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Author Note: Not a bonus chapter. Saw the posts in the comment section, thought I might as well release this chapter as well rather than responding, as it touches upon many of the things brought up. But that means no chappy tomorrow.


“What?” Zac asked with a sinking feeling, hurriedly walking over to a mirror in the house.

He was shocked at what stared back at him, and he finally understood the odd stares from the three earlier. Ogras wasn’t kidding around with his comment, it truly seemed that he was looking at an undead rather than himself. Of course, it was still his features, but he now looked deathly pale like he’d lost all his blood. 

But the largest difference was his eyes. They weren’t the murky empty eyes of the normal zombies, and neither were they the balls shining a red sinister life like those of Mahl, the Corpse Lord. Rather they were like two black holes. The whites were completely gone, and only true blackness covered them. When he looked at them it felt as though he was looking down into the abyss.

It was such an unreal feeling seeing himself like this that he had to touch his face to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

“What’s going on?” he said, his voice now a bit shaky.

It started to look like the purpose of his core was to give him a second chance at life, though as an undead. The dagger should have killed him, but instead he stood completely fine.

“That’s what I’d like to know. Are you living? Are you dead?” Ogras said from the side, still keeping some distance from Zac. “Its weird, even if you died and somehow turned into a sentient Elite Zombie you shouldn’t have retained any memories. Undead are completely different people just inhabiting a former person’s body.”

Zac quickly opened his status screen to see if he could glean any information.

Name  Zachary Atwood

Level  1

Class  -

Race  Draugr (E)

Alignment  Port Atwood - Lord (Earth)


Titles  Born for Carnage, Ultimate Reaper, Luck of the Draw, Giantsbane, Disciple of David, Overpowered, Slayer of Leviathans, Adventurer, Demon Slayer I, Full of Class, Rarified Being, Trailblazer, Child of Dao, The Big 500, Planetary Aegis, One Against Many, Butcher, Progenitor Hegemon, Core

Dao Seed of Heaviness - Middle, Seed of Trees - High, Seed of Sharpness - Early

Core Duplicity (F)


Strength 344

Dexterity 162

Endurance  237

Vitality 202

Intelligence 90

Wisdom 85

Luck 93

Free Points 0

Nexus Coins 20 853 653  

The sight made him completely befuddled. There were a few shocking changes to his screen. First, the fact that both his level and class were completely reset, returning him to level 1. The next thing was that his race no longer was human, but something called a Draugr.

What was confusing was that while he might have lost his levels and his class, all the benefits remained. His attributes were unchanged as far as he could remember, and his Titles and Dao Seeds were still there.

He started to get an idea of what was going on, his eyes darting toward the line with his core. But to make sure he opened the ladders to make sure. As he suspected he was still in a comfortable lead on the wealth- and level ladder.

Zac could only assume that he was somehow split into two entities due to his odd core, each one possessing its own status screen. If he truly had been reborn as an undead he shouldn’t have all these attributes or still stay on top of the ladder.

He even knew of a few rankers who had fallen in the Dead Zone, turning into Zombies. They immediately were removed from the ladder, just like when anyone else died. That could only mean that the system still considered him to be alive.

Of course, this was only a theory tinged with desperation from his side, and he still didn’t know how to use the core. Even after it got satiated he wasn’t able to interact with it, and it was the same result now even after it had somehow awoken. It would take some time to figure everything out before he could decide his next move.

“I am fine. I think it's just the miasma in my body that went out of control. It might take some time to get it back in line,” Zac said, hiding what was really going on for now.

“Miasma?” Ogras said with a frown. “I thought you said you got better.”

“Well, it’s complicated,” Zac evaded. “It’s like what you said with the unholy beacons. Destroying them is a waste when they can be turned into weapons.”

The demon leveled an even gaze at Zac for a while, finally shaking his head.

“I don’t know what you’ve done, but you are playing with fire. The multiverse is full of people who have turned into abominations in their pursuit of power. You need to wield the power, not let it wield you.”

Zac could only grimace in response. He knew that growing an unknown core that was partly compromised out of miasma was a crazy gambit, but at the moment he didn’t have a lot of alternatives.

“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing,” Zac could only say. “Or well, I don’t really. But I’ll be careful. More importantly, how did you show up so quickly?”

“Fine. But remember, if you die to some stupid experiment we’re all fucked,” Ogras said. "As for why I'm here? Your sister told me something odd was going on, so I checked it out. I found no evidence that this girl was attacked, making me thing she did this to her own house. I wanted to find out what she was planning, so I stayed in the vicinity. I didn't expect them to almost kill you."

"I still don't understand how it's possible," Zac said as he looked down at the shining dagger. "Just what is that thing?" 

"Not sure, but I would guess it's an offensive array rather than an actual weapon. Otherwise, it shouldn't have been strong enough to almost kill you," Ogras said. 

Zac was inclined to agree. Not only did the thing slice through his robe, but it effortlessly pierced his body. Hannah simply shouldn't be strong enough to accomplish that. But if this dagger was something like the Thunder Punishment still in his Pouch he understood why it was so dangerous. The one-time offensive arrays held extreme power.

He only didn't expect it to look just like a weapon. Clearly, the Church of Everlasting Dao held various means beyond the understanding of both Ogras and himself.

“I'll look into the weapon. Please try to find out just how a shapeshifter could replace David, and if he’s still alive. Perhaps he kept the real David somewhere for questioning. He did manage to trick Hannah for potentially weeks, after all," Zac said.

"Have they reached the archipelago, or was it just a cultist lying in hiding from the incursion? It even managed to block my danger sense and fake its death right in front of us,” Zac added with a frown. “How is that even possible?”

“Nothing is unbeatable in the multi-verse. Any powerhouse has a good deal of Luck accumulated through the years,” Ogras explained. “But there are many means to trick it, at least temporarily. That’s a major part of the pure Assassination classes. You can’t let your Luck be a crutch for you. Always be vigilant.”

Zac’s eyes thinned slightly when he heard the demon’s explanation. What Ogras said made sense, but he wondered why such an important piece of information never had left his mouth over these past months. Was the lordling still planning things in the shadows?

“As for the fake death, I have no idea. I think this guy must have been a second in command or a leader of the shapeshifters, he’s very slippery. It seems we will need to buy a lot more Springroot. Be careful of anyone approaching you now. He might have more of those daggers,” Ogras continued with a frown as the shadows swallowed him and the unconscious Hannah.

Zac could only sigh and take out a hooded robe from his cosmos sack to hide his new appearance. He also picked up the weird knife that Hannah used on him, as perhaps it was a clue in all this.

Finally, he headed back home. He snuck over the wall when no one was looking, as he wasn’t ready to show his appearance to the guards. His mansion was empty at the moment, with both Emily and Kenzie luckily still at the academy. He quickly erected his set of arrays around it so that he wouldn’t be interrupted.

Zac sat down and started to ponder on his next move. The first goal for him was to turn back to a human, as he didn’t want to stay a so-called Draugr forever. However, he never received a shape-change skill or something similar from the core. And this was provided that he was correct about the function of his Specialty Core.

He could only turn his sight inward, looking at the core inside his body, trying to glean any hints. And to his surprise, he saw one. Before he turned to an undead his core was completely balanced, but now that balance was off.

The side with the miasma had shrunk by at least 10 percent. The intricate fractals still covered the core though, creating a fine mesh on it. Perhaps it meant that the core expended some of its deathly energy to transform him.

Zac could only guess that the clue was in the fractals on the core. He still had no idea where they came from or how they were formed, but there was nothing else that could explain the weird things that were happening to him.

He slowly went over them one by one with far more scrutiny compared to before, trying to glean any meaning from them. The minutes turned to hours as he scoured the small orb over and over again until he started to see a pattern. For the first time since the fall, he felt he had some use of his job as an animator for a marketing agency.

Just like he needed to look over his designs frame by frame, he looked over the inscriptions fractal by fractal, trying to understand how they fit together and what they meant. And he actually made some progress after arduously creating a mental map of what was going on.

While at first glance the two sides seemed to possess quite similar fractals, there was a startling difference between the inscriptions of the life-attuned and death-attuned sides. There were more of them on the life-attuned side.

And after slowly mapping out just what the difference was, he was realized that he recognized what remained. The inscriptions on the two halves of the cores formed a mostly closed network of pathways that were only connected at two places. After understanding the base framework he could see what was added on the life-attuned side.

It was his own pathways he got from the class Hatchetman. They were somehow added into the larger mesh on the life-attuned side, whereas the equivalent addition was missing on the death-attuned side.

While the phenomenon was weird, it wasn’t too surprising that it looked like that. He was currently level one without a class, and he had already realized that his pathways were already gone. That was a big reason he had first thought he’d truly turned, as the familiar routes for his power were missing.

But Zac felt positive after having discovered the fractals for the Hatchetman class. Together with the other facts it truly felt like the core only stored his class in the half containing the life-attuned energy. Now the next question was how to load it up again, so to speak.

But that wasn’t really what was on Zac’s mind at the moment. It brought to question something even more exciting. Was he able to gain two classes from now on? Just what would happen when he leveled up with this undead form?

The question burned in his mind but he restrained himself from doing anything drastic. At first, he just wanted to rush out into the woods and start killing barghest by the truckload, rushing toward level 25.

But he also realized that this might be an opportunity. He knew far more about the system now compared to when he first was weak and alone on the island. Perhaps he could accomplish some amazing feats and gain titles with his status as a level 1 warrior.

The first title that came to mind was His Title chain that began with [Giantsbane] and ended with [Slayer of Leviathans]. He didn’t know where the limits to that title chain lay, but he felt there might be a final, ultimate title for killing a beast 75 levels higher than himself.

That was because it would mean that he surmounted an entire grade in a fight. He suddenly felt infinitely lucky that he wasn’t the one that killed the shapeshifter that had taken David’s form. Zac believed that getting the [Slayer of Leviathans] quest shouldn’t be an impossible endeavor for many people, as a level 50 without any titles wasn’t very strong.

But killing an E-ranked being at level 1 should be extremely uncommon, even in the context of the whole multiverse, and should bring big benefits. It made him once again lament that he had no one like Greatest to consult about other opportunities like that.

All kinds of plans and opportunities flashed through his mind, and his worry was slowly being replaced with excitement.



Well this chapter is a huge turning point, thanks for posting it to clear up 204.


Wow, was about to be REALLY pissed at him being lvl 1 again but you turned it around really nicely. I'd figured that Zac was going towards a Life/Death build for awhile but thought it would be more nature based like a Barbarian/Shaman mix. Nice to see him looking more big picture!


Wow I really like the turn. Shame it's not a bonus chap thought :( Maybe we get some on Christmas eve? xD


Definitely worth posting this early, can we expect double posts for similar chapters in the future?


Yep I was a bit confused about the lord part especially when hannah seemed to say she was the lord


Well I was kind of hoping he would get some sort of elite mage class with this transformation, but yeah killing an E-class beastie would be great too.


Dis some good shit, boiiiii!


Nice, that seems super strong if he can have 2 classes (even if in the end only the skills from 1 can be active at a time) and gain twice the stats of others with a similar rarity of classes


I like where this is headed. Maybe get him a magic-user class in his draugr body?


Thanks for the early chapter, but you're too sensitive to comments. They're not always right, and I dare say, most of the time the comments aren't right. Last chapter was just fine! Don't worry


Ogras: "Some children of powerhouses who are lvl 10 have as high stats as you do" Zac: "Well, I'm only lvl 1, how you like them apples?"


So many people from 204s comments look like real jackasses after this chapter. Gotta have a little faith in the author


I would try to keep it something with the same main stats. Perhaps a stealth/Assassination class.


I definitely like the direction and it has the power gamer in me frothing at the mouth! Given the name of the core, I thought it was going to lead to double classing although obviously not in this manner. The name was a nice bit of double entendre foreshadowing. However as the last chapter showed the Hannah subplot was a poor way to get there in the context of the rest of the story. Having Hannah be the vehicle is fine just push off their initial reunion and have it happen then.


Time to add brains to brawl. His death needs a bit more tension I think .


It gives the mc a real edge, I mean he was never trained before the interaction so double maybe what he needs


This is either gonna lead to some really interesting things, or ruin the book (for me at least)


Gonna have to go back to look at the inheritances again, might be something good for him in there.


It seems that most of his stats are in the strength and vitality I wonder how will he increase his intelligent and wisdom. If you want you can make him a beast tamer like those corrupted my miasma maybe a death knight

Tommy Littlefield

Holy crap that’s amazing I was just focused on the advantage of two different classes and races giving stats and daos I didn’t even think about titles which is arguably his biggest uniqueish advantage


she had a quest to kill him because the system saw an opportunity for her to gain crazy power and it said she would become the lord. she thought he was dead so she was in shock and assuming she was the lord


This doesnt solve any of the complaints about the story. Hannah's arc was still poorly executed and purely deus ex machina. It used an overplayed trope and pissed off a lot of readers. The early chapter makes excuses for the technical problems that were brought up but the author completely ignores the legitimate complaints about BAD STORY issues!!! We aren't whining. We are pointing out an obvious problem that isnt going to go away by throwing a plot twist. Ironically, I would have really enjoyed the plot twist if it had actually been executed with the normal deftness the author hooked us with. A setup with a team of infiltrator assassins and a huge fight scene would have made so much more sense. Or damn near anything else! Hannah doesnt have enough development or agency to believably pull this off. Ugh. Still pissed.


While the new core dual-class setup could be interesting, this chapter does not address the two biggest problems with the previous chapter. So, the knife is actually an offensive array. Except that Incursion people are not able to buy offensive arrays. Even Zac, Lord of a Global CIty, cannot buy that kind of offensive array, so none of the other natives should have been able to buy it for them. And the System should not have allowed them to bring such a powerful weapon through the incursion. As for an Assassin class being able to suppress a person's luck, that could have been a plausible explanation except for two things. It has never even been hinted at before that some classes have the ability to suppress another person's internal attributes. That is a supremely powerful ability and should have been mentioned before. And second, Zac has a huge luck attribute at 93. Ogras only has around 23. It is hard to believe that an Incursion-limited person has higher luck than Zac at 93. And being able to suppress someone's attribute should really require having a higher value for that attribute, otherwise it is just lame. Imagine a strength 100 guy beating up Zac with 344 strength, just because he has a skill that can reduce Zac's strength to less than 10. Lame.

Hunter Vook

I gotta say you scared the shit out of me, Defier. But I'm pleasantly surprised with how it turned out. Maybe release those chapters together for everyone else when the the comes?


It was mentioned that the incursion forces are able to buy arrays after the incursion has stabilized and as for the assassination it was mentioned that David was a top elite of the CED and the CED’s incursion leader is specified as being stronger than Zac so it is not unreasonable that this guy might have Stats or Skills that are comparable to Zac’s power

Matt R.

Saw a lot of hate last chapter, but I’m totally on board with this multiple form thing. PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing.


You say that like a new chapter fixed the bad storytelling and the flimsy excuses addressed the technical issues.

Donncha crowley

Zombie zac the plot twist is different it could break the great story or make it


I don't think anything was ruled out. Maybe he'll get some sort of undead mage class, like a lich or necromancer.


Agreed. I think I know what the problem is. Last night I went back and started reading the story from the begining. I've had a vague suspicon, but after rereading the earlier parts I think whoever is writing the story now is not the person who started it. Also if you read "First Defier's" comments, even the ones from today and yesterday, the language is quite different from the chapters. I had thought the author was a native English speaker, butI noticed a change in writing quality, the language was suddenly like the English from translations of light novels.

M van Dongen

Wow OP cheese Zack IB.

Henry Wartemberg

Now this is an opportunity and a half. But the flipside is that he should really be trying to gain a complimentary class as well. If he uses an axe again which I assume he will need to for an E-Class he is kind of setting himself up for the same class twice.


Thanks for the chapter. Didn't really care one way or the other about Hannah's plot in things. She was only a filler to get to this point to allow him to learn about his core via death/resurrection... and overall her segment was brief so I liked it. I love when the romance stuff is short and brief and doesn't much affect everything else in a major way so I can ignore the logic behind it all. Interesting ability he may have to redo and gain a greater foothold with all the shit he's likely to be facing he needs those ace's.

Charles handgis

Honestly I’m fine with this, was Hannah alittle cliche here yes she was. But it’s fits with the methodology of the CED and honestly I would rather have it be her than someone like Kenzie or one of the other chars we grown to like. She was used as a mechanism to give zac more power, could it be done better? Probably but I’m not sure it’s worth this level of frustration.


Can Zach use the second fruit of ascension on his second class race?


Hope the undead thing becomes a secondary thing to the story and not the main focus after it hopefully gets resolved. Way too late to make him progress further as an undead now i feel. I really like the concept utilizing the undead form(?) to support his human form(?) though.


ooooh. I didn't even think about this. That would probably have an even bigger effect since he is undead and that likely means not only the race grade level can change, but potential the race itself (into something stronger).


Eh, I agree that the Hannah plot was fine being short and not focused too much on, but I disagree with why. Romance in a story, especially this kind, done well (and that usually means a decent amount of time spent on it) only makes the story better. It adds character growth, realism, and emotion to an otherwise non-stop action and world-building story.In other words, it makes things grounded and you get more invested in the characters. However, Hannah was a bland character and not enough time was spent to get invested so making use of her in this way was good enough for me.


Were there any legacies in the dao repository that would match Zacs new status? Might be a clue as to the long term direction of the story. Something linked to duality or immortality- my mind is telling me there might have been an Undying King or something like that? A chapter reference for the list of legacies would be awesome


Chapter 163. Undying fiend, and lord of cycles might match? Perhaps even crown of despair?


I actually like this turn. Gives him some serious paths to Overpower. Also I wonder if the two classes might fuse at some point. Not sure how differently rated Classes scale so having two good instead on one really good might be better.

Juli Freixi

Wow!! WOW!!! Wow!! GREAT!!! Thanks a lot for the chapter!! That's so great!!


Something I want to add and to help you improve the novels is that I believe you should give more attention to details, description of gestures, emotions, atmosphere can really give life to a novel and I feel you are still lacking there. Also makes it easier to insert yourself in the story. Right now you have like a overviews kind of description thing going on and I thing you could improve if you gave more attention to details and the prose. Thanks for the Chapters !

Joshua Little

Awesome, outcome. Dual classes and levelling benefits were my might first thoughts on this. Didn't even consider gaming the titles system, genius. Can't wait to see what happens. Thanks for the chapter.


What do those titles need and what do they give?


i was thinking about something. While it might be possible to go out and kill some king of the beasts e-class rabbit for his new title, wouldn’t it make more sense to kill an undead commander. Not only can he stealth / blend in with the undead now. But killing an enemy is more relevant than killing a random beast. Plus experience towards assassin class.


Thank you!!


Regarding titles, why doesn't Zac just go buy a book on what titles are out there? I'm sure some of them are hidden, too uncommon, etc. but in a multiverse obsessed with power and the obvious advantage of titles, why haven't anyone just compiled a list of the most common titles and how to get them?


There’s so many people in the comments that don’t know what Deus ex Machina means...

Jonathan Walker

I feel the same way. Good to know I'm not the only one.


Ok, I've made sure to stay quiet until we reached a point that was supposed to act as some sort of climax and I think these two chapters fit the bill. I think the situation with Hannah was handled poorly. We as readers didn't really care about her because she had so little screen time from the start (but I'll try to speak only for myself), and Zac even said that they weren't together that long before the System arrived. So him running into a building looking for her just seems out of character for him, nor do I care enough about Hannah to want him to do so either. And he has moved fast enough to partially dodge a sniper rifle shot when he only had less than a second of warning, but he couldn't move fast enough to dodge a stab from a person significantly weaker than him? That also strikes me as odd. And worst of all is that I was kinda excited about how the new core would come into play, but the direction you've chosen here feels cheap. Dropping down to level 1 again, to farm Titles? Unless he gets some truly busted scaling Titles, it doesn't seem like the effort would be worth it. Having to get through the level bottlenecks twice, and if he gets a new class too? Then the whole thing becomes one huge mess. I think one of my favorite chapters of this story is when Zac has the vision of that Hatchetman wiping out scores of Divine Beings, and reading about his desire to reach those heights. I worry that you have begun to write in a direction that is not geared towards that goal anymore. Honestly, I would love to be completely wrong. If something awesome comes of this, despite all my misgivings, then that's great. But I currently just am not confident that's what will happen. Only time will tell, I guess. Sorry for the wall of text, I dunno how to format this any better


I won't address the Hannah part, but as far as the hatchetman vision goes I believe he is still on track. He is not going to become the man from that vision, but he will wield the same strength. The title oppportunity is static percentage bonuses to his attributes, which is what has made him as strong as he is now! That is super OP. And I feel like this undead part of the class will not be a forefront build, but more like a backup escape class. He is going to continue to pursue strength and smash heads in with hatchetman. thats my prediction anyways.


There's something that is very likely going to make that very difficult though, which is that he currently has no class, so I'm assuming he can't use any of his really powerful skills. It would be very difficult to kill anything really strong (while still both within his power range and at early E-grade) with only his stats and Daos.


So Zac now needs a good source of information to farm OP titles, maybe he can ask Abby, the Eye where he could get such information.

Thaabit Rivertree

For everyone complaining about Hannah, yes it could've been done better with a fair bit more depth, but I'm fairly certain the entire Hannah arc existed soley to create a believable moment where Zac died. When you look at it like that, you realize it was just a means to an end and it makes sense that it wasn't as fleshed out as it would've been if it was narratively important. Of course, I may be wrong, but really I think people were overestimating her importance. I would also like to point out, that if that's the biggest flaw in this story, that's saying something to the quality of DofTF. I have to give so many kudos to the author for writing a story that is so original and entertaining and with an uncharacteristic lack of fluff. Consistent plot progression and original mechanics and development on top of good writing, I mean in my opinion the author is doing great.

Thaabit Rivertree

Now for me personally, I think the chapters are too short to warrant $10 a month, but I see why some people would put their disposable income there.

Thaabit Rivertree

After reading all the comments, I realized... Wouldn't it be better if Zac could fight one of the level 101 Zhix? If he fights it in his normal form, then manages to die near the end, then kills it in his Draugr form, he should not only get a title for killing something 100 levels above him, but he would probably also get the title for killing something 75 levels above him. Does his health reset when he converts? How is Draugr health managed anyways? I'm curious to see how this plays out... He seems to share stats and titles but not skills. What about Daos? What sort of class would go well with his hatchetman class? There are so many directions he could take this... I also support another commenter who said he should buy a book on titles from Calrin.

Stuart Dye

There are many ways this change can go for the future and I like the options that I can think of. More titles for extra multipliers and then more stats from leveling a second time should lead to a nice op Zac. I wonder if he will have to fuse the two halves of himself to reach D-Grade?


His available classes will depend on how he reaches lvl 25- what type of skills he used.


Your comment implies that maybe you dont, since it has been used correctly in every comment I read that used it. Courtesy of Wikipedia, about modern definition of deus ex machina: " It is generally deemed undesirable in writing and often implies a lack of creativity on the part of the author. The reasons for this are that it does damage to the story's internal logic and is often so unlikely that it challenges suspension of disbelief, allowing the author to conclude the story with an unlikely ending."

Henry Wartemberg

Pretty sure he can't currently beat the 101 Zhix. think that is why in recent chapters he has been narrowly focused on gaining power as quickly and efficiently as possible

Bobby B.

So, I'm thinking, and here's my prediction, it's off which side is higher! Life vs. Death energy, right now his life energy was sucked out, so he's death-high. Once he's life high he'll switch back

Richard Davis ll

This is an interesting twist and while I do think the hannah situation could have used more building up I do love how it has turned out, after all this just opens up so many possibilities for our MC. I can't wait to see where the next chapter takes us.

Tommy Littlefield

I’d just like to say I’m still really enjoying your story keep up the good writing man


Please just ignore the toxicity. A lot of us are really enjoying the story :)


I think this will really open up the metagaming route, letting us readers have a better view of how to min max in this universe while also making our protagonist that much stronger.


His life side class is about reaping and harvesting. His death side class should be about growing and building.


Form his tree seed to the next stage = title? + kill level 76+ beast = title. Those two alone would give anyone a godly advancement.


There is so much foreshadowing that he's meant to be about changing and cycling it's silly you haven't seen it. The literal lord of cycles inheritance. The life/death core. The Grow / Reap aspects of his Daos. I guarantee that this half of Zac will be just as relevant as the other, but I think the balancing thing may take him a while to get down.


Lord of cycles is 100% the choice, it's the only real match for him.

Stephen Pearson

Thanks for the chapter; I love the endless possibilities this opens up, including possibly a completely different focus for his second class complete with a distinct set of capabilities, not to mention the stat doubling. Also love the irony of an undead with the Dao of Trees:-)


Later it could be possible for him to merge the classes.


So Zac will get some OP titles, gain a second class, and then integrate it's pathways into death attuned core to freely switch between his 2 races...Nice power up before he runs into some Dominators in the Treasure hunt.


His race may also be useful if he encounters Undead empire outside Earth like the Tower of Eternity.


I'm sure all the easier to get and rare ones are kept secret but I reckon there has to be millions of publicly sold archives documenting basic and low level titles/gear/monsters/resources/daos etc. Maybe even rarer things like knowledge about speciality cores would be sold too.


Does this fiction have a discord?


I wonder if the second half will literally double his stats/skills or if it will only give minor benefits. Stuff like a class and skills but no stats? Maybe a class but it needs some crazy advancement requirement? Who knows!


I think his current state is more about his body than his core. He would have to both balance his core and find a way to re-align his core and body I think. I reckon that the lord of cycles inheritance will be the key to true switching.#


kill an enemy 25/50 levels above you, I forget what they give


yes but I am unclear if we are aloud to just give it out. wouldn't want to anger the Defier


How does he still have access to the human ladders? From what we've seen before, each race has its own ladders. Therefore, undead Zac should not be able to see the human ladders.