opinion is relatively strong about her. I reread the chapter and have to apologize, youre right. My opinion is just a bit outdated


Why do I feel like Leandra is going to steal one of Zac's bodies


Think about it jeeve is a machine, no energy and could probably hide easily and then make all the calculation for the main body whitout the link

john henderson

reading comprehension is hard for some people, after all. Ironically, these same people who say that everything is just given to Kenzie through Jeeves have no issue with a system spoonfeeding Zac encounters back to back to accelerate his growth way beyond what is possible for a frontier mortal. Sure his stuff hurts a little more, but he also gets the freedom to go where he pleases and make his own decisions, whereas Kenzie is held captive and forced to endure under Leandra. She can't even have friends. I would honestly rather be in his position than hers anyday.

john henderson

I'm curious about that actually, there's no karmic link between the two, but it hasn't described the situation between the double and the rest of the people Zac has encountered, and based on Sendor not knowing which was which, I would assume the karmic links to others are probably similar.

john henderson

I noticed that as well, and I thought it was pretty rad. I think the comparison to household chores is a bit off though, as he is holding information that is valuable to Sendor, but he's clearly too inexperienced to establish a valuation himself. If anything its like when you trick a kid into reading by paying them a nickel for every book they finish.


Yeah I want to know more about the Kayar-Elu as well. Bring on the next chapter already.


Huh? I don't think so? There's been no evidence of that, even the one time we got a POV from her before she smited Thea. Think about it this way: She's been working on this goal for thousands of years, and her children are just tools she designed to aid her goal. They've been around for 0.000000001% or less of her life. She's definitely a psycho fanatic, not a loving mother pretending to be a fanatic.


So much complaining about the two bodies when he has only had it while conscious for an hour.

Alec H

She’s going to send Kenzie into the left imperial palace to snatch one of the 9 treasures.


Good catch. I hadn't noticed until I read your comment.


When Yrial told Zac the Apostate of Mercy had a fight with the Sangha I though she won that fight, but it turns out she was unable to reach the Peak of Heaven and Earth she was going for and had to link the Peak of the Elements, so the name Grand Materia that showed up in PV is not just another name of the same peak is the upgraded Peak of the elements just like Oblivion is for Dead and Creation is for Life. The apostate of Greed was unable to go for the full peak of continuum and was only able to link the peak of space. The previous apostates where able to link full Peaks into the System (Nature, Order and whatever the first apostate Linked). That means the fights for the Peaks are getting more violent and Zac is trying his hand at Chaos... good thing he's going for the truths of conflict as well.


Yeah I thought it's weird how arrogant he was for no reason.

Blake Noyes

Honestly feels like half the comments in any chapter are by people who hate the story. Why would they invest time to read over a thousand chapters of something they complain about so much?


It's pretty clear why the split happened. Leandra already explained their goal, and Zac even mentioned it last chapter. They wanted to FUSE 2 Classes and Bloodlines together to sneak a Technocrat Class and constitution into the System. Zac split using Creation and Oblivion to survive the premature fusing. The split was not the plan. The lack of Karmic link is obviously a function of the duplicity core in aiding it in hiding the Tehnocrat nature of the originally planned Class/Constitution from the System.

Jeff Wells

I don't know that they both created the system, they could have been antagonistic, which would still set the stage for the current era. It could be why the Void is so dangerous, for example.

Blake Noyes

Imagine reading a thousand chapters of this story and having the audacity to complain about a character having a massive amount of luck

John Smith

Lots of words to say very little.

Chris Fey

She's not going to steal one of Zac's Bodies. She's going to steal a body belonging to the Z.A.C.


~~Even~~In truth, Leandra seemed surprised by the situation, even if she hadn't let anything on. (Repetitive; Stylistic suggestion)




I think it’s safe to assume Zac’s mom has some kind of passive surveillance on him. Is she gonna clone Kenzie?


The audacity? I dont expect the author to change/write anything because of me. But I do want to state my opinion so that other fans of the novel can respond and discuss. I dont mean ill toward anyone and just want to enjoy the story and talk to other fans. So please stay polite and dont insult.

Ether Harwell

I think that Zack will have to fuse his two bodies together at some point, as his end goal in his cultivation path is to fuse life and death and cultivate chaos, which is life and death combined

James Squibb

Leandra's solution is Zac since he is split. No Karma, no attachments.

Darnell Maxwell

If were going for max potential I would say the Arcaz body only has karmic threads related to Arcaz and vice versa. Especially since the Undead Empire, the people in the Orom and the Tayns are the only ones that know he is both.


Outside of taking Zacs second body I have no idea what leandra is planning. I just want to finally understand all the details of what's happening to Zac but it's fefinetely connected to what his mom is about to do.


How can Sendor send someone back in time? Is that an actual thing? Or did I miss read that section about Catheya and Ogras?


not realy life is the precurser to creation and death to oblivion and These make Chaos but close enough


We get our first view of Kenzie and Leandra in like 500 chapters and people get upset because Not Enough Zac lol. Readers are wild.

Ryan Berends

The author will still probably read your comment and that can still hurt. You're being pretty rude.


Nah, Leandra's solution is definitely going to be one of the 9 treasures that the elites from the Heartlands are after. Zac keeps talking about not wanting to face them directly. Needing to help Kenzie will be what forces Zac into direct conflict with them.


I think Leandra is playing the long game here. She’s clearly trying to make herself out to be a villain to Zac and Kenzie. She’s basically pulling an Itachi so that Zac and Kenzie will unite and protect each other to push to the peak. I have a feeling the twist is that she actually loves both her kids but realizes she needs to play the heartless fanatic to push them further


Well it is my opinion that he should kill her if its possible to do right, but he doesnt need to feel pressured, I will keep reading regardless.

Mason W

I need to understand the limits of Zac/Arcaz shenanigans!!! When he was talking to sendor was it in stereo?


Not send back in time. He is giving them opportunities they normally wouldn’t have basically changing their fate.


Yeah in one of the earlier chapters when we got her first POV she was awakened by Zac evolving despite the system seal on Earth. She’s def watching


So we all knew that Zac's plan to avoid the elites of the Heartlands during the trial wasn't going to work. Now we know exactly why. Kenzie needs either the Eternal Heritage or one of the treasure from the 9 courts. The moment he finds out, Zac is going to go full Super Brother Man trying to help her and that's going to put him on a direct collision course with ALL the big players.


But at the end of that part He asks "send them back a year before the inheritance." That's the part that seems like time travel to me, which I don't think we have ever heard about?


Have i not realized what Zac stood for this whole time gis name is a acronym!!

Sam Williams

I don't know how it differs from the current planned timeline, but Zac's asking that they be sent out of the Perennial Vastness a year before the Left Imperial Palace trial begins, which is still in the future.

Sprightly Ebbie

I'm still very confused about this Zac's body double. This seems like a cop out by TFD to give Catheya a stable relationship with the Arcaz persona since both Zac and Arcaz can now exist simultaneously. The whole appeal of Zac was his ability to switch between both pure races at will. So what is the end goal of this TFD?.


To earth or wherever PV spits them out. They’re in a giant time dilation, Zac is just organizing how late they can stay I think

Sam Williams

Eh, I think it only seems like he's being overly demanding because the scale we view the story from is so small. The Perennial Vastness is bordering on a becoming a universe unto itself, it really doesn't care about Hegemon-scale resources. It's like if we came upon an ant that we wanted to study to see if it held the cure for cancer and it was like "fine, but I want you to give me an entire birthday cake in exchange." That's an unfathomable amount of sugar for the ant but for us the $20 we spend on the cake is nothing compared to the billions we spend on cancer research.


Maybe if we ask after every chapter he’ll get annoyed and just spoil where the story is going! Or maybe we should all just RAFO

Timothy Dana

Not a cop out. Duplicity Core was a huge hint. Duplicity can mean lying or it can mean two faced. Two bodies, two faces? Get it?


That's right, I did remember the time dilation but I forgot they still had awhile before the inheritance actually started. Thanks for the clarification

Lorevi Q

I don't see the stable relationship with Catheya being real tbh. The two bodies are obviously going to fuse again in the future, probably during his ascension to C or B grade. His whole path is combining the two sides into Chaos after all.

Lex Luther S

Hmmmm, glad to see zac fleecing that old realm spirit🤣🤣🤣, also, major power ups fir ogras and catheya to keep them fully relevant, LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Also, quite interesting seeing kenzie again, kinda worried what their mother has in stored; she knew when zac broke through to E grade and there's no doubt she knows zac broke through to D grade; But that line "Flicker of emotion" worries me. I'm more interested in what zac learns about the Kayar-Elu, they've been an almost integral part of the plot yet we know so little about them; time to see how TFD flushes that out, hopefully next ch


They fuse when he reaches monarchy but during hegemony zsc will be 2 people. (As long as leandra doesn't steal one of the bodies.


Because the split costs Cosmic Energy makes me think it'll be something Zach will figure out how to turn on and off, I mean he use to only change form when he died


Simular. She definitely loves them and she isn't gonna be as heartless as she is portrayed right now. But she is definitely a ruthless and cutthroat person.


Fair. You don’t get to her rank without being cutthroat


What do you think avatars are? Like we’ve read about so many time in this fiction! I mean, this is a well known feature of hegemony and beyond. Some of y’all are so thick it makes me wonder if it’s intentional.


If you don’t like POV switches all the time, the next 2-4 years are going to painful now that we essentially have 2 MCs instead of one.

Greg Lambert

I find it annoying that Kenzie is Peak-D while leading the good life, while Zac is fighting for his life.

Aaron Schwartz

I’m fairly certain he said, in the last chapter that he fully intends to combine back into one being at some point when that becomes a feasible possibility, but that for now he would accept this situation.

Aaron Schwartz

I have to admit seeing that Kenzie has gotten this far ahead makes me nervous. I get that Leandra basically crammed cultivation down her throat with every single advantage. It was possible for her to be given in like an A grade environment. But part of me can’t help but think that if she did all her cultivation in a box, the second that she gets actually challenged it’s all gonna fall apart. Also, how is the peak of earth broken? thought the peak of heaven and earth was one peek and mercy already did it


Someone please remind me what the original timeframes were for Zac and his friends to compare/contrast what he’s asking for? He’s leaving 3 month(years) ahead of them but what are the changes in relation to the inheritance “real” time and their experiences? With everyone popping in and of of different dilations I’m getting confused. 😵‍💫


Its no wonder the system is targeting her, she's breaking the Law of Balance, Zac is strong sure but he get sapped a lot and he's always in danger As for the Apostate of Mercy she didn't finish the Peak of Heaven and Earth, according to Yrial she linked the Peak of the elements using the concept of Heaven and Earth. It seems her fight with the Sangha had unintended consequences.

Dave Richards

So is Kenzie going to join the competition for Ultom? The timing seems too coincidental.


I disagree for a few reasons. Leander obviously left mental imprints, other things, etc. behind in both kenzie and Zac. Kenzie most likely b/c of her vehemence that her mom was alive and wanted to find her. Could be a girl who wanted the mother she never knew. But considering this is a cultivation story, the darker answer is more right. I also think kenzie going after Ogras was also subliminal suggestion. The most powerful being is your brother with a protect baby sis complex, for additional protection let add the most powerful demon. I'm really hoping that that pans out later down the line. And finally leandra abandoned her children to try and restore herself, and be better prepared for the coming revenge. If she loved them they could have grown up inside of her with there father but both of them (kenzie mostly)being integrated in the system probably served her purpose.


Zac was always going to move past switching forms. Life coexisting with Death is a goal not just for his core and his cultivation but also his girlfriend and his empire.


The timing seems to be pointing hard in that direction, but if the goal is to avoid System attention, competing for Ultom seems like a really big risk when the System is all over it.


Somehow Zach bullying an s grade realm Spirit seems a bit unrealistic to me. I wonder if Sendor isn't intentionally manipulating him into asking for too much to make Zac karmically indebted to him


Dumn ass Zac! Getting a perminant assist core formation array is a great thing to get. But 30 perinneal vast tokens would be so much better in this situation. Great short term fix vs. long term sustanability, but considering the trail, short term is the way to go. He might could get them as freebies too if he asks Sendor how interested he is in cores formed upon Ultoms heritage.Sending his followers to PV would be ideal compared to having them build cores from treasures he could source from Zecia.


I don't think it will work that way. All that's been said is they don't have karma with each other. They each still have the same karma as the 1 body did before, so it's likely any karma 1 gains the other body will also. Meaning no escaping karmic ties, which would be way too op anyway. He can still easily mess with people though and they won't have a clue what's going on


“The almost forgotten Earthly Peak was one of the rarest cultivation directions, not just because it had yet fully reformed.” I think this should be “it had NOT yet fully reformed”. In the context of the writing? Also super confused about all this earthly dao, heavenly dao stuff


Can someone explain this please “after Ogras & Cathaya have broken through, sending them back a year before the inheritance."?


I get what you’re saying. But also on the flip side, Zac is a D-grade (though when most of this stuff happened he was an E-grade) and yet he is getting the attention of the system itself, ogre autarchs, his crazy autarch mother, Iz and her crazy family etc etc. So pushing for help when he feels he deserves it is important. … Plus I just think TFD likes writing about elders calling youngsters Brats 😂😂

Nick Pincus

So the taruin clan is like high D rank, and the max of zecia is C rank. So zac is not far from the top of zecia now and the taruin's comeuppance is not far now.


Got 20 bucks says we getting a mini arc before ultom. Feel like alot still needs to happen


@dols1618 I think you’re wrong. I read it as they have no karmic ties. So no karmic link between the bodies. Therefore what happens to one does not happen to other.


Sendor runs on time dilation. So he can slow down to speed up real time. As far as I understand Zac will be spit out 3 years before inheritance and Ogras and Catheya will be 2 years later. Zac has plans we just don’t know what they are yet.


We get a mini arc and then the war arc before Ultom. Don’t expect Ultom to start until next year at earliest (might put in death shores/life monks arcs and others before Ultom as well before it starts which will push back even further)

Gabriel F

Also time travel is possible, as we read about it with Leviala in the research base back on Earth. She had the DAO of time, but using it eventually killed her with the Heaven's tribulation.

Gabriel F

Maybe Leandra will meet or send a message to Zac demanding the retrieval of something in the inheritance in order to save Kenzie from a fate worst than death.


I've been going through the audiobooks again and I am on book 7. I was shocked when I realized that the initial integration still wasn't over.


That has been the way Zac has handled things since book 1. He has always had to look for short term gains as he has always had looming threats on the horizon. In fact, other than during the start of the series while he was still sneaking around the demon incursion, he hadn't really practiced anything until Orom's world. Orom's world was possibly one of the most fortunate opportunities that he had come across. He does very well when he has time to plan and train, but his fate hasn't allowed that often.


So is this confirmation that the Void Emperor and the Limitless Emperor are two different entities? Unless I missed it before, it has been a bit of a mystery.


Yea I hardly mind tho. He is writing 2ish books per year I hope it last 10 more years lol


Rather hear about Sap Trang tbh


Well, if Leandra does steal one of his bodies, there are three options there. 1. She will forcibly convert one of the bodies into a machine-based Technocrat, allowing the other body to cultivate and dually enhance each other since they are still one being. 2. Use one or both of the bodies to assist Kenzie somehow, likely by one or the other possessing the other. 3. Duplicity core removal and transfer. I don't think at this point she'd risk transferring Jeeves, but that is a longshot fourth. I'm hoping that she just makes Zac take her to Ultom with her.

Lex Luther S

Good catch, zac originally thought emperor limitless was his ancestor but it turned out that emperor limitless was Lando, the alchemist. Which means Karz was likely a key ally or helped rule in the shadows. But zac doesn't know and given the systems response it's likely we won't find out till zacs has the cultivation base to properly protect himself, which means Autarchy.


@Kyfe That is probably the best explanation for it that I've seen so far.

Jeremy Stohl

Guessing the moms gonna pit her kids against each other at the imperial palace fight


The whole idea of arcaz and zac having different wives is ridiculous you know that right? Everyone knows they're the same person if Zac does do something like that its not going to be under any stupid pretenses.

Philip Pleiss

How the heck did you get away with a nickel! My spawn demanded green paper with pictures of dead dudes. I was ashamed.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Great seeing Kensie again. Always keen for more of her.

Matthew Hay

There were 3 years in normal time to the trial start when they left, they entered a 10:1 time dilation which would mean 10 years inside (avg time for elites) would be 1 year outside, leaving 2 normal years until the war. Zac is leaving a little early at 8 PV years, so he arrives around 10 normal months after he left, plus travel time to/from the PV which sounded like it was a month relative (no clue if the travel is dilated). If he wants them to have an opportunity and return 1 normal year before the war, then they have whatever 10:1 PV time left to finish their cores and then a year or less in normal time for some opportunity.


So if Zac’s two body’s have no karmic ties to each other. Then won’t he have to merge back before the trials? Or will he get another court ticket for his 2nd body?


Can someone explain the peaks again to me? I don’t remember there being a proper explanation, and I read this so intermittently that it’s hard to follow

Matthew Hay

Her clan created the perfected duplicity core in the very least, so I think she'll be able to keep certain tabs on him until he evolves beyond the core or gets high enough grade to notice and thwart the tracking.

Matthew Hay

And if I remember right, Iz's grandmother seemed to travel back in time to try to recover her parent's souls but somehow they were destroyed throughout all time or something weird.

J. Guckeyson

I suspect the first Apostate/defier linked conflict, such a meteoric ascent had to have been fantastically violent


I think she wants revenge on the system and all this bs she’s putter the kids though is to push them forward. By the end the three of them will team up. The fact people believe she’s a crazy nutter is kinda weird.


I think she is also the limitless Empress to Zac’s Void Emperor.


@Greg did you read the same chapter I did? Kenzie hasn’t been living the good life. It may look that way to the outside…being fed every opportunity. But she is basically a captive who has been completely subjugated by her captor. Her entire life is now dependent on Leandra. And the system is stalking her like prey. She and Zac both have wildly different paths. From another perspective it could seem that Zac is living the good life and Kenzie is the one fighting for survival every day. Zac trips backwards into amazing opportunities. Kenzie is fed those opportunities by what amounts to her owner. They are different sides of the same coin.


I think ultimately Kenzie is the Limitless Empress to Zac’s Void Emperor.

Lucas Gulick

I think that they both count as one person for stuff like trial tickets, hard to know for sure

Lucas Gulick

Basically all the Daos merge or become refined by combination to more and more "high level" concepts. Ie Zac used to have the Dao of Rot that became Dao of Death. Eventually it can't be refined any more and reaches a peak, in Zac's case chaos. All of the peaks haven't been identified yet


I still want to hold out hope that Joanna or Emily or someone can make a strong showing in the War/Ultom. They feel like better representatives of Earth than Zac and it would be nice to see people accomplish things without Zac’s direct involvement.


The piece of spirituality that is going to be placed into Zac by Sendor has got to be Null right?


Anytime you have split PoV’s whether it’s two bodies, a clone, dao aspect, abilities, evil twin or whatever, it is no longer a single MC story. Why do you think everyone has been going nuts the last couple of days?


Would be nice for a few earthlings made a decent showing in the war at least


I have no doubt about Emily going far, but I really hope for Joanna myself

Mason W

Why Nine Seals and Eight Thrones?" "That, I don't know," Engo shrugged. "For some reason, that's how the Heavens are arranged. Eight Pillars lift the Heavens, and Nine Seals keep it all in check. If not for those at the top of the food chain having seized corners of the Dao, then each Peak Dao would have represented either a Seal or a Throne. This is how it's been for some Eras. Perhaps the inherent nature of Heaven.” Essentially 17 DAOs at each of the peaks, like order or Chaos. Kind of like a pyramid other Dao are below each peak, like Oblivion and Creation together form Chaos. Not all peaks have been discovered, Chaos is one that has not had a supremacy at the Peak to claim it. Once a peak is claimed, it defines an Era. The last Era was the Dao of order, which is why there is structure to the DAOs and leveling.

Abdullah Binateag

I hate the fact that some of his own people back on Earth are being left behind while some get these opportunities to advance much more. Some have more talent than others which I get but people like Joanna deserve much more than most on earth. Author please don't forget her. Also I wish we get to see new talents emerge on earth. It has been decades so a new generation that was born after the integration is all grown up now. Author please give us a full Empire not a few elites.


Yo some mystic realm / trial chapters of new earth cultivators following more unique paths of life and death.

Shafan Knight

I am laughing! Laughing so hard at all those complaining that Zac split in two. Laughing because the only reason that you’re angry is that you thought you had it figured out where the TFD was going with the story. Why not simply sit back and enjoy that he has a better plan than where you thought the story was going. He hasn’t done us wrong yet! This is great!


It's ok for you to have different preferences. In fact, if the changes match your preferences that's fantastic! But your mind reading of other people's experiences goes beyond incorrect into willfully ignorant and rude. Some people are disappointed at probable increased pov jumping. Some are going to miss the defining characteristic of a character they had come to love. Many explained their experience quite clearly. Making up a nonsensical explanation for their response is just being a troll.


That would take defiance of the fall to the next level. The system doesn't care about empires, just the elites. I wouldn't mind Zac investing a little more in defying that particular decline in capability.


Do they have a parent clan they are associated with or are they standalone?


They are the peaks of dao kinda like 1 makes 2 becomes 3. I personally believe theres an ultimate dao,but basically the dao is a giant painting that looks like a star where the farther you get from the center the higher tier it is. But not all the stars are completely painted yet.


Makes me wonder why Zac's mom hates the bloodline so much. I wonder if Katz contributed to messing up the initialisation in a way detrimental to tech integration.


Yep. Give him some brutally exhausting encounter that makes him break his limits. Maybe he only manages to defend earth from a sneak attack while everyone else is at war with the help of what's her name, the forward thinking Annointed. They can follow Zac's example and ignore impossibility, tagging along with his fate.


Don't know if she is that dumb. Zac isn't that unpredictable.

Ryan Berends

I think people are reading the whole karma thing wrong. He still has karma connections to other people and his actions, but his other half is not linked between the bodies. He can still form karma with other people but there is not a link between them. Does not mean he cannot form karma.


My understanding is that both bodies possess identical karma as they constitute a singular entity. Consequently, there exists no karmic linkage between the bodies, as an individual cannot have karma with oneself, which is also a rational notion since both bodies are fundamentally the same entity. Thus, if Body 1 performs an action that generates a karmic connection with a third party, Body 2 will similarly obtain a connection to the same individual. This is because both bodies are essentially one and the same.


I dont see how any single plot twist could make this story not worth reading. I was kinda disappointed with tfd about the whole aftermath of the mystic realm with Leandra and ogras, kenzie, thea gone. but then he came up with twilight harbor arc.... ^^

Random Information

I don't know if it's anyone else's opinion too (there are a lot of comments) but my take is that Leandra thinks Zac's splitting into two entities is the way forward for Kenzie too. Imagine the howls of anguish from the Kenzie-haters if there are two of her also! Although it would probably be Kenzie and a separate Jeeves, so maybe a slightly different situation.

Jeff Wells

I agree. DoTF is a cultivation novel first and foremost, which are known to be both huge and ridiculous in so many ways. It's a LitRPG on top of that, which also tend to be ridiculous. If you've enjoyed most of the story so far, well, there are probably another 500-1000 chapters to go, chances are TFD is going to write a lot more that you will enjoy. It seems weird to throw that away for a plot twist that isn't even fully fleshed out. I don't even get why people are upset - Zac has had 2 bodies and 2 perspectives since like, chapter 30 or something. The only difference now is they can both be active at the same time. That opens up some possibilities and closes others. Wait and see what TFD does with that.

Lex Luther S

500 to go🤣🤣🤣 that number needs to be multiplied by 3 and that's a low estimate.

Lex Luther S

Interesting thought; my theory was that she'd try to come and snatch one of zacs bodies using him as a living jammer since he is wholly on the boundless path, though that obviously comes with draw backs as zac is flagged by the system


Only mortals have to use treasures to build a core. Pretty much everyone other than Zac is a cultivator, so while the perennial vastness would definitely help with forming a core, it’s not essential.

Ether Harwell

That is true, he will have to upgrade his life and death daos to creation and oblivion before he can combine them into the dao of chaos, on that note, I wonder what will become of his dao of conflict once he joins the other two together.


I want to read about Arcaz submerging himself as depp as possible in the abyssal lake while Zac is fighting. Remote recharge from the other side of the multiverse.

rene kaminawash

I can't wait to see the look on her face when both throw the old monsters into oblivion


I'm sure that'll come. Don't forget the kid thst Zac gave a sword spirit tool to that one day in the market. It's been like, over 10 years since then. Thea has advanced too far to start the sword inheritance in the Tower of Myriad Dao, but that kid is likely now a prime, F rank candidate.

Jay Fowler

How strong is Billy the Titan now? Is he coming home? It’s been a while since anything


I can't help but wonder if her plan is to somehow involve Zac's body as a permanent solution. It's easy to imagine how terrible Kenzie would feel if that were the case.

Lex Luther S

In return for the array to turn gemmy into a portable dimension, Billy had to agree to statue man's request to draw some array that would send Billy to some mountain, likely owned by the titans and given how statue man vehemently warned Billy to avoid ultom, it's liable we won't see Billy again for a long while unless we get a Billy POV showing what he's up to. I like to think Billy and ogras (before Pv) are at the same level.