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Hey everyone we reacted to behind the cam episode ! ! we didnt even know they had a behind the cam but you all amazing army helped us out like you always do ! Thanks so so much we love you 3000 ! this video was so amazing we felt so connected watching this video felt like we were hanging out with them! 

Comment down below your thoughts about the video :) have a great day everyone or night wherever you are. 


Bon Voyage behind the cam.wmv



I was just about to sleep (it’s 1am here in my country) but I guess I’ll go and watch you guys 😂


Not only do the boys have to do flight check-ins and get from place to place mostly on their own, notice how the boys have to carry cameras and film themselves too.


lol That was so funny when they were going into the bathroom and you said that! I knew what you meant but it was still hilarious. Thanks for making me laugh first thing in the morning, the day is off to a good start.


Oh yes, this is a good thing to point out. The first time I saw that happen I was a bit confused as to why they refused, but since then I've noticed that most of them decline. I figure it must be a rule with the agency or something?


Yay! So great this was uploaded today! Loved watching this again with you both <3


So much fun watching your reaction. Looking forward for your reaction for episode 2. It's getting better.d and better. I could rewatch the whole bon voyage series everyday if there would be enough hours :D


o.o when Kate didnt get what jimin meant by showing everything i almost Died 😂😂the realization


I'm not sure you got the reference when they talked about #SUGA'S SIGHT when he was taking pictures of them eating, Suga actually used to post pictures that he took with that #. Jus like Taehyung with #Vante for example. It's really fun watching you reacting, it really remind me when I first discovered them, I just have like random flashback hahaha. You still have so much content yet to find out. Also when Josh mentioned that Jin was a foodie, it reminded me that he used to posted recipes on their blog (it's in korean though and I can't fin where I used to find the english translation) Anyways, Thanks for this <3


yay thank youuuu <3 and I hope you react to both the episode and the behind cam in one video for future episodes


I have seen all bon voyages episodes ever made (season 1-3) and omg I have never seen these (behind the cam) episodes!!! Wow! Thank you! I enjoyed it just like yall! Loved the reactions to it! And by the way [Jimin is my ultimate bias] ♡ yay! 0T7 for life!

Maggie Collins

The behind cams don’t always include just one episode. I know you guys were like ‘What? But they just got there...’ No worries, there are scenes from the tail end of the previous episode at the beginning of the next behind cam.


These really have become my favorite reactions from you guys ♡

Nicole Coleman

I can't hardly sees the words

Penny D Young

They have behind the scene for everything included their Run, MV, Award shows and the

Penny D Young

please react to BTS shares & eat anything compilation or Bangtan eating.


To answer your question, I have tried seaweed before. I think the first time I had seaweed was when I ate sushi in middle school. Now, I actually do a lot of cooking with seaweed. My husband is half-Korean so we eat Korean food a few times a week. It's enjoyable roasted and eaten with rice or in a soup like 미역국 (miyeokguk).


I have tried seaweed before. I really like it toasted. It's so good! Traveling with BTS is great fun for foodies. A few different ethnicities overseas including the Asian community love their food. That's why it's always bright in color, healthy and vibrant, and there are lots of people taste testing it. They care about what they give others. I've always admired that. My husband is military and he's been to Singapore and Japan, and even their McDonald's is good. It looks exactly like the pictures on the menu. Food is a lot like music if you think about it. It's universal, because everyone has to eat. Often times why when political parties meet or nobel houses have their fancy parties, food is the centerpiece of the experience. Also, I believe it was Caitlin that said something in the first episode about BTS being the reason she notices the smaller things that one wouldn't normally pay attention too, I think it was something to do with their mouths or something. I can't remember. But I feel that. Especially when they eat. I actually have to eat alone most of the time. The thought of people seeing me eat or hearing/seeing others eat makes the introvert in me even more introverted. But I love watching these guys eat. It really is its own experience. They're wholesome gentlemen and I'm here for it.

Bernadette Roberts

My longest flight was in 2011 when I lived and worked in Alaska for 6 months. Flew from Chattanooga, TN to Anchorage, Alaska. Took about 18 hours with delays. Left about 9am and got to Alaska about midnight. In the summer it stays daylight longer. So at midnight, the sun was still out.