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Well just recently I found out this.... A friend showed me it and like seriously? What did I ever do to whoever did this? My ports fine share it, but my custom created stuff that I made from scratch that it took me time to make why? WHY!?

I know its someone here thats doing this and im tired of it all like I never did anything to anyone. I dont start shit drama, I dont like it. I steer clear from it. The fact my stuff is posted on a site for anyone to grab is very petty of whoever did this. I will keep track of this site and if it posts my next stuff I post on patreon are there I will be closing Patreon, Ko-fi, and payhip for good and all the stuff that gets created from scratch will no longer be available. I will only do free stuff and take on commissions for ports or custom creations. So lets hope it does not reach that point because all of my ports always becomes free after 2 months. Custom creations whenever I feel like making it free.

Keep in mind this isnt the first time this has happened. Im really getting tired of it and all of you are getting punished for someone that is being so petty and posting shit that isnt theirs on this site. Its not only my stuff its other creators but I cannot speak for the others. Its still wrong when its custom created stuff. I understand sharing with a few friends but a whole community really??

Im a jobless mother I been applying to everything I could and have not gotten any luck. This is my job at this point....I cant make money for me and my kids if people rather grab the stuff off this site. I will not post the name for it for the reason being that I dont want people grabbing my stuff or other creators stuff. Im not grabbing anything from there from other creators because its wrong, its disrespectful. Whether they deserve this or not its still wrong. We are all humans we all have feelings and it hurts me that someone is doing this.



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