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Originally I was going to continue writing into book 2 as per normal, but honestly I don't think I can do it. I am not really ready for it, with all of that in mind the patreon backlog of DCMAGR will be completely purged. At the same time I have been working on a new fiction all this time whose backlog shall be uploaded into patreon soon. 

Whenever the book is done editing it shall be sent to all patreons, previous or current. 

Here is a throwaway Synopsis of the new fic. It's called Blair. 

Blair was alone in the depths of the forest when the world changed.

Following a bloodied slaughter of her whole race, the elves took everything. Surviving on her own she struggled to stay alive, that was until the world changed. Her entire planet; a whole cluster was introduced to the vast universe by The System, or perhaps God. A universe filled with endless beings and civilizations that fight for power and dominance.

Following the integration, Blair finds herself stuck in a forest surrounded by unknown beasts and dangers from different planets. Alone and with nothing but the mentality to survive, she will have to get stronger in this new unforgiving world of numbers and power.

With nothing but her own strength, her distant dreams of revenge, might just become a reality.



Hey. Thanks for the stuff so far. If you write something else and its interesting, I'll stick around. Good luck on your new story.