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HOTEL DEL LUNA ep 2 pt 1.mkv

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Happy 🥰

Cynthia Perez

Your dynamic is so interesting at times. Cait was getting a little emotional about the tiger getting ready to go "home" in the painting and then Josh is saying Blue skadoo lol.


I know you are only just getting into this, but I can already tell you are both going to love it, so I want to recommend another one for you to watch. "Mystic Pop-Up Bar", its very similar to Hotel Del Luna as in a lady is tied to a Bar and she has to help solve 100,000 peoples grudges before she can move on and die, and it has the similar mystical and magical aspects of Hotel Del Luna, I would really love to see you react to that one too


The the man(who works like in the front desk hyun joong I think is his name) or “ghost” what he meant by him saying “this is your first time at night right” was because every time the son or Chang seong/manger would go into hotel de Luna it would be morning and like night for the ghost and the lights would be off and it would feel like gloomy and stuff and so since he was there at night he was able to see what the hotel looked like when the ghost were “awake” and the hotel was in “business” so he never really saw the hotel actually until the night and that’s what also the old man might have meant since he only saw it in the day/morning he wasn’t able to see that whole other world like what he saw at night 😊 Also was hoping I know someone said if you could raise the screen a little for the captions but maybe if you could expand it just a tad bit up or pull the sides but lower the screen so it’s not so in the middle to make the captions bigger as the Netflix captions are kinda small and I could still read but the cc were small don’t know if any one else found them small but if thats how you guys are going to keep it I can work with it lol 🤍I also don’t want the screen blocking your beautiful faces since I know if you make it bigger it might block and I don’t want to miss your reactions to the show since you guys have the best reactions lol so if that’s how you guys are keeping it from now on I’m okay with it at least I could still see the screen and captions and not like they are super tiny where I can’t even read so i guess the size will be fine if you decide not to move it and if there’s no way to make the screen bigger the make the cc bigger that’s ok no worries 😊🤍


Thank you Josh for moving the screen up a tad it’s at good spot, also in agreement with Chantelle for a larger font would help a bad sighted person like me. I too love how the photography work in this drama is so beautiful, I love too how the Korean philosophy of life is perfectly worded into the script giving the drama a unique touch for foreigners like us. Very Enjoyable.


R we not getting any episodes this weekend since you watched during week?? Just wondering..🤗 no pressure💜💜