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Suddenly Zac’s train of thought was interrupted by a familiar figure pacing outside his array looking fidgety. He blankly looked at her figure for a few seconds before removing the array with a frown.

“What do you want?” Zac asked as Alea started at the shield disappearing.

“I… Heard from Ogras what happened. I just wanted to see if you were okay,” Alea said with some hesitation in her voice.

“I am fine,” Zac calmly said.

“That’s great. I was worried,” Alea started saying, but was interrupted by Zac.

“Until now I’ve looked the other way regarding your eccentricities, such as poisoning me and others, chalking it up to mostly harmless pranks. But we’re facing the reality of it now. All actions have consequences. I know you didn’t mean it, and there were other factors at play, but you have a part in what happened today. Your actions on the square helped push Hannah along her path of no return,” Zac said with an even voice.

“I…” Alea only managed to get out, looking physically hurt by his words.

However, Zac didn’t stop.

“I have decided to remove your title as Head of Security for Port Atwood. Hannah will spend an undetermined time locked away for her crimes, and I don’t trust you with her. You’re also no longer to come and go as you please in my restricted area. I need some space,” Zac finished and closed his eyes.

Alea looked at Zac with red-rimmed eyes for a few seconds before she turned and walked away, the courtyard once again turning deathly silent.

Zac silently looked at the departing back of the poison mistress. He didn’t regret what he said, as he’d felt it since she played him at the market square. He was, however, a bit surprised that he felt no internal turmoil or confusion.

It was as though his Undead form had put a damper on all his feelings. They were still there somewhat, but there was a sense of disconnect with them. He briefly wondered if this was the case with all undead who had evolved to regain intelligence.

Perhaps it was necessary, as the zombies had an inherent bloodlust. It would be impossible to build a society if the higher undead couldn’t control their urges, so the unfeeling state might be a result of evolution.

He didn’t get much further before approaching steps once again echoed in his compound. It seemed Ogras had rushed around to spread the news or something. This time it was his sister who rushed into the courtyard with worry in her eyes.

“Are you okay?” Kenzie said as soon as she saw him.

However, Kenzie stopped a few meters away from him, looking at his new appearance with a frightened gaze.

“I’m fine,” Zac said with a sigh as he once again erected the arrays around the two.

He then proceeded to explain the situation, covering both his core and the events that unfolded back at Hannah’s. Kenzie silently listened to the narration, except exclaiming in shock upon the fact that Hannah had been the one to stab him.

The two of them silently sat in front of each other, not saying anything for a while, until Kenzie spoke up.

“What will you do with Hannah?” she asked.

“I don’t know. For now, she’ll be incarcerated,” Zac said, looking troubled.

He knew that in most empires out in the multiverse the punishment for trying to assassinate a leader would be execution without a doubt. But he wasn’t willing to go there with his ex-girlfriend, even if she tried to kill him.

“You know,” Kenzie said after mulling it over. “You said that David had been replaced with one of those shapeshifters. The thing could have used some mental skills on her. You know, she was hypnotized along with the others back in that town. I think I’ve heard that if you’ve been hypnotized once you get more susceptible to it afterward?”

Zac gave a start and looked over at Kenzie with surprise. That truly wasn’t something he’d considered so far. He had been busy with his own transformation so he simply chalked it up to betrayal because of greed mixed with anger.

“I heard about the matter in Refugee’s Harbour. But I don’t think hypnosis can make you kill someone, as that would be against their base instincts,” Zac finally said with a shake of his head.

“But it could make someone more paranoid, slowly make them crazy,” Kenzie retorted.

Zac silently thought it over. It truly was a distinct possibility that the shapeshifter did more than just provide the dagger. Still, did it even matter? The milk was already spilled, so to speak. And he didn’t believe that someone could be enticed to murder without there being a seed of hatred and malice to begin with.

“So when will you turn back?” Kenzie suddenly asked, changing the subject.

“Well, that’s the problem. I don’t really know,” Zac said as he scratched his chin.

“Why did you turn in the first place?” Kenzie asked.

“Well, perhaps the Core went haywire because I briefly died?” Zac hesitantly said.

He honestly didn’t know why the change happened at that moment, and could only guess it was some sort of failsafe built into the core.

“Didn’t you say that the knife you got stabbed with sucked out all your lifeforce?” Kenzie said. “Perhaps you turned to a zombie because that’s the trigger, rather than a defense mechanism.”

“It’s possible,” Zac said with a nod. “I also thought I might revert to a human if I remove all the miasma in my body.”

“So why don’t you?” she prodded.

“Well, for one it might actually kill me, I have no idea,” Zac said. “But I also believe that shouldn’t be the only way to trigger the change. I can’t die every time I want to shapeshift, and I don’t have any more of these cultist knives.”

“So you’re going to stay a Zombie until you find another way to change?”

“I’m a Draugr, not a Zombie,” Zac said, causing Kenzie to roll her eyes at him. “And I’ll try to revert before the Treasure Hunt at the latest. I can’t run around in there as an undead.”

“Besides, don’t I look pretty cool now? Like a vampire or something,” Zac said and struck a pose.

“No way, you look really scary with those eyes of yours,” Kenzie said, finally smiling a bit at the situation. “So what are you going to do?”

“I want to try out a few things. Gain a few titles and see if I can get a new Class,” Zac said. “Who knows, I might even be a cultivator now?”

“Dual-class, that sounds pretty cool!” Kenzie said, her eyes almost sparkling. “You should get a cool mage class, become the strongest hybrid.”

“Well, first of all, I don’t know how it’ll work,” Zac said. “If it will work at all.”

However, Kenzie brought up an interesting point. What would be the best class to match with his Hatchetman class? A mage class would help shore up his currently lacking Intelligence and Wisdom, making him a truly balanced warrior.

However, a dexterity-based class wasn’t a bad idea either. Currently, he was forced to put a lot of points into Dexterity just to keep up with his growth in Strength. It had come to the point that he had decided to change to a 2.5:1 split from the original 2:1 so that he could focus more on Endurance and Vitality.

He arrived at this reasoning from his fight with average. His main attribute was Strength, and he needed to play to advantages. It didn’t matter if he was hit 10 times, as long as he got one big hit in the fight would be over. He only needed to be able to endure the 10 strikes, so to speak. That’s why he wanted to work more on endurance.

That also meant that an Endurance-based class, if there was such a thing, would be a good choice as well. Then he would be truly unkillable. Honestly, he felt either choice was good and had a hard time deciding what to do.

But it was still all speculation. He needed to reach level 25 first and see if it worked out as he intended. And he needed to see what options he got before deciding any further. There was also the issue of the Fruit of Ascension.

One of its effects was improving the choices in taking a class. But would that effect be expended if he got a class for his undead half? It felt more prudent to use its effects in trying for an epic class at E-Rank than getting a first class.

Or could he eat another one since he technically was a different person? There simply were so many things he didn’t understand. He needed information.

“What are you thinking about,” Kenzie asked, dragging him out of his reverie.

“I just feel that there’s so much I don’t understand,” Zac said with a sigh. “It’s hard to plan things out when everything is just guesswork.”

“Why don’t you ask Brazla?” Kenzie said. “He’s super old and his creator was a top tier C-Grade warrior according to him. He might know.”

Zac’s face scrunched up when hearing the name of the crazy Tool Spirit, but he had to admit that Kenzie might be on to something. However, the only problem was whether he’d help. There were two other ways as he saw it. One was to buy an information package through Calrin, and the other was asking the Creators.

Unfortunately, he was unsure whether he could afford the information from the Pavilion of Myriad Eyes. Just some basic information cost him 15 million Nexus Coins. Advanced topics such as dual classes and Specialty Cores were probably prohibitively expensive.

Meeting Average and his dad had made him realize how utterly poor he was in the big scale of things since the teenager was able to throw out a billion Nexus Coins just to shoo someone away. As for the Creators, there was a risk for things leaking to higher echelons in the multiverse.

“I guess I could try,” Zac sighed.

“I’ll come with, I haven’t talked to him today,” Kenzie said with a smile.

Soon the two stood in front of the gaudy towers, drowned in cascading rays of divine lights. Its surroundings were still not very exciting, but at least the uneven forest floor had been swapped out with a proper and uniform square.

Of course, it was likely too bland for the extravagant taste of Brazla. Unfortunately, there simply wasn’t much he could do about it at the moment. His funds were mostly tied up in creating the contribution system.

“Little chick, you have once again come to bask in the glory that is the Great Sage Brazla? This time you even brought a Draugr to showcase?” the familiar voice echoed when they entered the hallways lined with the huge statues.

Not long after Brazla appeared. It was only the second time they met, but Zac was surprised to see that Brazla was looking completely different. This time he was donned like some royal conqueror, though all equipment was made from gold and platinum rather than serviceable materials.

His armor was completely studded with various gemstones, each somehow emitting almost blinding glimmers of light. Zac felt helpless the moment he saw the spirit,

“Hi Brazla,” Kenzie said with a smile. “You look like a real warrior today.”

“The world should sigh in relief that The Great Brazla is confined to the interiors of this building,” the tool spirit said with a serious nod. “This one’s might shakes both the heavens and the earth.”

“You remember Zac?” Kenzie added.

“You went and turned into an undead, little Lord?” Brazla said, somewhat surprised. “Odd choice if you ask me. I would have thought a mortal would have preferred to die from old age, rather than getting taken by the Madness.”

“The madness?” Zac asked confused.

“The undead aren’t immortal, though they don’t grow old. They instead go insane, their bloodlust overtaking everything else. Finally, they turn too stupid to even move, withering in place into goops of miasma. Quite disgusting,” Brazla said, looking unconcerned.

“Not everyone can be an immortal like you Brazla,” Kenzie said with a smile. “We were wondering if you know anything about Specialty Cores and Dual Classes?”

“What doesn’t the Great Sage Brazla know?” the Tool Spirit said, puffing up his chest.

However, the next moment he looked suspiciously at the two of them.

“But why should I tell you? You promised to fix my surroundings, but they still look like a pauper’s square.”

“I’m heading into a treasure hunt into unknown lands in a week,” Zac said. “I’ll find something unique in there to improve your surroundings if you help me out this one time.”

“Hmm... Well, alright,” Brazla said. “What knowledge do you seek, mortal?”

“Dual Classes,” Zac said, ignoring the attitude.

“What about it?” Brazla said, a bit disinterested. “It’s possible. Is that what you’re trying for by turning into an undead?”

Zac only nodded, not explaining any further. It appeared that Greatest’s tool was working as intended since the Spirit didn’t seem to notice anything off about him, instead thinking he simply was an undead.

“Well, it’s extremely rare,” Brazla continued. “Far rarer than dual cultivators were back in the Pre-System era. However, there is one race where all of them have dual classes. Of course, The Ur Wanderers are extremely few in numbers, born darlings of the multi-verse. Even The Great Brazla can’t help but be a bit jealous of them.”

Zac only nodded, not wanting to interrupt the tool spirit while it was actually being helpful. He could only assume that the Ur Wanderers were a powerful species in the multiverse. While species weren’t equal in the multiverse, one could say that they were balanced in a sense.

Humans were quite weak, usually at the bottom of the rung. But they were extremely numerous, and out of every billion of them, a powerhouse might rise. Other races had huge advantages, sometimes even becoming C-Ranking Class upon adulthood by default.  But these kinds of races were always far scarcer in numbers.

“So what do they do? Get two similar classes, or opposites?” Kenzie prodded.

“There are no rules to cultivation, little chick,” Brazla said with some disdain. “Everyone has their own path. Finding the correct answer for oneself is half the struggle of becoming strong.”



He shouldn’t have to deal with the madness because he’s not actually undead yea? Now I’m kind of wishing that the lich was still alive because his reaction to draugerzach would be pretty good haha.


Ah man, I liked Alea. I guess this is one way to make room for a future love interest.


I suppose so... Now that he's a draugr, would her poison affect him as much? Hmmm


Happy Thanksgiving


"I have decided to remove your title as Head of Security for Port Atwood. " Yay! Finally Zac is starting to make some smart choices. " It didn’t matter if he was hit 10 times, as long as he got one big hit in the fight would be over." Ugghhh. And Zac is back to being an idiot. He was one-shot killed just an hour ago, and now he is saying he can just absorb 10 hits no problem? It seems that even Zac thinks that knife was unbelievable.


What do you mean? How is he not undead? Do you mean Draugr are alive?


I am not sure why he is hesitating about the fruit. He hit some sort of cap before and lost points because his race wasn't high enough. Why would he risk that again?


Shouldn't it be Kenzie and not Emily that went to see Brazla?


I think covering his weaknesses would be the best move. We are getting to the point were they are specifically targeting him and will exploit his personal weaknesses to kill him.


Yeah, this seems like a mistake on the author's part, Emily's name was used a few times in the dialogue instead of Kenzie's.


Ideally, he would be able to find out a high dex mage class to round out his build.

Sebas Tian

That's an exception, people around him in skill/level won't be able to just pull stunts like that out of a hat. Secondly I doubt there are many of things like that that people on Earth can get access to. Thirdly it wouldn't have even worked if it wasn't for Hannah betraying him and getting the 'backstab'. It seems like you are equating and exception to the norm.


Most of these dual-class stories always devolve into the main character predictably becoming a 'sword-mage' of some sort. It would be awesome to see what the combination of two classes that aren't so predictable would do for the story. Would be great to see how well an endurance specialised class or dexterity focused class would complement the strength focus.


Rip the ship sunk ;-;... for now I guess.

Alexander Dupree

I want to see a vamp off class so he can get some energy and health back when he's fighting.


The most important thing is that he gets something complimentary to his current skills. He can currently attack in melee well and take hits well. He has an okayish movement ability and he has a powerful execution style attack. So what does he lack? He lacks ranged attacks, combat endurance and stealth (distraction,illusion,etc). What styles of class are likely to give this build? Assuming an undead theme, I would wager he wants some form of wraith class, perhaps with a focus on draining abilities? The best stats to base this on would be the ones he currently doesn't use, intelligence being the primary.


Your work is not perfect, but I love it. Genuinely, the story makes sense and is engaging. The characters are believable, relatable and I find myself really caring about what happens to them. Keep up the good work.


Well the thing is, rounding up or covering his weaknesses sounds great for ruling the average. However it was said, there are beings FAR more powerful out there and unless he takes more risky approach there won't be much of a future for him If he plans to contend with the mighty. Perfect example can be the tower trial. If he currently would be lucky to get the fourth floor and there are ones who can clear even ninth at first class rounding his character or covering his weaknesses won't help. If I were in his shoes and planned to become as strong as possible I would use this chance to boost what makes me strong as much as I could. The dual class gives him pretty big advantage and if he grabs some new cool titles, kudos to him. But for the class I'd decide to either go for something dex/end or str/dex focused. This would allow him to do much more damage in a fight. Or alternatively if he could get some str/int enhancer that would be really broken synergy. Having enhancer class who instead of normal power has attributes and skills of heavy hitter

Juli Freixi

Uuffff!! I need mooore!!! Well, thanks a lot for this chapter!!


Please tell me he doesn't have to have both of his classes to level 75 now to break through the bottleneck...

Alexander Dupree

What if he goes with a perception dex type of build to help him move faster and see how to do damage better.

Charles handgis

Did he just set himself up to get lady stabbed/poisoned again. Haha kidding it’s funny tho that girl problems have been the most deadly thing to Zac recently.

Jah Army

How can the undead evolve? As far as I know evolution requires reproduction, doesn't it?


Evolution works by random mutation, natural selection, and passing traits on to the next generation. I guess this could be simulated with other ways of producing undead rather than reproduction. But sometimes 'evolution' is used loosely. For example, the evolution of the telephone. It basically means trial and error engineering over a long period of time to refine something. We learned in chapter 176 that Lord Mhral apparently conducts experiments on people, so maybe he was trying to engineer better undead. And sometimes 'evolution' is used even more loosely to mean improving oneself.


Hey Defier, while I really enjoyed this chapter, this sentence in particular really stood out as an example of what you could improve on to push you writing to the next level. “ He then proceeded to explain the situation, covering both his core and the events that unfolded back at Hannah’s. Kenzie silently listened to the narration, except exclaiming in shock upon the fact that Hannah had been the one to stab him.”. You have a tendency to tell us what is happening, rather than showing us. It’s the main reason everyone was so dissatisfied with the conflict with Hannah, because by telling us what happened instead of painting a scene we had no chance to see any characterisation. It’s one of the cardinal rules of writing for a reason. I know it may seem like filler writing, but it is a massively important part of word building and writing characters, one that you did fine in the beginning of the novel.

Tommy Littlefield

Nah I have a feeling the will either stay separate forever or eventually his human and Undead race will combine along with his classes at like rank D or C evolution way down the line

Hunter Vook

If you take a break for the holidays nobody will hold it against you!