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It's FanFic Friday! 

That means we have Part One of Fantasy1290's latest story, giving an alternate version of the events of the last update. More reasons for the girls to want to be with each other, more competition to make each other grow, more conspiring between the girls. It's good stuff!

There were more than a few additions that made me say, "why didn't I think of that?" and almost enough to make me want to spend more time on it. But don't worry, I've been holding strong.

Find the story here! 

Part Two in this series will be posted in two weeks.

Also, if you're looking for more Hypnosis Fanfic, check out the tag below for the other stories.





Lel, love the side view of Ashley. I'm a little bummed we didn't get any Ashley action in Broken watch yet, but it's still great, non-the-less :D

Matt K

Same, Ash is my second fav, She was my #1 until Haley became a more fleshed out character. (When I say "fleshed out" I mean both figuratively and literally LOL)


Please let me know if you enjoyed/are enjoying part 1 of this fanfiction and would like me to continue with this series.