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Zac's heart furiously beat as he looked into the smiling Realm Spirit's eyes. So Sendor knew. Had he known all this time? Had he investigated him, or had his breakthrough exposed something? Did he have information about Kenzie? His mind was thrown into chaos by the name he had only heard from his mother's lips.

"How?" Zac eventually asked.

"How I knew?" Sendor grinned. "Well, I didn't. Until now, that is."

Zac glared at the unreliable Supremacy. There was no way his guess was a shot in the dark.

"Fine, it made sense, so I made some discrete inquiries. Adding that with my unique relationship with the System, I managed to piece together the clues."

"Made sense how?" Zac pressed.

"So, do we have a deal?" Sendor countered.

Zac took a steadying breath before slowly nodding. He knew he was on the hook the moment he heard the name of his mother's clan. Besides, with Sendor having deduced as much already, his secrets weren't as valuable anymore.

"As long you don't tell me some commonly known scraps before saying that you can't share anymore for one reason or another."

"I'm sure you'll be satisfied," Sendor laughed. "You first, then."

"Why?" Zac said with exasperation.


"Fine," Zac sighed. "I honestly don't really know what's going on—this wasn't part of the plan. But we are one. I control both, and both are me."

"I knew it," Sendor said with excitement, his eyes suddenly emitting that immense pressure again.

Zac held his breath and held onto his Dao until the feeling passed. He really couldn't wait to get out of this place.

"There was something odd in your chest before. Now it's gone. It's what made this possible?"

Zac didn't immediately answer. He'd agreed to explain his situation, but there was nothing said that he had to go out of his way to share his secrets. Like the fact the node was called a [Quantum Gate], which had then been converted to the links. So Zac simply nodded in response, confirming the Hidden Node was part of the reason.

"I knew it. Hey, try extracting Miasma from your human form again."

Zac was annoyed at being treated as an experimental subject, but he followed the instructions. Figuring out the details of his constitution was part of why he wanted this trade in either case. Once more, chilling waves of death spread through his pathways before being expunged by his body's natural defenses.

"Your path is interesting but quite unfortunate when you consider these changes," Sendor snickered. "Well, it's not too bad. You should be able to freely use the Miasma in your human form by the time you form an Earthly Dao of Death. It still won't feel very nice, and you'll get that ugly pallid complexion if you overdo it, but you won't get sick. Let's keep going."

Sendor had him complete a few more experiments, including some Zac hadn't thought of. He could freely draw any energy from either body, but he ultimately only had one pool. If human Zac used up all the Miasma, then Draugr Zac would be in a bad state. Still, he had essentially doubled his energy reserves; he only needed to get a bit stronger before he could make use of that fact.

He could also extract energy from "both" cores to one body. It doubled his output, but it put his pathways under immense strain. It wasn't very useful for now, but Zac could already picture some possibilities. For example, what if he created a War Regalia based on his Inexorable Core for his human side?

He would essentially be able to run a second set of equipment for free, provided his Draugr side didn't require energy at the same time.

"Next up," Sendor said. "This one might hurt."

"Wait, wha—"

Zac wanted to have Sendor clarify, but he suddenly found himself pushed through a vortex, just like what happened to Engo. His words turned into a horrified scream as the gate closed behind him, and he pictured the link between his bodies being forcibly cut. However, no pain arrived, and Zac curiously looked around.

His human form found himself standing atop a tower, looking out across an impossibly vast city. He saw hundreds of palaces the size of capitals, and he almost keeled over from the terrifying auras that were suddenly released from every direction. It was blinding, and Zac knew he wouldn't have survived if not for the protective barrier around the tower.

"I guess it's quite resistant."

Only then did Zac come to, realizing he'd heard the words from his Draugr body. The link was still there, and his vision was split between the city and Mount Illumination. After the shock abated, Zac made a few interesting discoveries. For one, it was much easier to control his bodies when they were separated, with no overlapping sensations to cause confusion.

Secondly, the energy draw from his new Specialty Cores had slowed to a trickle. Zac had expected the cost to maintain the connection would increase the further apart his bodies were, but the opposite seemed to be true.

"What's going on? Where am I?" Zac asked.

"In one of the more flourishing cities of my domain," Sendor said. "It's on the opposite side of my body."

"How far apart are my bodies right now?"

"Further than the span of an established empire," Sendor smiled.

Zac's eyes widened in shock. When someone like Sendor talked about empires, it was definitely the monolithic forces of the Multiverse Heartlands. The Zecia sector could barely be considered a small province in such a place. To think he could freely use his bodies at such a distance without any downsides. If anything, he felt better than ever.

Also, just how big was Sendor's realm? Can a pocket dimension really be called that when it is this big?

"Now, let's try this," Sendor said, and Zac's human form found himself dragged off the tower and into another vortex.

At first, Zac didn't mind, but he yelped with shock upon losing half his impressions. It was like he'd been blinded in one eye, but the loss was far more comprehensive. The link to his Draugr body had been cut. Zac felt his body rapidly grow weaker, like he'd been branded with something like the Orom's Prison Seal.

Were his energy circuits not working properly now that he couldn't sense his half? Zac could picture his core being ripped in two and leaking all his accumulated strength. Zac only calmed down after a minute when he'd confirmed nothing else changed after the downgrade of his power. He looked around and saw he was floating inside a bubble bobbing on a sea that teemed with Temporal Energy.

Being separated from his other half just as he was getting used to it was extremely jarring, resulting in it taking a few tries before he managed to enter his Void Self State.

Only then could Zac vaguely feel the connection to his other body, though only to the point he could tell it was still there. He had no way to interact with it, and the shared consciousness was no more. And that was just the beginning. For one, Zac felt like his soul had been cut in half, where only his Evolutionary Core remained.

The same was true for his Cosmic Core, which no longer could provide him with Miasma. And the source of the weakness quickly became apparent when Zac opened his Status Screen.

Name                     Zachary Atwood

Level                       155

Class                       [D-Arcane] Evolutionary Precursor

Race                        [D] Human - Void Emperor (Corrupted)

Alignment             [Zecia] Atwood Empire – Baron of Conquest

Titles                       [...] Runic Progenitor, Grand Achievement, Arcane Ascension, Pathbound Core, Peakmender

Limited Titles        Tower of Eternity Sector All-Star - 14th, Equanimity, Big Axe Gladiator, The Final Twilight - 1st, Gates of Rebirth

Dao                         Branch of the War Axe - Middle,  Branch of the Kalpataru - Middle, Branch of the Pale Seal - Middle

Core                        [D] Evolutionary Core

Strength                38,026 [Increase: 169%. Efficiency: 409%]

Dexterity                20,468 [Increase: 141%. Efficiency: 285%]

Endurance            25,044 [Increase: 155%. Efficiency: 409%]

Vitality                   33,586 [Increase: 168%. Efficiency: 428%]

Intelligence           6,503 [Increase: 125%. Efficiency: 285%]

Wisdom                 9,777 [Increase: 127%. Efficiency: 300%]

Luck                        881 [Increase: 154%. Efficiency: 349%]

Free Points           500

Nexus Coins          [D] 7 645 946

His attributes had been cut by 20%, where most of it came out of his Strength and Endurance. In terms of combat effectiveness, he'd say he'd lost closer to a third. A quick calculation confirmed what had changed. He had retained the full benefit of his titles, base attributes from levels, nodes, and even free points. And while one of his Soul Spirals was suddenly missing from his mind, Zac still got the attribute boost from all three Daos.

However, he'd lost all the benefits of having two classes. All the attributes he'd gotten from his Undying Bulwark, Fetters of Desolation, and Inexorable Apostle classes were gone. Everything else was the same, including the list of Hidden Nodes in his bloodline screen. Zac looked across the boundless sea, trying to figure out why this place was different.

Was it the Temporal Energy? Zac couldn't be sure, but he wouldn't be surprised if this ocean had a completely different spacetime compared to the part of the Perennial Vastness which contained the Cosmic Gallery. Was that enough to make the connection unstable? Was it the only one, or were there other types of domains that would cause this issue?

At least there wasn't a backlash, and his weakened state wasn't too taxing. His attribute superiority mostly came from his titles, which were still in full effect. His situation was like any elite's right now, though his power and experiences had allowed him to rack up far more titles than normal people. Zac could still take on almost any Heaven's Chosen at his level, though he definitely wouldn't be able to handle freaks of nature like Iz Tayn in this state.

A few more minutes passed where nothing happened. Depending on what speed time moved in here, it might be a while before Sendor extracted him, which let him ponder the ramifications of the recent discoveries. Essentially, he could split his situation into three scenarios, each with its own circumstances.

He was technically in his 'ultimate' form when the bodies were next to each other. Fighting side by side, using two sets of skills and techniques, would turn him into a two-person army, far eclipsing his previous peak condition. However, the Specialty Cores consumed a lot of energy in close proximity for some reason, making his energy control sluggish. It was also difficult to sort out the mirrored impressions, which was a huge disadvantage in a pitched battle.

When separated, he had almost returned to his previous state. The cores didn't steal his energy, and he felt more in tune with the individual bodies. However, he wouldn't be able to swap classes, nor would he be able to fight as a team.

Now, he was suddenly left with half a soul, core, and reduced attributes. It was the worst scenario, one with no upsides but significant risks. For example, what if only one of his bodies were sent into Ultom, and he had his connection cut? There were only three years left until the trial, and the biggest boost to his raw power would come from leveraging his Middle-quality Cosmic Core to rapidly gain levels during the war.

Right now, the downside "only" meant a loss of 20% of his total Attribute points. But by the time he reached level 200, that number would be even higher. He also wouldn't be able to implement his idea of using Death-attuned equipment in his human form.

Ten more minutes passed and Zac started to grow bored, but a mysterious ripple suddenly spread through his protective bubble. Then, a voice followed by a burst of impressions threw his mind into disarray. Meanwhile, his body filled with power like he'd eaten a berserking treasure. The connection had been restored in full, along with all its benefits.

As for the voice, it was Sendor, who'd asked, 'What about now?'

Zac sorted through the memories and immediately understood what had just happened. His Draugr form had lost the connection the moment Zac entered the temporal sea, just like his human form. Sendor immediately started another round of experiments, and the findings were transferred over to "him" the second the connection was restored.

There were a few takeaways. First, the other body operated like normal when the connection was blocked. In other words, it wasn't like his consciousness was linked to either body. It was in both, and his Draugr side had felt like the "true" Zac while the connection was blocked. Secondly, his Draugr half was even worse off since his undead body had also lost the benefits of the Void Vajra Constitution.

That disadvantage would likely even out after the Eoz bloodline was fully awakened, but it was worth noting that bloodline benefits didn't carry over. It wasn't just the attributes either; his Draugr form had returned to its previous state where Life was poison. Just as Zac had gone over the burst of memories, he heard Sendor speak.

"Interesting, let's try this."

The connection was suddenly cut again, and he was stuck atop the ocean for another ten minutes before being dragged back to Mount Illumination.

"What cut the connection the second time?" Zac asked.

"My Dao," Sendor said. "I surrounded each body with it. It looks like isolating either will be enough to create interference."

"Can I do anything to prevent my connection from being cut?" Zac asked.

"Little brat, you're a million years early if you want to break through a Heavenly Territory," Sendor guffawed.

"Still, the stronger the connection, the better my chances at survival," Zac ventured.

"True enough. Right now, I'd say a middle Autarch or equivalent domains can interfere with your connection," Sendor said.

So Iz's golem guardian could separate his bodies with its Dao, but not the Eveningtide Asura. Of course, that was contingent on an Autarch bothering to create an isolated bubble of Dao around his body. It also meant nothing in Zecia should be able to cut the connection. Not even the Million Gates Territory reached those energy levels, and he had already traveled a distance hundreds of times greater than Zecia inside the Perennial Vastness.

"Your best bet to strengthen the bond is likely to improve two components that enable your split state; the Void and your clan's inheritance," the Realm Spirit continued.

What Sendor said made sense. Pushing his Bloodline to D-grade might alleviate some of his drawbacks. Doing so before Ultom should be possible, considering his Void Emperor Bloodline should already be at the precipice of a breakthrough. He just needed to find some impetus to push through that final barrier and then use the [Stone of Celestial Void]to trigger the process.

As for improving "his clan's inheritance," Zac had no solutions. However, Sendor might provide a path forward.

"Is that everything?" Zac asked, eager to learn more about the Kayar-Elu.

"One last test. Slap yourself with this thing," Sendor said as he handed Zac a piece of leather that emitted an incredibly foul aura.


"Just do it," Sendor urged, looking like he was observing a fun spectacle.

Zac was full of misgivings, but he walked over to himself. It was odd seeing himself looking back into his eyes with helplessness as he swung the piece of leather. A loud clap echoed, and Zac felt his Specialty Cores heat up as they extracted a huge amount of energy. Thankfully, they soon calmed down, and both Zacs turned to Sendor.


"Very. Now give me that thing," Sendor said before sending another ripple through his bodies.

"What's going on?"

"That piece of hide belonged to quite a nasty one who caused problems in my body long ago. The amount of sin she committed…" Sendor said, looking part disgusted and part impressed. "Her very body had become permeated by foul Karma. But look at you…


"Slapping someone with that thing should create a Karmic Grudge, almost like a curse. Just grabbing onto it would leave a mark. But in your case? Nothing. There's still not a shred of Karma connecting your two bodies. Your human body remained untainted even after holding onto that thing. Your old connections are there, but it might be impossible for you to form new Karmic Links. Quite useful. Not even your toad friend's ability is quite this impressive."

No Karmic Links at all? Zac had to agree; such an ability was extremely useful. Karmic Links had caused him quite a few headaches over the years, from The Great Redeemer to the Buddhist Sangha. It was a constant threat where he felt the risk of being exposed or tracked down.

"So my condition is impossible to expose?"

"I wouldn't go that far," Sendor said. "For one, I can vaguely sense a resonance from your cores when you extract large amounts of energy, though that might be fixed when your bloodline catches up. More importantly, there are a lot of scary people out there. I can think of a few who should be able to figure something out if they put their mind to it."

Zac nodded. As far as he was concerned, that meant his secret was safe. The kind of people Sendor would consider scary didn't exactly grow on trees. Being split into two had essentially removed the most glaring danger to himself—his unique ability to change between two different races and classes.

Now, anyone would just see a powerful human or a powerful Draugr. His value as a research subject was essentially gone, provided no one realized there was a connection between his two bodies. Of course, that would only work as long as the truth of his breakthrough didn't spread.

"About my situation," Zac hesitated.

"Don't worry about that," Sendor grinned. "I'm going to keep this juicy nugget for myself. You never know if it might become important in the future. "

Zac inwardly groaned, but what could he do? At least it was a landlocked Realm Spirit who worked for the System that found out. That was way better than some other Supremacy.

"You thought I had become two people for a moment there. Is that a real possibility?" Zac asked.

"Looking for a cover?" Sendor said. "It's possible, but it's generally from deviations. Something happens with your path, and two opposing concepts split you in two. Others intentionally split their soul, discarding a part of themselves. With your contradictory path, it's a very plausible excuse. You couldn't reconcile Life and Death, your human and undead sides, leading to a deviation."

It looked like Zac had a road forward. The fact he was two beings would be hidden from everyone, even the people in Port Atwood. The official story for those who knew of his old ability would be that he was split in two. Perhaps he should even send his Draugr self to the Kavriel Province and let the Monarchs scan him. It was risky, but it might lead to avoiding some hidden dangers.

One thing was for sure, though. While the situation seemed stable enough, Zac definitely needed to unearth the secrets hidden within his body before forming his Inner World. Preferably, Zac would have answers before the first bottleneck of the D-grade, but he knew the chances of that happening were slim. It had been seven and a half years since he entered the Perennial Vastness, which meant nine months had passed on the outside.

War was right around the corner and then came Ultom. Unless he could figure out what else hid in his Specialty Cores with the final piece of his Left Imperial Seal, he'd have to save that until later. He'd settle for upgrading his bloodline and hopefully remove some of the downsides to his situation.

Of course, one more reward was waiting right in front of him, one that might provide the answers he needed.



Nicely done. Still nervous about the 2 bodies thing. At least he's one consciousness... so kind of like getting an extra set of arms, only more.

Tyler smalley

While some may find this annoying, I think it will be nice to have him in two places to be able to tie up plot points that were really inconvenient to get to, like having him go to the undead empire heartlands in his draugr form




Honestly with Ultom he should be able to form a plan of how to unify his bodies. It would be interesting to see what info it could also unerth about his specialty core.

Ethan Alexander

I'll admit I was a bit annoyed about the split because it felt a little cheap considering all the careful build up but I'm happy about the potential a temporary split can have on Zac's rapid growth before ultom

Stefan Muntean

Ok, this was interesting, but I still do not like the all 2 bodies thing, when all his purpose was a move to unite life and death. I will take a break from the story next month, come back the month after to see how it goes. Also interested how this affects Ultom inheritance, can he be a flamebarer with 2 bodies? That's just seems ridiculous, he is getting 2 flamebarer spots this way? 2 cycles? With the no karma between both....does he need 2 fragments one on each body to finish quest for inheritance, he was 3/4 on it! Does he get an ephiany on each body?


Ngl when Sendor said "slap yourself with this", I half expected the reason to be "because I thought it would be funny to have you slap yourself with a smelly piece of leather".


Yeah he can double his "cultivation speed" now. His Draugr side goes to the Abysall Shores while his human side fights a war and improves the void empower bloodline.

Malcolm Tent

Personally I hope he does go through with the Kavriel Province thing. Arcaz being his "own person" means that the Undead Empire will go all out for him, plus he can effectively spend all his time with Catheya and both of them will be power leveled by the UE while regular human Zac works on training, so he gets the benefits of work and downtime all at once. Even better since they can just tell the UE that their "deviation" means if one of them dies the other does (which may be true) and they'll be obliged to protect human Zac too still.

Blake Noyes

I really don’t get why people are upset by the splitting. It’s an interesting concept that will lead to new storylines and will last probably until middle D grade. It won’t be done in a month if that’s what you’re hoping for


Darnell Maxwell

I miss Greatest. I feel like Zac should do something nice for that family. The bangle alone helped Zac for so long until he got that Array from his mom. Even if it turns out he and Average are dead I just hope Zac doesn't forget about that favor.

Stefan Muntean

@Blake, in my case i am jaded, every story with MC somehow splitting gone wrong big time, either a cr.... evil twin storyline or some unimaginable ridiculousness. It can become weird and stupid fast, just my reading experience

Jack Trowell

One thing is that it might split the story into two different separate arcs if he use his two bodies in two different places, meaning we would get constant interruptions of one arc to switch to the other


I really like how this twists cuts the chaff from the reader basis.

Russell Widger

Why would they kill Arcaz? That would make zero sense considering he's the last surviving member of the Eoz bloodline

Immutably Empty

True it does solve some inconveniences, but just imagine the potential cliffs! Forget other characters, now you can still get a Zac chappy but have it be for the other half!

Tomer Yud

If zac splits will chapters be split in 2 as well? Kinds confusing how the story will progress from now on


I hope the plot develops faster than the plot of One Piece.

Mad Max

"After getting the bloodline" is what he means. Gets rids of quite a few loose ends.


@Blake Noyes it is a cop out. The story is no longer as unique. The different POV's will make the story feel even longer and not in a good way. He is not as powerful In D Rank as he was in E rank comparatively. I mean I know he is stronger then before, but not as strong as he would have been if he was one body.


Were probably going to have arcs focused on a specific body and their adventures


4 chapters after the split, this still do not have sense to me :( and for some reason is kinda annoying.


If she was short individuals my assumption was she could take anyone that met the criteria of being selected by one of the courts. For example all the undead that didnt have a flame bearer yet so figured a combo of leftovers and whoever Iz was able to gather. Now it looks like undead Zac will be leading that group unless something new develops.


This is okay. Finding out the limitations of his link between two bodies is certainly necessary and I look forward to them being used as two separate people. But the chapter pacing is a bit slower than I’d like.


So.. abyssal shores? It's kinda funny because the duplicity core was traditionally intended for infiltration. And now his potential to infiltrate the Undead Empire is even greater.


So, an info dump. Valuable for Zac. Me, not so much. It feels as if I'm reading the entire user agreement for a program/game. Anyway, no Kayar-Elu info. Which I have been interested in hearing about for so long. Are we being trolled so Zac can close up shop and leave PV the last day of April? Just disappointed the ending to a great arc is dragging out.


The edgewalker was sliced in two. There's a lesson in there...

Russell Widger

Even so, Zac still has the most potent version of the bloodline, any draugr who descends from him will be more dilluted


There are so many plot points that I'd love to hear more about that having two bodies could allow to be tied up. Like selling ships to the Allbright Empire, what have the ants been up to?, Etc.

Aaron Schwartz

“I can tell you about the Kayar’Elu!” Proceeds to not tell us shit about the Kayar’Elu


We got trolled. It happens. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

Philip Pleiss

Sometimes in the winter, my dog will need to go out real bad. I'll take her out, she'll "assume the position", and then BAM! she spots a squirrel and I get to spend another 10 minutes freezing my butt off waiting for her to do her business. That was this chapter.


Zac did succeed in making a core that let him continue as an edgewalker, and he still is an edgewalker but the duplicity core and his quantum node tried to force him to completely fuse when he was not ready for it. (No longer walking along an edge that's full blown chaos) So he had to split. Difference being cultivators will think he split because he's giving up his juggling of two opposing daos when instead its more of temporary measure for when he attempts to fuse himself back again. But people should have already realized that by now.


Zac did succeed in making a core that let him continue as an edgewalker, and he still is an edgewalker but the duplicity core and his quantum node tried to force him to completely fuse when he was not ready for it. Basically it tried to throw him past edgewalker status to the full blown mastery of chaos that he would have needed to succeed in that fusion. So he had to split. Difference being cultivators will think he split because he's giving up his juggling of two opposing daos when instead its more of temporary measure for when he attempts to fuse himself back again. Or in other words the only difference is he has both of his sides out in the open instead of imposed over each other, due to the hastiness of the technocrats. Quantum connection is still intact and everything. What I don't understand is why our readers who have all the details don't understand the difference. If you don't like it can you at least provide a reason that makes a little sense (like some who have argued that two split POVs will be bad for the story, I disagree, but at least its a reasonable criticism) instead of falsely saying Zac isn't an edgewalker please people.


What kind of eldritch abomination is your picture. I can't stop... staring at it....


tyftc, glad we're getting more info. Excited for the info dump


Ya know, I've been reading this story since I finished the 2nd? Audible book and realized that is was on this app. Love it so much and I'm sad to see all the discontent spreading around. I'm excited to see what TFD does with this direction. There have been story points that didn't make the greatest sense to me in the past but a while later it all fit together like a nice puzzle. So I'm looking at this like a weird puzzle piece that doesn't fit yet, as more of the picture unfolds I'm sure it has a place that makes perfect sense and I'm excited to see what that is.

Tim Johnson

Did you even read this chapter @lachezar? He only gets weakened effectively when a monarch or higher can actively suppress him with the dao. He can be across the universe and still be connected via his core. He has effectively become twice as powerful because he has 2 bodies that have the same stats that can act independently of each other. That means his last fight with the crazy fate stealing chick from the battlefield redzone would have gotten completely destroyed because he would just have double teamed her. Even when he is cut off, he is still stronger stat wise than most elite forces and only has to worry about the freaks like Iz.


Also thinking about it wasn't the thought that it was supposed to be an experiment to make a machine God? So two separate forces then made 1 super being? Could be the start of the upgrades and readiness to make the super being. Idk haha 😄


Correct. This is a fundamental shift in how the story is going to be told going forward. It is no longer a single character that we can follow straight through a story line. We now have two MC’s and all its PoV switching


Bro I just wanted to know about the Keyar Elu but I feel like TFD just slapped me with that smelly leather.


TFD possess a dual Dao Path, the Dao of Cliffs and the Dao of Edging


Thanks for the chapter my dude!


Wow. Personally, I think the story is the best and most complex cultivation story out there but somehow there are people throwing a hissy fit saying they’re done after 1,000+ chapters of story because they didn’t like a few chapters. I hear too many people whining and complaining acting like the author broke some non-existent make believe cultivation rules and think they can do better. Shush children. No one cares. You provide nothing of substance. Just try and enjoy the story and have a little patience!

Matthew Brubacher

He succeeded though? He is just going to pretend he didn't as a cover story that he is now 2 separate people.

David Guevara

Ya but it’s one we are stuck with until monarchy when he is ready to fuse


The way this chapter was written was from human Zac's POV only. I'm thinking the things he experiences with Draugr Zac will simply be summaries.


He hasn't started, yet. That doesn't mean he's not going to. He just made Zac fulfill his part of the bargain first.

James Squibb

Loving the direction of where this is going!


Based on this chapter, I would guess that going forward won't be the way so many people are complaining about. If TFD handles the chapters in the future like this one, we're only going to get one POV from human Zac, maybe the occasional POV from Draugr Zac depending on the context of the chapter, and the other POV will be a summary. If that's the case, instead of doubling the Arc's lengths until he fuses back together, we'll get a marginal increase in a couple paragraphs per chapter, maybe even less sometimes.


Agreed all that build up to defy expectations of being an edgewalker only to be left with this unoriginal nonsense.


I don't want to come off like I am taking sides, but why do you all keep saying "Have a little patience!" and "Give it time!" like that isn't exactly what people are doing. They won't re-up, instead waiting for RoyalRoad to catch up and they'll be back once the story is more to their liking again. That is literally giving it time. I admire people that stayed subbed for years, even through arcs like Earth Mystic Realm and Spacefish boredom, but you don't have to. The chapters are still going to be there two months from now.

Philip Pleiss

Reminded me of Rita from Idiocracy telling dudes to wait and gettin' paid for it. You can't even hate game like that.


That's fair and I am curious how Defier is going to go about it. Is he going to try to keep up with both bodies in real time, or is he going to only summarize what's happening with one while focusing on the other? At what point will they be separated and how long? I'm pretty sure First Defier has said that he doesn't intend for the other grades to take nearly as long as the E to D grade transition has taken so I'm assuming he's going to use this to expedite the process rather than make it take longer like some people have expressed a fear of.


Agreed @Ark. to further add salt to the wound, apparently Hedgemon is no big deal - Thea, Kenzie, my next door neighbor, etc. can all do it easy, but our supposed heavens chosen manages to screw it up


I did read it. What I meant that in any given engagement he can no longer switch between his forms, which effectively weakens him. If the 2 forms are together, he cant control them very well, and energy expenditure is larger. If he is a single person with 2 forms he can exhaust one and then switch to the other.

Philip Pleiss

I'm still trying to decide if I should look at D grade Zac as a nerf, or an upgrade. Apparently tag teaming a battle is out of the question because it overloads his energy draw and causes disorientation the closer the two halves are. Life Zac is gonna need to work on his defense, and Death Zac is gonna need to work on his offensive skills. He only gets access to half of his dao and abilities in each form, but can draw some energy from the opposing side (with difficulty). Also, shifting during a crisis is no longer viable. Closest comparison I can come up with is a multicore processor. 2 Cores at 1.2Ghz are usually better overall than 1 core at 2Ghz, but if everything he is allowed to do is single core, his advantages are much reduced. Like playing solitaire on a super computer. Not a lot of benefit from parallel processing. On the upside, when the two halves re-merge, they will likely be qualitatively better than when they split.


It is better to be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and correct as they say, good one.

Justin van mele

The question is can his draugr body cultivate now that it is on its own??? Zac could learn alot seeing himself cultivate maybe finding a way for his human half to cultivate through the void.

Lex Luther S

Some might see this as a filler ch but it was very needed; we need ti understand the limits of his new forms And not forming a karmic link is very OP; makes me wonder what will need to be done to form one. Can't wait to see the Info dump we get tomorrow


One body training and one body getting shit done! I would think this means more action!


I kind of just want to see Zac in action now. Got my fill of cultivation now I need to release some of the bloodlust that's been gathering. Feeling the battlefield fever.


I hope not ,becoming a cultivatator would mostlikely mean losing his zero affinitys and create an unbalanc in his path so probably best if he Stays a mortal at least until He merches his 2 Paths in to 1 completly (not like in F and E grade with 2 states of being but when he becomes dead and living at the same time) ,I guess it wont be at C grade(i think the idear that he will go to beeing one body who swappes with his avatar in his hidden world so kinda like F/E grade but his other half is not inside his spacalty core and instead in his hidden world where he can do stuff simutainiesly), B grade probably at the earliest but because it will probably require his path reach in to Chaos B grade sounds to early so I would gess at A Grade. yeah sry for the wall of Text no one teached me the meaning/use of Paragraphs Xd


Okay a lot of people do POV bad but not All people do I'm sure that if you read a lot you probably have seen POV done right at least once and if you haven't then as soon as you see POV then your bias of you reading a bad book with POV has made it so that as soon you see POV that you quit the book. What I'm trying to say is if you have not read it then don't say it ruined and stuff. Also there is also I'm parts of books that I don't really like but I read through it because the other parts are great if I quit a book as soon as something that I didn't like show up I wouldn't have read cradle, bastion and so on. Most books I quit are out of boredom or I can't stand the main character.

Zachary Blevins

Exactly. What’s wrong with everybody else? Just imagine the shenanigans that he could get up to now


People know why they do or don't like multiple mc POV switching. Some people just don't like being constantly interrupted. That's even when it is done well. Doesn't make it a bad book, just a less suitable book. DotF is good enough to read anyway. It's just a downgrade from what it was, because it is no longer what was advertised on the cover or delivered for the first 15 or so books worth of content.


And this is before we switch from Zac on a cliffhanger to a draug... probably on a different cliffhanger.


Authors get bored with their series writing style after a few years. Nothing lasts forever?


What’s worse than a cliff? One that’s not answered in the next chapter.


Having two MC povs doesn't make it more likely that things handled by a minor character get screen time.

Wilson Lessley

I think people forget that Zac would have to cultivate his Death side separately, regardless of the two bodies thing 🤡


I can see this lasting until atavism at least tbh


I think the split POV is the straw that broke the camel's back vice being the root cause - I know it is in my case. If this had occurred 200 or 300 chapters ago, I wouldn't mind because it would indicate no pacing issues. But the story just draaaags and for no real reason. This entire arc could have been a quarter or even half the length, but instead, I learned why Zac made every decision he made when moving through the lower part of the Calamity. For me, I think it really started around the Orom World. That entire arc felt like filler. I get important things happened, but wasn't it like 50-100 chapters? Like, come on - give it to me in five-ten. Zac shows up. Zac learns what place is / summarizes meetings with important people / that there are shards/fragments there. Zac learns Stance A. Zac learns Stance B. Zac preps to leave. Zac leaves. I think it's Chekov's Gun? Which I think is a debatable writing concept, but TFD - and most web serialists - could learn a bit from it. The idea that if you bring up a gun, it's because the gun is important to the story. The number of things I have to look up or ask about because the importance got lost in the fluff is staggering. And I don't even remember what the fluff was! Like, if it's slowed down so you can outline what's next, just take a month off and outline out to C-Grade so we can power through it in 250 chapters, vice 700. Side note: also every single chapter ends on a cliffhanger for no good reason. This ENTIRE chapter could have been a few paragraphs where Zac says, "Sendor experimented on him and these were the results." Then get to the Kayar Elu part. It's less about having more patience and more about I've been patiently waiting for the pace to pick back up, and instead, I get a "The pacing will slow to half its previous speed". So yeah, I'm out as well and I'll check it out again in the future to see if it's at least picked back up in speed. We'll see how long it is before Ultom starts.

Mason W

I am still confused - what was the quantum gate supposed to do? Zac wasn’t supposed to end up with two bodies and this was a Zac workaround?

Charles Price

I think it’s important to note that Zac made it possible for life and death. It was only the core that forced this situation. Hopefully there will be a big boon for combining the 2 of them down the road like 100% stat increase or something.


This is my genuine hope, and I'll check back in in June praying that you are right. That would double story speed, vice halving it.


Think it's more the presentation method. This could have been summarized in a few paragraphs and THEN gotten the info dump we all wanted. Instead, we got another forced cliff.

Wilson Lessley

What evidence do you have to suggest this? Has that already happened? Has Author made a statement? You write as if it’s fact, when you don’t actually know.

Dave Richards

So Zac could send his draugr form to the heartlands and maybe get some benefits while his human side gets stuff done in Zecia? Not a bad plan lol.


@Lex, I'm okay with info dumps if its necessary. This wasnt. We would have learned most of this as soon as zac leaves pv and starts doing things again. No reason to take a break now and have a cultivation theory session, when we should be having a huge payoff moment.

Charles Price

Sounds like one of his bodies was supposed to have Jarvis while the other was a cultivator. The gate was going to combine them going into D grade so that he could both be a cultivator and have Jarvis without the system hunting him. This was going to force Zac though to merge his two halves which he wasn’t ready for so his cells were effective killing each other because he’s cultivated two different constitutions instead of both being human. He split them so they are still separate until later combining them. He wouldn’t have had to split if the core didn’t force him because void would have let both be in two different states like before. Now though he needs to be physically separate until he’s ready to truly combine his paths. I am curious if he’s going to turn life into creation and death into oblivion before or after the combination.

Joshua Little

Wonder if this is good or bad for his soul training. Thanks for the chapter.

Lex Luther S

I see you are forgetting sendor is a Supremacy level being with an absolutely gargantuan "body" as well as not being hostile to zac; I am still not a fan of this two bodies shenanigans but if TFD is gonna stick with it, then he mind as well flush it out. Certainly there are fillers in the ch but that's something you should have gotten over long ago. At Least it's not like some other cultivation novels I've read, where it's barely a 4th as long as these chs while half of it is repeating "what an enchanting Jade like beauty with jade like skin with jade like eyes this Jade like beauty is"


Yeah. The nost exciting thing of two bodies, IMO is that it's the only way I can see where Zac gets to do Abyssal Shores any time soon.

Lex Luther S

A forced cliff?? Yeah this could have been summarized a bit; but, I ask you, would you rather TFD repeat lines ad nauseum like in other cultivation novels? Where they take 40% of the ch to discuss some nobody female character because she's a jade like beauty and proceed to continuously bring up her jade like beauty every fuckin time she's shown🤬🤬 Fuck just remembering some of the novels I've read make me angry, I shit you not one novels ch brought up the main heroine jade like beauty for a whole ass paragraph and then proceeded to use the last paragraph to explain her jade like beauty infront of some sunset🤬🤬🤬. You're right this could have been summarized but I'd take this any day Over Jade like fucking beauties.


I also think that as he levels, practices and surpasses d grade bottle-necks, these issues will go away. Like right now he can't tag team, but I think if he practices and researches he will probably be able to at some point before he merges again. I think its an upgrade but one that needs work. To your example, application writers had to learn and rewrite software to properly utilize multi core architectures before we got the real benefit out of them. The traditional "consolidating your gains" thing you see in cultivation novels after a big jump hasn't happened yet. He is just figuring out what he has to do to do that.


It could actually become a vast upgrade if he can "store" one of his bodies inside his Inner World. That way anyone that fights Zac will have to go through a full powered version of one of his bodies and if somehow is able to hurt that body of Zacs sufficiently enough, well Zac can just trade places with a fresh Zac! And the injured body can recover inside the Inner World.


No... It's not a work-around. It's apparently by design. His two halves are quantum entangled, which was supposed to happen with the plan that the Kayar-Elu came up with to incorporate the Dao of Technology.


I wonder, we know the Buddhists have had some kind of agenda regarding Zac since as far back as Earths Integration but just how far ahead are they looking? Did they predict this was something Zac would eventually do (being able to have no Karmic connections) and thats why each time we've seen them dealing with Zac they always take something from him or more recently went so far as to "rescue" Thea - someone who would have had a pre-existing tie to Zac?


9 Mountains. 8 Temples. 4 Oceans. One Paradise. Love those shifty monks. Smiling while robbing you blind and creating forced karmic debts. Amathiba. My take. The Sangha will invite Zac. Eventually. After all, Zac will need to balance his life side after receiving the Eoz Inheritance from AS. Their true endgame...who knows. Not enough info yet.


Can Zac's Draugr body cultivate now that he's separate from the Zero Affinity Container?


It's not cultivation rules TFD broke, but storytelling ones. Pacing, tension, foreshadowing, etc. The split could have been better recieved if it was hinted at properly. Another commenter pointed out... if while Zac was making his core blueprint he just would havesaid that he couldn't be sure how the quantum gate would react, then that would have created doubt that his Ascension would go as planned. Instead, the foreshadowing points blatantly towards overwhelming success. This is an S grade storytelling taboo. Authors keep their promises to readers else they loose their trust. Now next time TFD hints at something, I won't know if he's serious or just trying to set me up for a 'shocking twist'. Almost worse, the split completely derailed the pacing. Before we were rocketing towards the war, which was a long time coming. Now, we're snailing along so the readers can process what happened. Worst timing possible. Zac is in the same boat too. Instead of heading out in a blaze of awesome, he will tentatively re-enter the stage because hes now unsure of himself and his path. The total opposite of what we all hoped for. Anyways maybe the split could have worked for everyone, but the execution would have had to be spot on. It's not, so people are not taking it well.


Plot aside, I'm more curious how he handles the relationships with the undead on Earth if he can't be Draugr around them? I'm sure they will "understand" especially if he can still emit miasma, but he won't be Draugr will he?

Lucas Gulick

The Buddhists are probably my favorite faction so far, I started off a little hesitant when they were first revealed but I've grown to quite like them as a plot element


omg I am so blind Zero affinity Container is = Z.A.C I always thought everyone is writing Z.A.C because leandra is thinking about here children like Tools XD


Weird, this one was a reply to another post but they deleted it and I guess patreon just releases all the replies to deleted comments into the wild. Go figure.


The downside is that he can't switch back and forth between classes in a fight. We have seen how important it can be in a fight or series of fights that he can bounce back and forth between the two classes and use evolutionary stance or inexorable stance. Now he's gonna be limited to just the one in every fight. For me I feel like the advantage of two bodies is less appealing than his previous situation.

Luke Scheffe

Ark, I’m pretty sure that nobody in the history of reality has ever said that. Much the opposite, in fact.

Han Pol

If he can from no new karmic links than he will not be dropped into sendors body? I mean he only made the deal with Sendor after he got split. Or are the links he has still subject to change like normal? Still quite useful


Another one bites the dust. Wonder how many replacement yous we will get next month. 🤔

Han Pol

I could easily see him creating a kind of avatar skill for when his bodies fight together so a kind of fusion before a true fusion, May be useful for his earth followers to see that kind of skill. and I doubt it will take a 1000 chapters for D to C grade. But a kind of early roadmap exist war and ultoms junior generation trial maybe up to middle D grade and a few more levels than. (likely 1-2 books in lenght at the least Than split and separating from the undead empire for 1 body and to the radiant temple for his human body. again at least 1 book in length maybe more I'm sure both sides have some amazing trial he will go at separately. Had somewhere in between his oblivion and creation shards will reach atavism. Ideally after he reaches his next Dao and maybe 4 reincarnation else he will have trouble controlling that mess. (unless Ultom shows him the way. )


This story just keeps getting better. Love that I didn’t see this twist coming, but still logical given his cultivation path and background


@lex, I'm not saying this interaction should not be happening. Because it could potentially be very interesting. The point is the info we are learning would have been learned anyway. Therfore is not really necessary to have a god like being explain it to us. The only interesting thing sendor has for Zac is the scoop on the kayar elu, which we didn't get to.


I wouldn't consider people who do not like a particular development "chaff". It is simply... you dont pay for things that you dont like.


It’s attributed to Einstein “I’d rather be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right”. I believe Elon Musk has said something similar but I’m not a fan of that guy

Tyler S.

It is not seperate, the quantum state that his bod(ies)y were in is now both 1,0 and 0,1 insted of just 0. or 1. So no he is still Zero Affinity.

Tyler S.

That is a good point, however with his latest reincarnation he has gone off script and will need to remake the next phase somewhat.

Tyler S.

We already deal with multiple POVs between important main cast characters so whats one more


Deleting posts ?


I’m excited


just wanted to say I'm really enjoying the latest developments.. to chime in as a positive voice amongst the outrage


Why do I feel like all the theories are missing the fact that quantum node switched to alpha and omega link. Seems to me that the node that allowed his old bodies to share constitutions and hidden nodes being separated and him being separated might provide a hint at how he can revert to single body at will. either way they haven’t been explored yet. I think it’s plausible that technocrats were intending to hide tech behind normal cultivation, which means they had to have a way to “switch” right?


There is little doubt that something like that is going to happen. The issue and the complaining is that it will happen very far in the future. And in the meantime, the story will slow even more.


They're deleting any post that negative about the body splitting or any mention of unsubbing.


So his two girlfriend problem just worked it’s self out lol fucking love it that’s amazing never saw it coming👏👏


Not quite true. The intent was that one half would be machine and the other human. With them then combining into a single being. This would require immense prep and foreknowledge that Zach didn’t have, and being an edge Walker made it worse. By separating himself into two bodies, he prevented a collapse


Everyone is complaining that is will slow the story down with multiple POVs. You all realize that this means he can cultivate twice as fast right? No more switching between bodies to get one side balanced with the other. Now he can use both at the same time and use both to grind levels/advancement


Not sure I am here only 2 or 3 times an year, and I don’t usually read the comments. This latest development had me checking to see the popular opinion.

Mike Naka

giving things a little more of a think now that i'm a little more clear-headed after these revelations, we're what? still 3 years away from the war. that's a lot of time. dealing w/ his 2 body problem is going to be tricky. who's he going to tell? ogras and catheya won't get out of the pv for 2 years so who? emily, joanna, and vilari? i don't think he'll tell all of his sealbearers. maybe iz. triv will probably find out. hopefully, zac will be able to hide 1 of his bodies inside himself w/ esmerelda's help. so what is he going to do for 2-3 years? go to the abyssal shores? if so, what is the equivalent for his life side? upgrading his bloodline? that's at least 10 chapters. probably more. throw in some fetch quests, catching up, and traing, and that's another 2 weeks or longer especially if zac gets a quest to the million gates territory to find average. so about 6 weeks until ogras gets back. you know thea's coming back so there's a few awkward chapters plus the buddhists. so it looks like zac and the crew may be heading to the million gates territory before summer. so, zac'll be in this 2 body state for a while. i surely hope the payoff will be epic. i mean we were on the epic wave w/ zac's domain spreading 99 kms and then the wave petered out. i've been on the TFD train for a while and will keep riding it. there's been ups and downs and hopefully we're around a local minimum and we'll start moving up again soon.

Mike Naka

alpha and omega. the 1st and the last. the beginning and the end. zac'll have to take this string and turn it into a loop to become one again.


Wait...did Enigma just vanish? Should we be discussing this?


Ah, there you are. I'm assuming, going by your response, that they've been deleted because of mods. How strange.

Mike Naka

sendor said zac would prolly be back in the future, which had me thinking. the evening tide asura blew up the twilight ocean ascending to autarchry. he may regret his words when zac blows up the pv. LOL

Bryn Thomas

Pretty sure the Zecia war is imminent, it is the Ultom trial that is 3 years away


No idea but it makes sense to me. I don't really see them saying all that and then deleting it themselves, its possible I suppose. I had a comment disappear under a thread but otherwise its fine. Edit: okay I deleted a comment above myself because I don't want to get too heated with our fellow patrons, I just want to say that I'm glad personally if they were deleted I don't really need to see a bandwagon of negativity every chapter when I'm only really interested in reading the story and theorizing. Reception of the first chapter is fine, criticisms if you have an actual point to make after is also fine. But I don't care for inane insults to the story's quality and trying to make some weird power grab on the author by threatening to quit the story because you don't like his artistic choice. If you're unhappy enough to quit, quit. But don't muddy up the comment section every chapter after as if you didn't read it but just immediately scrolled down to continue the argument from three chapters before.


I hope Zac reforms his two bodies into one before the trial. My guess is his human form will go to Port Atwood while the undead form will go to the Empire and try and unlock more of the history of Eoz.


Where are the sexy girls ? Rugged men got doubled, it’s not fair


So Zacs perfect ascension didn't happen. Honestly I've never been more disappointed about a fictional turn of events in my entire life, and I've read a lot of stuff. That's not neccesarily a bad thing though. It takes a pretty good writer to make a reader care that much. Anyways, I'm over it now, but Zac better pull a requiem worthy of the Desolate Era now. If you know, you know.

Stefan Muntean

@Russel was just a what if scenario, if somehow one of the bodies is killed can the other reproduce it?? Can they still cultivate the soul and redo the condition to make the other?


I think this is kinda cool. I expect we’ll maintain the same vibe regardless of bodies.


Honestly, with the relationship undead seem to have with their parents, I believe they will just know. Zac is still just one person, and that one person is technically their progenitor, right?


Primal hunter manage to keep the vibe despite finding alternate Jake. But all current indications here suggest a deliberate move to a "two MC" vibe.

john henderson

I mean, this seems like a pretty fun way to explore two plot lines, much better than randomly having someone else be a focal point, I'm looking forward to the next sections. Plus its not like TFD would leave one plot line at a critical cliff and then switch to the other, right?


When has Zach ever claimed to understand Quantum Gate? I remember him repeatedly saying he has no idea what it does, and stopped thinking about it because he can’t get it to do anything. Just because you forgot about it as well doesn’t mean it’s bad writing


He is gaining extra stats from both bodies. Even when separated, he’s still stronger than before


I don’t feel those indications. Even if they split up for a bit he’s still one person and one mind aware of both bodies, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he recombined at some point.


There are always people who try to manipulate the author by saying they will stop reading and these folks should be ignored in most cases. In this case however a lot of people were dissatisfied with the way the story shifted. Most of us didnt say we will quit, we just said we will stop reading for a few months until the situation is is resolved.


Zac operating on two processes in his timeline doesn't actually impact pov switching overhead for readers in their timeline.


Wanna bet iz will be left in the dust now that zac got 2 bodies to get opportunities, leveraging his luck stat like never before ?


The people whining about the spilt remind me of people who write to newspapers complaining about articles and threatening to halt their subscription, but never do. Bunch of hot air. We have seen very little of the split. He's only been conscious with it for a few hours.


You must be reading a completely different story than… It is also pretty much straight up confirmed they will join back together.


My guess is the human body will start the war. While arkaz goes to the undead empire and the lake. Get some extra bloodline benifits before Ultom.


No way, even If he could Overpower her, she is so unfairly talanted and rich. She could use skills without skillfractals😂


Hey, was pretty close of beating her. And he got like 30-40% stronger just considering E grade. since then. He should be fairly even now


Ok, so I kinda want Zac to do a fusion dance to come back together, like he trys as a joke cause Emily says something, but it works.

Henry Wartemberg

Hmm does this make Zac harder to kill? Like say someone “kills” Arcaz. Surely he. Can use creation etc again to rebuild a that body. He is both, you’d need to kill both right?


that's the whole point of this plot twist, zac will die during ultom, to save iz or enable her to win. well, one zac anyway.

Bob Burns

Anybone can be first but I'm last lol

Luke Scheffe

Not if things stay as they are. Currently, the two path for the manual are being carried out in parallel, as if they were two different souls. So as long as he has his soul in superposition, he can just use the previous method.

Luke Scheffe

Except that the rich kids focus on long term benefits, and Zac failed before reaching her third form, which would have likely meant another force multiplier. Add in perfect war regalia, and it’s even more lopsided.


Nope you aren’t


I agree with others here. Not a fan of the direction this has gone. Think I'll take a break from this series.


Can we start using Arcaz for “Drugar Zac” and Zac for “Human Zac” Adding those qualifiers seems to be problematic and clunky.


Rather not— he’s still one person. If we started using two names that would be easier to forget.

Wilson Lessley

A lot of people are complaining about how the body split is going to elongate/draw out the story, because each body is going to have to progress separately. I’m just calling out that that was already the case… if anything this could speed up the story, allowing Zac’s bodies to progress in parallel

Rouslan Tourtsev

Thinking about Zac's progression through D grade, it may be much shorter than E grade. Unlike the very dangerous process of opening up nodes, there's only the 3 bottlenecks that each upgrade his core. Otherwise, he just needs to inflict mayhem, and collect energy to increase his level to reach each bottleneck. It's very possible, that the future books revolve around those bottlenecks, with intermittent time skips to speed up the story. With 2 bodies, and essentially, double the already insane luck stat, his opportunities to advance should take a step forward. Leanda also told us that current Zac is weak compared to his true potential, which should be unlocked with this new quest line.


After over a thousand chapters I've been here enjoying Zac's rise. Then you went and did the one damn trope I hate about Chinese cultivation. Fucking 100% the same avatars.


I don't feel like reading a story about twin brothers that share a brain .