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I am currently debating on whether or not I should cancel my patreon completely and just keep using ko-fi. This patreon was created with pure intentions of helping people get all of my stuff with just $20 a month but you got access to everything first before it was posted on ko-fi. Guess this intention was saught out as any other big modder out there that just make money to make money. So let me clarify this.  

I do not want to be a big modder I dont want to be well known im fine with just being known by my name and my free stuff not for whats on patreon or ko-fi.  

That being said back to why I created patreon. It was not to make more money no no I make less with patreon if people sub than buy my stuff on ko-fi. On ko-fi if you wanted everything youd be spending way over 20$ alone. With patreon you pay 20 and you get access to all and new stuff as well. You do not get charged every 1st of the month you get charged every day of the month of when you joined so if you joined half way through the month thats when you get charged. I will not create higher tiers because what is the point? I dont want to live off of everyone. Anything I make helps me a little towards my bills or making my kids happy with what they want and need. 

 If I wanted to make you all pay my bills which is over 1,000$, I would be posting my patreon and kofi stuff in other discords that im in that allow posts like that but im not because I dont want everyone paying that much for me to be able to live better. Im not asking for money from you all. Shit my computer is slow as hell but you dont see me making an announcement about needing a new computer tower to be able to continue modding. No no I would rather work harder to create stuff to port stuff than go asking for donations.  

 Im not here to live off of anyone this is my life I made it the way it is because I had kids which caused it to be alot harder than ever and tbh I dont regret my kids they are the most wonderful human beings i have in my life. I would die to protect them if it came to that. 

 Whoa got side tracked there a bit haha. Well im debating on cancelling my patreon or just keep it up and keep posting or just leave the 5$ tier up only for people who would like to donate. But time will only tell as you've seen in the previous post almost all my patreon stuff got leaked on a site for people to grab my stuff for free after I spend so much time porting or creating these stuff. Im not a bad person I dont scam people. I dont want to make hundreds of dollars to be able to live a better life. Nah forget that I would rather live my life the way it is making a little money to help with my bills or to help with my kids. Having to much money goes to peoples heads and changes you im happy with who I am and how I am. I dont want to change because of money.  

 So am debating on this so if you'd like to vote you can I dont mind it would help make me think this through faster. Just know I dont bite anyone has a chance to message me and I will reply. ^^ even when im busy.



This situation is ... so bad. :( feel hugged! I saw many creators zipping up their stuff and give the mods a password. Some of them message those PWs over DM, other via a separated Patreon Channel @ Discord. Is this a method for you to keep patreon alive?


Ive thought of password locking my stuff but i feel like its too much work to be password locking everything. But its why i set up a voting to see cause if i chose with how i feel i wouldve closed it but i want people to help me decide