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winter package part 2.wmv


Alex Yeezus

Been waiting for this and AHL!


It's true though. I can only eat small portions at a time and if I don't eat often enough I get very dizzy and light headed and have trouble walking. You keep saying what was that but the answers are in the subtitles. His was wig. I'm not 100% sure what confused you with the money, but based on how well they did in the game they got to pick a certain number of pieces of paper from the hat and they all had amounts of money on them. And that's their pocket money.

Murisan Family Vlogs

We weren't confused with the money we got that. About his wig we must have just missed the subtitle. Thanks for the help 😊


lmao josh literally as you asked what jimin’s abbreviation meant he explained it 😭😂


I have so much i want to say about jungkook for this entire winter package but i'll just focus on the little snippet during his letter. I have a major soft spot for him, bts does as well, literally everyone does because he's the youngest and you can't help but dote on the little one. Jungkook has the most genuine and kindest soul on the planet. His love for army is so big that even his heart can't handle it at times. I seen this post comparing 2013 jk reading his very first letter to army and he cried during that as well so this boy really treasures army to the depths of his soul and you can feel it. Jungkook cries under two situations, when he sees his brothers from BTS suffering or when it comes to ARMYs. His tears always overflow when he thinks about us and he admitted that during one of his vlives. He can't help it and i think that's the cutest thing ever. However this scene was a lot sadder than you'd think because they filmed the winter package a month or so after the incidents. I won't mention what for as we already know and there were tons of horrible comments about him. That's why when you think about what he wrote in his letter, it hits deeper. He wants army to only have precious memories of him and never wants to let anyone down. None of it was his fault and i hope he knows that we still love him no matter what. He's a soft boy with such an emphatic heart and often at times, his emotions all come pouring out. I love this gentle side of him so much and it's one of the many reasons why i adore this boy. Seeing everyone comfort jungkook in the end and made sure to stick by him throughout the next day is sweet. Truly the best brothers. 💜


their letters to us were so heartwarming. they love us as much as we love them if not more 🥺💜


Loved this reaction! So warm and fuzzy~


I love these boys 💜 and what can I say about my jungkookie .. hes just so pure and precious he has the best brothers beside him Also just so u know when it comes to their journaling they’ve done it since the start of summer packages and seasons greetings hope u get to those as well great reaction ❤️


Awww... Jungkook's crying moment.! Love them all so much! Thank you so much the video! :)


His letter made me sad for him . He really loves army and for all those terrible comments about him .It made me so disappointed in those people. At end of it JK is a human being with feelings trying to live his young adult life like everyone else . 💜


This was def feel good vibes, great to watch with you guys during this stay home period. Thanks!


As a Finn it was so cute listening them pronounce "Suomenlinna" 😂☺️


josh when u said "what the hell was that" they said "boy". many times when u asked what was going on they explained it so XD please don't talk over when they talk because you miss a lot


i love winter package so much, i'm considering buying it even tho i don't usually buy summer packages etc. because the shipping is too pricey for me but for some reason this winter package is special to me, most of the time they were just taking pictures or doing little games but there's something so cozy about this one and i love the pictures so much! they all look amazing! seeing jungkook crying made me cry too, especially knowing that this was filmed around a time where a lot of things happened to him :((


This was my fav reaction you guys have ever put out! I really felt like I was with you guys watching😊. This winter package and this reaction felt so warm and cozy and I couldn’t stop smiling the whole time. I could tell you guys were genuinely happy while reacting to this, and that made me rlly happy aswell💞 Thanks so much for the awesome videos always😋😋 luv you guys ;))

Line Henriksen

"I'm a winter baby too, I love you!" You're so cute Cait!

Shania Slater

Hiya, I'm a new Army and I love how much you care about BTS as people and not so much as idols. Jungkook crying was caused by a build-up of things 😔. He was involved in a minor car accident which he claimed was his fault, but afterwards he worried about how Army would see him and feel about him. You can see how the directors would deliberately show JK laughing/happy in this package as well as everyone else trying to cheer him up. Jungkook is one of the sweetest, kindest and most humble person this world has ever known 💜🐰😇 Jimin too 💜🐥😇