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RUN 70 FINAL.wmv





I wear my husbands hoodie to sleep. I hate sleeping in fitted clothing so I sleep in his :) The scene with the members all spending jungkook's money is still so funny to me every time I see it Yeah, Jimin has problems with his shoulders and his knees, so he will have to do different types of exercise. When you were wondering what he was doing when he was on his hands and knees and on the wall, you were right, he was doing pilates/yoga exercises. Just a note.. you should try some of them. I do them and they are actually really difficult

Alishea Ally

I love this episode jimin is so goofy XD I want to point out the members are not actually in Toronto, their in the Niagara region, they went to Thornhill for the Korean restaurant and when the boys had a day off they came downtown Toronto for shopping (I almost bumped into jungkook in Nike store by accident 😭) But their 3-day concert was in Hamilton, phew the boys really moved around those couple days lol


If you guys pay attention, when Jungkook was choosing the room, he jumped to make loud noise, and immediately Jin knew it’s him and said: “that’s Jungkook.” I find it really cute and funny because it shows how close they are. They used to say that they can easily tell who is who just by hearing the steps or breath 😂 they know each other’s characters too well.


I wear hoodie to sleep sometimes too ^^


Jimin is such a Slytherin.


Btw. There are lots of different places that sell the Jimin designed shirt. :)


jimin slytherin king ... istg i love him so much


I LOVE those episodes! And Josh I love wearing Hoodies! And I like to Sleep in them, they are so cozy! :) And Slytherin Jimin is definetly my favourite. And my Country appears in this epsiode so it is a win for me! (Austria - Vienna/Wien) :) And I watched this Episode Maybe like 5 times already or Maybe more I don't really Count but it was definetly fun to watch it again with you guys :) And yeah About Samsung. My mobile is a sony and I love them because they don't break easily and I have them usually for a Long time.. However Maybe BTS gets me to choose Samsung?? We will see :D And tomorrow is ARMY Presale in Europe I hope I can get a ticket *-* And I hope the Boys can perform again soon <3

Rodica Ogmar

The 369 game is when the numbers 3, 6, 9 are up instead of saying those numbers they have to clap. For example the reason jungkook lost is because he got confused he probably thought his number woul be 33 thats why he clapped twice but since it was 32 it should only be once. I'm sorry I'm really bad at explaining, please someone correct me if I'm wrong but this is what i learned from watching dramas and variety show for a very long time also my korean friends taught me.


i'm k army and your explanation is perfect! also the basic form is 3, 6, 9, but it can be change any other number or can change the gesture as well. for example, they played 2489 in seokjin's birthday vlive. we're so used to this game that most of us too good at it so the game usually never end lol. so we often change the number or gesture, or increase the selection of number to make it more difficult. the recent game i played last time with my friends while drinking (we usually plays game while drinking and we set drinking at the bottom of own glass as penalty) was 145. we set 1&4 are clapping, and 5 is saying "hooray" so if it's 145, u have to clap twice and say "hooray." it's simple but such a fun game😘


This is like my fave behind the scenes 😂 So many great moments like J-hope making Jungkook memorize nonsense songs, Jimin being happy about his lil hat, them all working out, JK lifting Jimin because he wouldn't move, Suga teaching JK about steak, JK's singing in the background etc ❤️


I've always been an android user and Samsung has always been my favorite android brand and now more than ever 😂 The ad gave me a serotonin shot much needed in these times. I think this is my 5th watching this episode it's one of my all time favorites, the entire Canada series definitely on my top Run eps.


These are my favorite episodes and this is DEFINITIVELY my favorite behind the scenes lol you know why 😅


the video does not have a play button so I can't watch it :(


there is still no play button, idk if it's just not working for me.


Hey, so I tried it on the app and it works.