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Shadows engulfed, cascaded and trembled; mist ebbed and flowed from the ground and air as if it was suspended in time; an eternal darkness encompassed the infinite space as far as he could see, in the space the only change; the only thing that broke the monotony of it were the shadows emanating from him, erratic and incohesive. Oh, how long had it been since he last felt a thing? His cold dead soul couldn’t remember, but the sight within his eyes destroyed his insides, unimaginable pain that he had never felt before in his long life.

The shadows blew forth with a gust of energy as different shadows coalesced, to him and many others they were much the same, but they never mixed; never joined each other; the shadows differed depending on the owner. As the shadows repelled each other, he blinked and saw his fellow friend; a Grim reaper, or well, the Grim reaper of Earth, he had already forgotten his name, for it was inconsequential to remember or not.

The Grim reaper shuffled awkwardly with his scythe, its skeletal body clattering with his hidden emotions. Just a simple glance at each other and both could tell what they felt.

Are you sure of this?” The Grim reaper asked with a hoarse voice. “Are you sure you should let her experience such things?”

He pondered, his heart now calm, but the pain lingered as a reminder. Oh his daughter, how much he loved and doted on her, even if it didn’t show. Even if he couldn’t show it.

“I am sure of this,” he turned facing away staring into the void. “I think this is what she would’ve wanted.”

The Grim reaper’s scythe hummed with a skeletal clatter. “She? Your late wife?”

He nodded. “Kaiti is not normal, I think we both know this. She’s a bit too…” he hesitated. “Human if you will.”

She very much is,” the Grim reaper nodded with agreement. “Things are… difficult, at least the path you wish to tread. Should you fail, are you prepared to accept the consequences?”

The words of the Grim reaper rang true, their meetings had been short, and they hadn’t known each other for long, but what he was doing wasn’t anything new. It was something that a lot of lords were aware of, and something that perhaps they did not agree with; alas they could not stop him. With a weary sigh, he responded.

“I do not know if I am ready for the consequences.”

The clatter behind him turned into shaking, bones hit each other with an abyssal screech that distorted the very void.

Why!” The Grim reaper screamed. “You only get one chance, one chance to save yourself from the perdition of eternity, and yet you are juggling with it? Treating it as some sort of game?”

His rage was not unjustified, nonetheless he simply nodded along. “I am.”

A scoff came his way. “I do not understand you. In just a few years, in what⁠— one and a half decades?” The Grim reaper arranged his thoughts behind him. “In that short amount of time you’ve changed, of course, we never met. But I saw you, I envied your chance. And you are doing this with it?” His shadowy finger pointed into the void as it cleared.

The abyss slowly moved away to give light, muffled sounds became clear to the sounds of sobbing and the light of two girls hugging each other. His very soul hurt watching such a sight, he never intended to involve the daughter of bone as well, but now the both of them were together. The biggest pain however, was watching his very own flesh and blood cry, completely heart broken.

Is that all you have to say? Sadness?” The Grim reaper accused with a bellow.

He took a deep sigh. “That is all.”

A sneer echoed, and the disarray of emotions vanished along with the opening of the void. Everything came to a still as once more, his aura raged around, for his mind was elsewhere in total disarray.

Oh Kaiti, he lamented. I never intended for my successor to be you, I never intended to meet your mother either.

He took a deep sigh and stared into the void, far into the distance past the veil of dark. There he saw his daughter.

But I felt it was appropriate for you to experience such a feeling. He took a deep breath as the shadows expanded like a sea of torment. He could still feel her hand as she closed her eyes amidst the crescent moon. Call it selfishness, but now… The sea turned into a calm lake of shadow. I no longer feel that death is meaningless, even if what comes after is unknown for a Grim reaper, even if I simply cease to be.

These memories that I carry,

Should never be forgotten.

Kaiti, remember that feeling.

As a Grim reaper you are bound to forget,

But don’t fret, memories are eternal,

I don’t want you to forget,

Even if you ultimately make the choice, I don’t want you to forget.

Even if you choose not to be a Grim reaper, I hope you carry this for all eternity.

The aura retracted back to his being, as a scythe generated with a sorrowful hum.

Even if you choose not to be, even if you think it’s not what you want in life, I won’t stop you.

Even if your decision leads to my demise.

He slammed the butt of the scythe onto the void; like the shattering of a mirror myriad of webs formed before collapsing into a flowery field with no end in sight. He stood next to a sole tree.

My descendant, my beautiful daughter, do not forget this moment. He stared. Even if you forget about me, even if I become nothing but a speck of dust in your long life; do not forget to be happy, do not forget the tragedies and sadness. He touched the tree. It is what makes us special.

I just wish I had seen it sooner.

Isn’t that right, my beloved?


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