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My new schedule has made my work week much more manageable. Unfortunately, it hasn't quite resolved the general exhaustion I'd accumulated until running into that wall. I should probably have taken a cue from the much-wiser Shirtaloon and taken a break to reset my head together with the swap.

Seeing as the upper tier is reaching a good stopping point this month, I've decided to pause releases early. The August break will be expanded to also include July.

Ultom is a major arc that I've been building toward for years. I want to do it justice, and I don't think I can do that if I jump into it in my current state. A few rushed decisions at the start of an arc can cause a chain reaction that completely derails the storyline. I want to avoid that for both our sakes.

As usual, that means I'm pausing billing for July and August. Active subscriptions and their related benefits (chapter access and Discord roles) will roll over without any charge. Be aware that a canceled subscription means losing that access, and resubscribing during the break would incur a charge despite the billing pause.

On a more positive scheduling note, I will be attending DragonCon this year too. I'm not doing any panels this year since I frankly didn't much enjoy that part of the con, but I'll be hanging around in places like the Aethon booth. So if you want to discuss DotF in person, present your best headcanon, or just pick up a signed copy, this'll be your best bet at finding me.

TL;DR: No chapters in July+August. No charges in July+August. You can find me in person at DragonCon. I'll be the guy looking uncomfortable and overheating.


Jeff McCulley

Pease rest and get healthy! I am mildly disappointed to see that Monday is the 1st, so NOT one more chapter—but I’ll survive. Somehow. 🤪 Thanks, TFD!

Jeff McCulley

One of my favorite authors, Jim Butcher, had a time in his life where everything went wrong. A divorce, health problems, issues getting his new home built, even his dog died. An immense gap between books. I’d rather such things not happen to my other favorite authors.


Thanks for the amazing adventures of Mr. Atwood and the incredible DoF universe. Of course I'lll being going back to Book 13 to absorb the final published version seeking out those subtle and maybe not subtle edits. Rest up, I know you are just getting started.