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It's been kind of a long day, so I don't have much to say for this page. Hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow




Was gonna ask on the last page ..I wasn’t sure if that cum pool was from sindra throwing up cum or her own cum


I think this is personally one of my favorite comic pages you have ever drawn! There is so much good stuff going on here. Ana slapping Sindra's swollen balls, Sindra's belly blowing up with cum, Sindra not being able to contain it all and just vomiting cum while trying to hopelessly keep it down. All the while her bound cock is throbbing and she submits to Ana. So much to love on this page!


Glad you like it! Definitely agree. It isn’t always a perfect science but Trans definitely captured the essence of what I was going for on this page.


@Kenneth: thanks again for funding and sharing this comic...and thanks to TDDs too for greatly drawing it ofc :)


In my mind the answer is d) all of the above. When you got two gals who’s “thing” is spraying a couple gallons of semen every time they cum. Nothing stays clean for long.