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ep 5

pt 1


pt 2


ep 6

pt 1


pt 2





I'm enjoying this show so far. It's such a good blend of emotional, comedy, suspense, mystery, and a little of everything. About the cctv the prime minister showed his daughter of Kang Ho carrying a kid and pushing the car off a cliff and claiming Kang Ho had another woman, wasn't that the incident in episode 2 where the prime minister told him to get rid of his affair and the baby? I also want to believe that the twins are most likely Kang Ho's kids. I guess the reason he left Mi Joo was because after becoming a prosecutor he had to begin his plan to get close to the prime minister's daughter. He probably knew he'll definitely be background checked so it was partly to keep Mi Joo uninvolved in the dangerous plot and also simply because he can't be found still seeing someone while also trying to date with the daughter.

M bat78

I can't remember in which video you asked about if you did more dramas randomly what we think- honestly I liked it best when you binged the dramas quicker- like 4 episodes in a weekend type stuff so if you wanted to through in extra episodes of the ones you are watching and be done with them quicker rather than watching so many at once I would like that. Just my opinion 😊