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"Anything?" Ilvere asked upon seeing Tamira entering the conference room.

"Still nothing. Our liaison said the council is still investigating 'our claim.' None of our independent sources are reporting any movements or secret preparations, either."

"Useless!" Little Bolt slammed his hand onto the table in anger. "We bring word that the Kan'Tanu's leader is dead and a recording of a second Chapter being razed to the ground. And they do nothing?! Does Lord Atwood have to bring the whole cult to their knees before they get their act together?"

"It's not only that," Tamira sighed. "We've received multiple reports of World Lords and chapter elites appearing on battlefronts throughout the sector. They're pushing hard."

"Rats abandoning a sinking ship," Ilvere spat. "It's been almost a day since the Chapter of the Broken God fell. News of the Eternal Guardians should have spread among the Kan'Tanu elites by now. I bet the smart ones are spending all their Faction Merit to escape through the battlefronts."

"Did Lord Atwood say if the giants would continue to Zecia after wrapping things up in Zurbor?" Carva asked.

"I don't know much beyond the report and orders I've already relayed." Mark Marshal shook his head. "But I Doubt it. From what I understood from our brief exchange, Lord Atwood was limited to imparting a very simple set of orders. Kill the Foreign Gods and then wreak havoc on Zurbor. They can't think for themselves beyond that. I assume they'll stop or try to return after they can't find any more targets within range."

"And how far is that?" Ilvere asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine," Mark said. "At least it looked like they should have sensed the other chapters. I'm assuming that's why they crushed all those stars to build a road, ignoring the whole continent and its citizens."

Ilvere shuddered, still barely able to believe what he'd been shown an hour ago. The twin Emperors and his sealbearers had been tightlipped about the purpose of their mission, only divulging it could change the course of the war. Wasn't that the understatement of the century? Ilvere had seen one punch annihilate four Monarchs, leaving nothing behind. Another had killed the Chapter Master and torn apart the devilish god he'd conjured with a Grand Array.

The battle between the two giants and the Kan'Tanu Chapter lasted less than five minutes. The Eternal Guardians had imposed a spatial lockdown with raw physical strength and punched away until only a crater remained. There was no discussion and no mercy. The moment they were done, they left for the next target, nary a mark on their bodies.

Mark Marshall was lucky to be standing there. The ship he manned had been clipped twice by errant energies during the lockdown but narrowly avoided a direct hit. He'd used the power vacuum to pilot the damaged ship to the nearest active battlefront. They'd made short work of the local World Lord with a salvo of orbital bombardment, and the Zecian combatants had been more than happy to provide passage home in exchange for the Cosmic Vessel.

"Orders aside, there's also the issue of energy," Boje said. "I can't imagine the amount of energy required to teleport a planet-sized puppet between sectors. The distance is perhaps millions of times greater than their previous jump. You should understand the costs involved from seeing how the established factions are only sending away their best and brightest."

The mere mention made Ilvere's blood boil. Their Lord's secret mission had worked even better than expected, delivering a devastating blow to the Kan'Tanu. Who knew? Even more chapters might have been dismantled by now. And what did the Alliance leaders do with the opportunity brought from the Atwood Empire's elites risking their lives? Nothing.

The Dao Reserves of half the Alliance members had already escaped, including the Havarok Dynasty and Allbright Clan. The situation was even worse in Zecia's Mercantile alliance, which had more or less caused a logistical collapse. These weakwilled bastards had emptied their treasuries and made off like bandits in the night.

The Atwood Empire would have remained ignorant of the betrayal, like most of Zecia, if not for their Lord's wide network. Even now, the Alliance outwardly acted like nothing had changed, calling for unity and to endure. They were using the lives of the less fortunate to cover their escape, to buy more time to extract Zecia's riches.

"Perhaps they'll return now that there's been a change," Ciru Volor said. "The pope is dead, at least two chapters are eradicated, and most won't be able to afford the battlefront passage fees. With such limited strength, they won't be able to conquer the whole sector. Rather, I expect they'll find themselves in a similar situation as the Kavriel Province of before."

"Return? Why would they? To rule over the rubble? To fight a drawn-out sector war against the Kan'Tanu who made it across?" Brazla laughed. "The trial was their opportunity to interact with organizations that wouldn't normally give them the time of the day. Those Monarchs would rather be coolies of these B-grade factions than deal with this headache."

"He's right. There's little benefit to staying now that the System is wrapping things up. At best, they'll leave a few more powerhouses behind to maintain a resource channel," Ilvere said.

Anyone with eyes had seen which way the wind blew for a while. The added notices that appeared in the Merit Exchange a few days back were simply the final nail in the coffin. Merit would no longer be awarded starting in one month, and all ongoing designation quests would have to be finished within three to reap their rewards.

The Ruthless Heavens was done with the war. There was still a chance it would start the next round, but Ilvere doubted it. Every cultivator alive could feel it. It was like the Heavens had turned its back on the whole sector, and the Dao was growing more distant by the day. Boje believed it was the Ruthless Heaven reprioritizing its resources as a result of their loss, and Ilvere tended to agree.

Ilvere wanted to scream at the Heavens at the injustice of it all. They'd fought, they'd bled, they'd triumphed. Their Lord had achieved the impossible twice over. Yet the river of fate kept dragging them toward ruin.

No, Ilvere refused to give up on the home they'd built. And it wasn't necessarily over for the Atwood Empire. There was a critical piece of information that let Ilvere hold on. There was no mention of the Limited Exchange closing. On the contrary, the notice said there'd be a final update of its offerings when the war ended. One of those offerings should be a way out, and they had more than enough Faction Merit to spare.

"We can't pin all our hopes on those two giants. Nor can we put our faith in Zecia. We can only rely on ourselves," Ilvere said, gathering his thoughts. "I vote for closing all but one battlefront to conserve our strength."

"You want to turtle up?" Brazla said, ignoring the annoyed glance from Ciru Volor.

"No, the opposite," Ilvere said. "The Emperor told us to follow our judgment when it comes to our expansion plans. Let's begin immediately."

"Quartermaster, are you proposing we upgrade our world again?" Rhubat said, leaning forward with interest.

"Yes," Ilvere nodded. "Not only that, but I think we should buy at least a dozen feeder worlds. We have well over a hundred million Faction Merit thanks to the Emperor. We should use some of it before the update to be on the safe side."

"If we go ahead, may I suggest recruiting more locals?" Little Bolt said. "People are getting more desperate by the day, and even the commoners are starting to realize something is wrong. It's not just wandering cultivators that are approaching us any longer. There are whole clans hoping to relocate to escape the Kan'Tanu."

"Bringing some outside help could be useful if we plan on expanding our number of worlds. We need the help, and it could be considered a test," Alyn said. "It's also an opportunity to gain heritages in subjects where we're lacking."

Almost everyone in the room agreed on the general direction. There was no telling how circumstances would change now that the mysterious opportunity that had attracted the outsiders had been pushed forward. They needed to take the opportunity to shore up their strengths and foundations before it was too late. If nothing else, upgrading Earth to Late D-grade was a global opportunity for their people to advance.

There were some disagreements as to how much should be spent before the update and how quickly they should move. The group debated each point, gradually moving toward a consensus until their meeting was interrupted.

"What's this? Why do we have to hear in passing that members of the expedition have returned?"

Ilvere frowned as Petrus and Serzo barged into the room, his headache turning into surprise upon seeing a similar shimmer around Petrus as Rhubat. The grizzly military advisor was a sealbearer? How was that possible? His aura was clearly... young? Since when was his energy so vibrant?

'Quartermaster, activate the array.'


'He's a subordinate of the betrayer.'

Ilvere gritted his teeth and followed Rhubat's order before the two newcomers could react. Thousands of previously hidden runes on the walls, floor, and ceiling lit up, and the two outsiders were rendered immobile. Rhubat was already on his feet, a small spear radiating brutality and righteousness in his hand.

"I worried the Heavens had abandoned me when I couldn't join Warmaster's mission. That it had abandoned the Zhix. I see now I had to stay behind for a reason," Rhubat said, stopping before Petrus. "The answer I seek can be found right on our soil."

A wave of deadly destruction suddenly erupted from within Petrus, pushing the carefully arranged defenses to their limits. However, the shockwave suddenly collapsed on itself, exposing the scene within. Rhubat's spear had already pierced Petrus' forehead, and death was expelled through the numerous throughout his body by faith and Killing Intent.

"Why?" Serzo calmly looked on as Petrus lifelessly slumped to the ground. "Your actions will trigger a war."

"Trigger a War? Too late for that," Ilvere scoffed and threw over an Information Crystal. He effortlessly caught it, no longer restrained by the damaged array. "Read for yourself."

Serzo drew a sharp breath moments later. "This is impossible! Autarchs breaking into Zurbor, civil war in the Heartlands? Kator betrayed us and is dead?"

"I guess the maintained radio silence makes sense now," Ilvere shrugged. "Anyway. Our boss knows to separate grudges and gratitude. He mentioned receiving help from your mistress, so we'll treat you fairly. Only…"

"Only what?" Serzo said.

"How do we know you're still with the Draugr and not another of that skeleton's spies?"

Serzo didn't move for a few seconds before sighing. "I'll give you a list of all known and suspected operatives."

"Good," Rhubat said, his aura rippling with purpose. "We'll begin with the purge of spies and continue onto the new worlds. There shall be no lingering threats when the Heavens call me away."

Ilvere inwardly sighed. He said nothing to refute the Zhix despite knowing the kind of storm they'd kick up. Rivers of blood would flow by the time they were done. So be it. Ilvere had no problems with getting his hands dirty to protect what was his. Especially now that he had something greater to fight for.



The sonorous chants brought forth years of memories, and the voices melded into a cage that cut off all avenues of escape. Resisting felt like a rejection of the universe, a denunciation of the natural order. Invisible swirls of Dao and Dharma tried to hold her in place and accept the inevitable. She wouldn't let it.

Thea had hoped it wouldn't come to this, knowing there'd be a heavy price to pay. Fighting back against the Sangha only left you more entangled in their Karmic web, where grudges and blood would bring you back to their doorstep. However, she hadn't felt as certain about anything since saving those children from Onadar before this sordid started.

Discard the self to become one with the sword. Cut through all distractions. The chants fell on deaf ears as Thea entered a marvelous state; the gleaming edge cared nothing about merit or benevolence. It only had one purpose: to cut.

The swing was slow and deliberate, giving no indication it posed a threat to the nun standing more than fifty meters away. It barely emitted any energy until it was time to strike. Like the sharp edge suddenly drawn from its sheath, a murderous energy condensed into singular sharpness.


The nun's clarity came too late. The chants were cut, as were the Karmic bonds trying to impose their will. Nothing survived the bright radiance of the half-moon that was born and faded in the blink of an eye. The world briefly stayed locked in stillness before reality caught up. The hands held in a mudra fell to the ground, followed by dozens of pieces of cleanly dissected flesh. While invisible to the eye, even the nun's soul had been cut into cubic pieces, quashing any chance of survival.

The sword in Thea's hand remained steady as a mountain after displaying its true essence. No frills, no pomp. Speed, sharpness, and singular devotion were Thea's conception of the Dao of the Sword and her path. It was the first lesson Irei taught her and a fundamental truth she saw clearer every day.

Thea's legs didn't share her Dao's indomitable conviction, and she slumped onto the ground. The battle was short, but she'd been running for a day. More importantly, she'd poured everything into that swing. Her heart, her beliefs, and her intent. What remained felt hollow and incomplete.

A deep sigh stopped Thea from catching her breath. She followed the sound, and anger replaced the emptiness in her heart. It was Amanthi who stood nearby, looking at the fallen nun with sorrow in his eyes. Scanning the perimeter, Thea saw no one else from the Sangha, though that didn't make much of a difference.

Thea had narrowed the gap through ceaseless effort on the battlefield and collecting two pieces of her seal, but the gap was undeniably still there. There was a chance she could eke out a victory against Amanthi if she were in perfect condition. There was no hope in her current state. Thankfully, her escape skill was almost off cooldown, so she only needed to stall for a minute or two.

It was just as well, as she had more than a few questions she needed to get out.

"How could you?" Thea said, her eyes stinging from barely held-back tears. "All those evils, and for what? Just to undo everything that Zac has tried to accomplish? To quash the hope we've all fought for?"

Thea was still reeling from the revelation of what she'd been unknowingly complicit to over the past years. She'd almost formed a Heart Demon from the pent-up frustration of seeing Zecia flounder so badly during the war. That feeling had become unbearable after Zac managed to demolish a whole Chapter of the Kan'Tanu and cause utter mayhem in their ranks. He'd flipped the entire table, no doubt after overcoming insurmountable odds.

And nothing changed.

That was by design, it turned out. For years, the Sangha had traveled across Zecia, arbitrarily saving some while abandoning others. Only it wasn't random. They'd been nudging the fate of the whole sector with surgical precision. A butterfly flapped its wings, and a hurricane appeared on another world.

Thea wasn't blind. She'd known these smiling monks weren't altruists and that their every action held a deeper meaning. But she'd thought their inscrutable actions were designed to uncover more seals. To learn it was all to push Zecia toward a point of no return was almost too much to bear. Hearing how far they'd gone, especially over the past month, was shocking.

They'd sent out Teleportation Tokens and Nexus Coins like they were candy, getting the ball rolling on the exodus currently taking place. And for every Monarch accepting, two more would follow. Who'd stay behind and fight to the death after seeing their peers run for the hills? Of course, there were many warriors ready to fight to the bitter end, but the Sangha had a remedy for them, too. Genocide.

Nothing was off the table, from inciting conflicts between Zecian neighbors to obscuring the advance of Kan'Tanu units until it was too late. And when such circumspect methods didn't work, they'd resorted to direct assassination of key figures. Thea had no idea of how many of Zecia's champions had fallen already. No one did; who were more skilled at erasing their tracks than these demonic monks?

Thea would have remained ignorant to it all, happily preparing for the upcoming trial, if Everlasting Peace hadn't found his conscience at the eleventh hour. He'd divulged the truth and helped her escape the Sangha's ever-watching eyes. Except it didn't last for long. First Still Veneration and now Amanthi.

Perhaps that was what hurt the most. Amanthi knew. He'd known all along, in contrast to Everlasting Peace, who'd only uncovered the whole truth a few weeks before her. Thea had seen Amanthi as a mentor and friend, an anchor of reason and stability when surrounded by the acolytes' insufferably fake congeniality.

"Evil… I'm sure we appear that way to you. And perhaps you're right," Amanthi sighed.

"Then why—"

"Would you take an innocent life to save one hundred? To save a million?" the Dharmic Guardian asked. "That's what we're doing. That's The Sangha's mission. We'll bear the sorrows of the world to ensure the Cosmos moves in the right direction. For the sake of all creation."

Thea sneered. She'd spent enough time listening to the Sangha's self-serving bullshit to know there was no point in arguing.

"Believe what you will. Zecia has become a lynchpin in the river of destiny," Amanthi said, looking up at the night sky. "Its fate will have ramifications that stretch to every corner of the Multiverse. Zecia must fall so that the Heavens can rise."

The confirmation hurt more than she'd thought. Perhaps she'd still held onto hope for something more. Some explanation that would mitigate their actions, or rather her own actions. With all hope lost, she was left with a venomous tranquility. Thea steadied herself, raising her sword toward her former companion. "Are you going to stop me?"

"You misunderstand," Amanthi said after a brief pause. "No one has given an order to bring you back. Still Veneration acted on her own accord, I think you can guess why. "

Thea snorted, glancing at the Soultaker Seal emerging from the corpse. No wonder that bitch had always stayed close by on the battlefield. She'd been ready to snatch the pieces she'd been missing.

The arhat threw out a shimmering dust on the body, and it disintegrated into streaks of Sanskrit that rose toward the sky. After a quick prayer, Amanthi conjured a golden shroud.

"I hope to see you again. And that time can heal the wounds we've caused," Amanthi said with a sorrowful smile as he stepped into the Dharma. "Peace be with you."

Thea spat before flashing toward the seal. There would be no peace before she'd righted this wrong. Not for her, not for Earth.


Ryan Pepp

Here we go! 👀


Thea might be coming home after the Ultom trials!

Darryl Williams

I’m so glad to see some empire building, moar please 🙏🏿. Can’t wait to see the results after Ultom.


Any updated list for Zac's Sealbearers and their seal status?

Darryl Williams

….also, sounds like the Sangha have unwittingly left a path for the Atwood empire to take over Zecia early. Perhaps, with some diplomacy, as soon as Zac is a Monarch🤔? ….really I just wanna see them crush the Ez’Mahal and go after the Heliophis clan….and that Merchant clan too, can’t think of what they’re called.

Kevin Albers

I wonder if the Sangha knows about Zac's Void Road Destiny? If they don't they could be easily misreading how fate and destiny is actually moving ?

Michael Dugan

Oh hey, let's enrage the second coming of Eoz and The Void Emperor. The Abyssal Shores will definitely march behind Eoz's descendant and Zecia will march under the banner of the Atwood Empire before Zac is done.


Zecia is doomed despite all Zac’s efforts. Damn the heartlands and the Sangah for interfering, curse the cowardly Zecia factions who wasted their opportunity.

Lex Luther S

Ohhhh how truly enraging these monks are. It seems the sangha are the root cause in so many of the zecia sectors high-end powers Early evacuation. To go so far as to assassinate those with grit and will to stay and fight to the bitter end to even leaving them blinded when an elite army is on the way. And doing all this to ensure the zecia sector falls?? To pave the way for the heavens???? Bullshit. I can't fucking wait. I absolutely can't wait until zac and his boundless providence shatters their plans and drags fate and the heavens into an upheaval that bears it all to CHAOS. But what I really really wanna know is how leyaras' master, the void priestess, feels about all this. She was initially angry at zac for what he did in the fortress, and yet, he's done something even more impossible, giving them a genuine chance to win, to survive. And it's all going down the drain. From the actions of her former disciple to the disgusting actions of the sangha sabotaging it all. What will she feel as she sees it all collapsing before her very eyes? Will she take the easy way and blame zac again? For doing the best he could AGAIN? He's a fuckin hegemon and he's changed the course of the war in zecias' favor TWICE. Or maybe, she'll finally look past the chains of her mission, and take matters into her own hands. The best part is seeing ilvere and the rest and the fallout of the guardians. Seeing zacs people go to the absolute limit to protect the place they call home. And with the son of chaos and the void emperor himself as their emperor, only the full wrath and might of the heavens can stop the retribution to come to ensure earth's survival. Honestly, this is an insane amount to unpack. But I do know one thing. Zac has always rallied against fate and it's designation. And we can all bet the house on it that he'll forge fate anew if he has to. With his own hands. As he's done since the beginning. Truly can't wait for Wednesdays chapter.


The Sangha deserves to burn... Every single root and branch of that rotten tree...


The Sangha have fucked with Zecia to ruin it, all in their great plan to control the River of Destiny. What they forget is that they've fucked with the home sector of the greatest force of chaos and disrupter of destiny in the multiverse. Their plans might work for a bit, but 100% they're gonna go to shit once Zac finds a big enough mess to create.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Nice work, good chapter.

Tyler S.

Mountans will be crushed, rivers will be cut, and paradise will fall with the revenge of Zac'ia and the Atwood Empire

Tyler S.

Zac will have to clear up control of the cycle in order to pave his void road. Their Paradise is about to see a new highway


I expect they don't, and it will be the reason Zac ruins their plans


Always knew these were evil monks

Malcolm Gray

The Sangah real are a bunch of shitheads

Lex Luther S

The issue for them is that they can't even begin to comprehend how zac can forge fate anew with his own will and providence so they think helping zecias fall will raise the rest to new heights. Little do they know it's more likely to bring it all to ruin. Or maybe the sangha will finally have to face retribution for all they've done over the era of order. Kator mentioned them feeding on their dead god, which is likely Buddha, and doing so has to come with severe repercussions and restraints and maybe thr heavens coming a knocking is the price they pay for meddling with fate.

Blake N.

On the bright side, all those monarchs leaving really makes a power vacuum so the Atwood Empire becomes Hegemon over all of Zecia once Zac is strong enough. Good on his crew for starting the initiative to expand now


After knowing how terrible the performance of Zecia was I thought it was the Imperials and the Pryer who where messing with their many forces, since both had spies in the various factions and backdoor access to the sensors in the Creator's ships but to know it was the Sangha doing it seems weird. Especially after considering all the help they gave Zac in their early days. I guess to them it's like feeding a pig for slaughter only the pig fought back, and lets face it that void heart is a pig that would devour anything that gets close to it, even the Sangha.


Buddhist my ass^^ They just use a good mask. That was a real awesome chapter, catching some of the loose ends. Thanks!

Evan Therrien

Can’t wait for these Buddhists to get removed by Zac. Cleans their holy lands with the void.

Sanc Asura

Finally starting to see the true plans of the baldies. Excited

Henry Wartemberg

surely this is a good thing. All these factions escaping just leaves room for Atwood Empire to eventually take over the entire sector without need for conflict with allies. I think that’s the will of the heavens. Clear out the rabble for Zac to grow his empire rapidly, honing it against the straggling Kan’Tanu


Nah Zecia is just going to become the Atwood Empire sector.


I mean, without conflict doesn’t seem like Zac’s path at all

Borbino the great

Great chapter I absolutely love getting to see the perspective of earth and all the progress they’re making while Zac is off fighting and Thea’s perspective and what the monks are doing is amazing! Well minus the monk part they suck:)

Borbino the great

I didn’t think of it this way it’ll be interesting to see how fast they can expand now!

Alexander Johnson

Didnt they send out assassin's once one of their members divined the Void Road had been started anew? I thought it was around when Zac dueled Kator and touched on the Void Mountain


That was before void road. Zac had touched on the Void mountain and had been marked for.something, can't remember exactly what. But him being marked woke a supremacy attached to corner of the heavens. Who then sent a powerful group of arhats to catch him.and bring him to one of their holy mountains. That was the group of monks that interfered with the undead autarchs - not sure if they died or were projections. But that seemed to end that thread of the story.


Thank you!

Kris Piskorski

Chapters like these are some of my favorite, I love some empire building and hearing about their plans to upgrade the worlds and bring in more talent gets me more excited evertime


Well there is a really nice way to just wrap up this whole thing. Use faction merit to move the Atwood empire to the Zubor sector near the Eternal Guardians. You’re no longer in the losing sector, and they get some nice B-grade protectors Or the sectors merge into one, and the Guardians protect the whole thing.


I'm so happy that thea is free from the damn monks I really enjoy how the monks are antagonist in the story usually they're the good guys. I also feel like they're false Buddhist monks like they're twisting it to their agenda instead of actually what it's supposed to be the could be actually a Cool plot that one of the higher ups in the Buddhist sangha is actually just twisting it to his own ends to have brainwashed foot soldiers and try to push the heavens to their desire. Anyways The Buddhist monks in the story just take on a completely sinister light.


If I recall correctly, Zac received a token that will allow him to move his planet/empire to another system / sector? As soon as the shroud is lifted he can just leave right? Just don't remember if it was one planet or all of em.

Addison Grimes

Wow, hate the Buddha s , might have a higher purpose , but so deceitful


So now we adding three more names to the kill list. The Vigil, The cowards Havarok and now the Buddhist Sangha


So did the peaks leave also? If so that’s a bummer they seemed like one of the descent faction…. Also Illvere might not have a seal but he as to be a Monarch at the least to see the empire flourish more. Man Rhubart is just him also tbh I thought he was still injured and was wondering how TFD will send him to ultom but shit man this got me excited

Saul Dickson

TFtC— looks like we’ll be getting a bunch of alt. POV chapters to update us on the happenings in Zecia and Zurbur before we enter Ultom. Was looking forward to the Atwood Empire jumping to C-Grade through Earth going continental, but it looks like most of that Faction Merit will be going into fleeing Zecia. The question is— where too? Closer to the heartlands I’d bet; maybe in Tayn territory? I somehow doubt the System would drop Earth in the Imperial Heartlands; Zac isn’t exactly on good terms with the Imperial factions— excepting maybe the Abyssal Shores. Otherwise Zac’s little slice of the multiverse will end up in a random sector I suppose.

Saul Dickson

*cleanse— and I think you’ll have to wait awhile. The Sangha is an A-Grade force; one that predates the System. Hell, I think there was hint at them predating the Era; possibly through an Eternal Heritage.

austin kutz

Dudes have like 4 layers to their plans, I can't help but wonder if they're benevolent or not. They very well could be but it doesn't look like it. I guess that's what happens when you have a handful of different factions vying for dominance

austin kutz

Yep, he could put his empire anywhere in Zecia. I guess if he gets the inheritance and reaches C grade before the shroud is lifted he might get an upgraded token to move his empire into the outer core region but I kinda doubt it. If he does get something like that, it would be purely to force him to keep fighting people above him

Jonas Lemke

Thier exodus is just paving the way for the rightful ruler of Zecia. Soon all will be under the banner of the Atwood Empire


For some reason I just can't see the Atwood Empire abandoning Zecia. I think it's been hinted at, a very long time ago, but I'm hoping Zecia and Zurbor get merged by the system. It would solve all the problems with staying, and it would pretty much make Zac the king of the sector.


Nice to see Everlasting Peace is still decent, at least.

Stephen Taylor

Zac is far from done accruing war merit—the guardians have more work to do—more chapters to clear out. Over a hundred million so far—and thats just 1 chapter. Psyched to see what the best goodies end up being.


So it seems the Sangha is even more anti Zac than we thought. As if sending a B grade assassin after him wasn't enough of a hint. Do they know he has the Void Road? Might explain why they were so unnerved he acquired the Void Mountain. Afterall that's what allowed him to endure the Throne and make the choice to reject Imperial and Cosmic Destinies. Perhaps they are heavily invested in one or both and see Zac as a much greater threat now? But apparently the Eternal and Laundio don't care too much as they have both given Zac their blessing. So more than likely it's just a threat to the Sangha and not to the multiverse, making them liars. Which would not be surprising.

Ben Sheahan

They were actively assisting Yselio in the centurion base whilst Zac was fighting Kator

Darnell Maxwell

My best guess is that if Zac succeeds and becomes a defier. He will change the dao of chaos. That's real bad for the monks. People like the monks and the Evening Tide Asura have a path based on fusing life and death. The asura in the form of twilight, the monks in the form of reincarnation. Zac's path is all about keeping them seperate. So if he reaches the peak and becomes a defier, the daos of life and death in this era will be reshaped to stay seperate. Thus making the path of the monks infinitely harder to progress. Possibly even crippling some of the higher ups.

Darnell Maxwell

I feel like Carmilla during season 1 of castlevania. These are the people yall want to join Zac's empire? Yall are still confused why I've had beef with this sector ever since the tower of eternity?


Better idea. Buy the entire sector, move all the planets to Zubor, win war by “conquering” Zubor, and then use faction merit to absorb the husk of the Zecia sector. Inline with Zac’s path and you get a way stronger sector with B grade guardians on the frontier. Not to mention support from multiple A-Grade factions.


I don’t think the two are related actually. The Arhats said they weren’t going to contact the Sangha mission that used Thea, and not even Blessed Fate knew that he had sent the Arhats after Zac. According to the prince, the Sangha’s mission was to assist the System with its plans. Given that their mission was for Zecia to (apparently) lose, it seems that the System wanted this to happen. At worst, the System is going to dangle the fate of Zac’s empire as a stick to get him to do something. At best, this somehow puts the Atwood Empire in an even better position.


I wonder how much faction merit it takes to reflood 2 entire sectors with Dao and fate


@Darnell you bring up some good points and I think that's why Zac always felt they were bad news for him from the beginning. Cause like you said eventually their paths will come into conflict. Just like Kators its inevitable. But for me that still doesn't explain the sudden escalation. We know they tried to kill him for aquiring the Void Mountain which quickly lead to him forming his own Destiny. That just seems like too big of a coincidence to ignore. There is something about the Void and or new Destinies they are very afraid of.


@Dr. - I agree sort of. But I think they are definitely related. That's just too black and white to say theirs no connection when the fall/or rise of zecia is going to affect Zac more than anyone. And since Zac is the MC and the Sangha is looking to be one of the main villians I have to assume the actions of their various factions targeting Zac have some singular underlying reason. Even if they don't know it themselves. My speculation is that it comes down to Zac creating his own Destiny, the Void Road that is causing this butting of heads. And not just the system doing it's usual manipulations.


That’s how I would construe their actions, they want Zacks Heaven to rise. An exodus (or the death of) all the top talents and organizations of Zecia leaves it vulnerable for whoever is in the best position to swoop in and take it.


Merging the sectors sounds big and expensive enough to warrant the faction merit he’s accruing


@Tartlet it's without conflict with his allies. Presumably the Atwood empire will have to conquer any leftover Kan'Tanu and Black Heart, and also any locals that don't willingly join.


Died to assassins, right? I wonder who they were sent by?


How did rhubat get back to what I’m assuming is earth? And who was the guy he killed


Rhubat never left earth. He was almost killed and left on earth to recover


Another great chapter. Thank you. If you game it out, Zac won't be abandoning his growing empire especially Earth. Ultimately he will have to move his empire. All of it. But in the end when the dust settles he'll have taken both Zecia and Zurbor. Zecia and Zurbor are inexstricably connected now. There's no going back. Now he'll do this through Ultom and the coming of the Fifth Pillar tapping the ulimited power of Cosmic Destiny which will turn both Zecia and Zurbor in rich (Dao, Faith, Destiny) sectors able to support Supremes. A critical step to looking beyond the curtain and achieving True Eternity, transcending eras. Of course we are getting 15 books ahead of ourselves.

Jack Trowell

Zac coming back with a monarch level flag ship will already make his empire a top faction in Zecia.

Jack Trowell

What I'd their plan was weakening Zecia to allow for Zac to take over it? 🤔

Jack Trowell

Which might have been the goal of the monks: weakening the sector to pave the way for Zac taking over

Henry Wartemberg

It’s what I’m thinking. More specifically that’s what the system was after. The war was a means for rapid expansion of ‘promising new factions’ and the crucible would damage old stagnant ones. Fancy way of saying Zac’s empire gets lots of opportunities. The monks realise that’s what the system wants and gain masses of positive karma with the system by pushing that to the furthest extreme. setting Atwood empire in a position to benefit the most. Essentially primed to take over two whole sectors at their own pace. Positive karma with the system and the Atwood Empire. Tricky baldies.


Sounds like the natives of Zecia are going to learn to fear the AE when a tsunami of new faith empowered Zhix sweep through the sector in a holy war


They actually are very much on Zac’s side. Or at least they think they are. They are doing all of this so that Zecia is lost. Zac will have enough merit to leave so they assume he’ll visit the Sangha heartlands and learn from them.


@DannyO It's possible that the details of the Zecia exodus plan changed after the Arhats failed to abduct Zac, especially considering the timing in the change of Sacred Insights approach roughly matches up with the failed abduction, but the broad outline of the plan sounds like it was in place from the start, meaning the relationship would be at most only something recent.


The Vigil more or less killed Leyara by turning her into the Flamekeeper after Zac freaked them out and did something outside of Cosmic Destiny. They turned an innocent friend against him after he did something (seemingly) innocuous that they didn't like, so people are rather upset with them.


@Michael that wouldn't be too help him though. They want to realign his path, and if that's not possible probably kill him. This seems true no matter which monks he's dealing with, they just have different methods of accomplishing it lol


@Dr. Yeah I agree, I did not realize when I made the comment that the 'disempower Zecia plan' was in place from the beginning. I was thinking they were only collecting Seals until Zac changed Zecias fate enough with Destiny altering power they had to step in.

Jeff McCulley

The Sanhga are only telling us part of the take. Zecia must fall…so that Zacia may rise. They’re eliminating all of the obstacles,

Jeff McCulley

Next point? Rhubat is still here. Mark Marshall had time after going through the Gateway to not only fly to the closest Battlefront, bombard the bad guys, negotiate with the Allied force, and travel all the way back to earth, but…wait for all of the Atwood Empire’s elites to gather. It’s been hours, maybe days. In other words, that cliffhanger wash of golden flames didn’t totally destroy the Base and trigger the Event. Oh, and if Faction Merit is over 100 million? It was “only” just over 62 million after the Spear hit the first War Fort. Before they spent a chunk of it on upgrades and planets. So, probably at least another 62 million? Well, maybe the Eternal Guardians can knock off the rest of the Chapter Houses before that 30 days is up. Probably? And then some.

Jeff McCulley

Where does it say that they’re Anti Zac? If anything, I’d say that they’re pro Zac. And ain’t that a real antidepressant? Basically, they’re clearing out everything, all the obstacles, for the Atwood Empire to take over. Zacia.


@Jeff that's seems possible. But what do they gain from it? Also historically every monk Zac has come into contact with has tried to either poison his path or kill him. I think if they are trying to help him it's to curry favor with the system, sort of like what yselio is doing. Perhaps they are even fattening Zac up for the slaughter down the road. I just can't accept they are on his side for real. They make far too good of an endgame villian for that.

Robert C

I'm probably wrong, but I remember there being 4 arhats being made and only two killed in battle.


It's a karmic link they will attach to Zack if they keep clearing and paying his way he will owe them karmicly and they are manipulators of karma that's why everyone is wary of them

Jeffrey Worrall

Zecia is dead imo, the heavens are receding. I think what is left of the major Zecia factions will agree to become part of the Atwood Empire which will be allowed because Zac will get promoted by the system to Viscount or something like that. Then the whole hugely expanded empire will be moved, likely to a location closer to the center of MV where the Dao is much stronger. Basically the AE won’t abandon Zecia they will take what is left with them.

Lex Luther S

I don't know. It feels like something TFD would do, but he's shown us that while there's two sides to the sangha, we've only seen their shifty, get whatever they can no matter what side. Even going so far as to kidnap Zac just because of what blessed fate felt when zac first encountered the void mountain. And even if it's so zecia can rise under the banner of the Atwood empire, how would zac even go about claiming the sector? Unless all the Kan'tanu monarchs in zecia bail once the sector opens, they'll still be a good handful left. And zac won't be seeing monarchy for a century or two at best, and even being a peak hegemon won't come for a good 50-100 years. Now, his new flagship and fleet of ships may have a hope of harming or killing the remaining kan'tanu monarchs, but if there's even one Late stage monarch left, it won't be possible. Unless Iz does him a favor, having her Dao guardian clean them up before they leave or as part of the agreement for Zac to join the Tyans after he wins ultoms, it will be a long while before zecia comes under the banner of the Atwood empire. And even then, the biggest issue is the ruthless heavens turning its back on zecia, which means the creed of heaven and the dao become all but barren. And the zecia sector was already considered wretched before that.

Jakob Scafer

The Vigil is about keeping things fair during the LIP events... The System, The Terminous Council, The Vastness, and old father time all had their fingers on fate in the fight verses one Boney Boy and the KT Pope. And we don't know if Leyara even retains anything of herself after becoming the flame keeper or if she'll become herself again after the LIP. If she kept anything of herself we have to assume that her actions have Zeica's best interest at heart based on what Leyara said when she became the FK...but that's not a given that it's in Zac's best interest.

Jakob Scafer

If you think the Catholic Church's current scandal has anything on the Buddist Monks... Guess again. So we have to assume Laondian (friend of Karz) and dude who set up the system is the leader of the Sangha. He's the one who sent the B grades to kill or convert Zac. While Three Fates was in charge of destroying Zecia so that the Heavens could rise. Which we know is impossible execpt through the accumulation of destiny or fate. I don't see a common thread between those two actions, unless Lao believes the LIP a failed scheme.

Jakob Scafer

Buddist Monks aren't exactly better than any other faith... They had a similar problem to what the Catholic Church is facing now, they doubled down and invented a thrid gender... and now you know the origins of the Thai Lady Boys.

Jakob Scafer

It wasn't the Monks in general, just Everlasting Peace - who also clued Thea into the plot.

Jakob Scafer

Well, maybe whatever is left of the major factions after the Monarch level forces make other deals, I can't see the Atwood Empire allowing in Monarchs who could just take over and who can't be tied down with contracts. Also that theory hinges on the system allowing the at wood empire to move... Even Iz's ship is only large enough to move a planet or two according to Kruta (Little Candle) and if the Heavens receed it's back to a pre-integration state for the Atwood empire. And if they can move... Where to? Iz's families Domain? The Abyssal Shores? Kruta's families area under the 1st Heaven? The library faction that Zac met inside Sendor?

Jakob Scafer

Ultimate died to the Pope and Greatest was being pressured by a push from the KT. It still leaves Ultimates wife who is the leader of the Peak's assuming they don't have other Monarchs... Again, I can't see the Atwood Empire allowing in Monarchs who could just take over the Atwood Empire fairly easily.

Jakob Scafer

I don't think the Sangha is trying to set the stage for the rise of the Atwood Empire... It wouldn't make sense with their convert or kill order on Zac. I think it more likely they are after something inside the LIP - perhaps the same thing as the E. Bell. Perhaps the leader of the Sangha/?Laondio? wants to regain his momentum and try for the Terminous himself.

Jakob Scafer

Right after Zac's cleansing it was hinted that Laondio is the leader of the Sangha.

Henry Wartemberg

The kill order is only one part of the sangha. I don’t think it’s so much their plan. I think they are fate skimmers. Similar to what Yselio said. They were able to discern the will of the system and helped it reach that goal. On one hand they acrue positive karma/ rewards for their use. On the other hand seeing as the system is already planting the seeds and some version of that is going to happen anyway (Atwood Empire primed to expand rapidly) when it happens down the line they can pull up and be like yo you owe us positive karma for setting this up. By the way nothing stops them from kidnapping and Zac to convert him on top of this. They are all about the win win scenarios

Jeff McCulley

Ilvere basically gave us a road map here of how all of that happens. Given that we’re about to have a two month break (and I’m busy right now), I’ll work on sketching that out. Just put something together on the Sangha that I’ll stick into the comments for Wednesday’s release. First things I’ll say is, you’re only *assuming* that the System will “turn it’s back” on Zecia. Will leave it at that right now.

Jeff McCulley

Anyone else wonder if the Zetheya Faction (Boje’s family) is one of those asking to join the Atwood Empire? Because that would certainly fill what seems like the biggest gap right now. Even the remnants of it, if the top scarpered. Maybe this is why Rava only accepted 200 for the first class right off the bat. More elites incoming.


Im so lost, I thought zac was in the middle of upgrading his core did he finish and I missed it?

Mike Naka

From my addled memory, I 'thought' it was hard for invading Monarchs to enter Zecia so the number should be pretty limited. I imagine the Zubor sector has even fewer so it should be pretty easy for the Guardians to clean out the Zubor sector. Question is if they're smart enough and have enough energy to clean out Zecia. Rava should notice the Guardians if they're near Zecia. Maybe she could help re-program them.

Mike Naka

If Boje's master is still around, then adding a Monarch to Zac's budding/fledgling empire would be a good pick up.

Mike Naka

I wonder if TFD painted himself into a corner with Ensolus. It seemed like it could become the next Twilight Harbor, but with the Limitless Empire ruins there I doubt Zac would want anyone poking around so turning Ensolus into a trading hub may be out of the question.


It’s only taken since the start of the war for Zac to go from a freshly minted D grade to Late stage, why would one more minor stage take a century?


I see the Sangha as the life based Zac’s counterpart to the UE and his death based Arcaz persona. There’s elements within the UE that support and will come to love Zac, and elements that see him and the change he’ll bring about as opposed to their own goals. The same thing prolly applies to Sangha. The endgame villain role will likely be reserved for the Terminus, or post supremacy beings on Sendor’s level. At best the Sangha are 75% of the way through the story villains.