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Hey everyone! 

I wanted to tell you about all the work I finished up this past week, but instead, all I had were setbacks. I didn't want to give another "here's a list of my struggles" post because I don't enjoy being a whiner, but I want to improve my communication and let you know how things are going. Also, as things kept adding up I figure it might become somewhat entertaining, so here's a list of them.  

Started a few weeks ago with a leaky toilet. Doesn't it always? 

Noticed the tile in my bathroom was coming up, so I told my wife to start using the guest bathroom instead. Found out a few weeks later that the guest bathroom toilet has been pouring about 10 ounces of water out the back of the tank with every flush. The wall is mush; the tile in that room is also ruined, the wall needs to be cut out and dried, and any mold needs to be taken care of. 

Apparently, this has been happening for years, but not one of my dozens of guests ever heard the water over the sound of the flushing toilet. It didn't leave any visible markings until my wife noticed the wall behind the toilet looking strange from the corner of her eye. Bad enough of a start, right? 

In addition, I've had a bunch of family stuff. A few weekends ago I was visiting my brother as I was asked to be a part of my niece's baptism as her godfather. After, my brother in law realized he had covid. My wife caught it. So I spent the week looking after her. I was fine. Apparently, the Moderna vaccine works better than Pfizer after all. Plus, she's dealing with a ton at work, so she's more stressed than I am.

Shortly after my wife recovered, my sister in law visited. She and her husband had setbacks of their own, so we met up with them over the weekend to cheer them up. Got home last night and went shopping for new flooring for our bathrooms. 

Now I have contractors coming in at 8 in the morning tomorrow to demolish my bathroom and try to find and kill any black mold and water damage. Not the most convenient when I usually spend the time between midnight and four in the morning working on visuals for the game, which is the majority of what I have left to do at the moment.

This upcoming weekend my in-laws are coming to visit... for 2 weeks. It's been a rough month getting work done. Yes, I'm still putting in several hours a day, but it's not my usual 12. I was hoping to still finish up this Hypnosis update by the end of the month, but if the universe keeps conspiring to do everything it can to slow me down it might be longer.

Hope your month seems better now by comparison! 

On a more positive note, the latest fanfic by Fantasy1290 is ready, so I plan to post Part One for a new segment we'll call FanFic Friday, with new releases every couple of weeks. This story will parallel the current update, going into more detail with several added subplots to make the story even juicier.

And, for all of you conspiracy theorists claiming Fantasy1290 is actually me in disguise, and that the real reason for my delayed update schedules is because I'm spending more time on creating these stories and passing them off as fanfic, that's not true! You can see us both on Discord at the same time, so we have to be two different people. 

I also plan to post the side story I've been working on in my spare time. That will probably land on Monday the 28th.

What's the image above from? 

I made a quick little render to celebrate crossing the 2000 followers mark on Twitter, so I thought it would be fun to see Kassie from Endowed hanging out with the Hypnosis girls.

Otherwise, thank you all once again for all your continued support. You make it all worth it!



John Hall

Eek! Poor you! I hope things soon take a marked turn for the better.


Oh yikes that's a rough thing to find! Finger crossed no mold!


damn allright well im really sorry for your bathroom we had the same problem but for us it was the patio it was directly connect to the house but yeah previous owner didnt tought about adding some water proof isolent so we end up having to almost take one side of the house off just to restaur the damage so i know your struggle take you time :)


Funny you say that. Once we found both bathrooms needing so much repair I had them check the shower, and they said, "no, you're good. Wait, this wall though..." which was attached to the patio. FML.


Thanks! It is what it is. At this point, it's mostly the drain on my wallet and the annoyance of messing up my schedule by having contractors coming and going all day instead of letting me work.