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It is vital that your puppy girl is socialized with at least one of her peers no less than once a week for the duration of her service.  Doing so will promote calm and friendly behavior in addition to preparing her for a variety of situations, e.g. vet visits, trips to the groomers, accompanying you on errands, and even performing service at home.  When your socialized puppy girl faces unfamiliar people, other puppy girls, dogs, and places without fear, she will be happier and more confident throughout her service, making your job as an owner simpler and much, much more pleasurable.

-An excerpt from the ComPet Owner’s Guide

The Four Perspectives of a Moment in Princess and Button’s First Play Date

While taking their puppy girls, Princess and Button, for their morning “walkies,” pet owners and old friends, Joey Smith and Robert Jericho reconnected and agreed that they should get their pups together for a play date as soon as possible.  A few weeks later they followed through on this plan.  After both puppy girls were dolled up for the occasion, they met in the dog park near Joey’s home for an afternoon of fun in the sun.  After putting the pups through their paces in several contests, they finished off the games with a little competitive fetch.  Princess was ten retrievals for ten throws when the match finally ended.  Her and Button, sweating and panting, posed for a picture to commemorate their first play date.  As the camera clicked, both owners and both pets each had their own thoughts on the matter.

Princess:  I got the Frisbee!  I got the Frisbee!  I’m the best, best, best puppy!  Joey says so!  I’m so much better than that flat, scrawny runt, Button!  Yes, I am!  Yes, I am!  I’m so pretty and fast and she’s so dorky and slow!  Yes, she is!  She’s a bad puppy!  Not like me at all!  I’m good!  Her puppy parts sure smell fun though!  I wanna sniff them all day!  Oh, Joey, I got the Frisbee!  See!  See!  See! See how good I am?  Everyone else in the park sees how good I am!  I love, love, love it when they look at me!  It makes my puppy parts all sloppy and wet!  Oh, Joey’s gonna take picture!  He’s gonna take a picture!  I love pictures!  I can’t wait for Joey to show me what a cute puppy I am!  Joey!  Joey!  Look at the Frisbee!  See how good I am!  See!  See!  See!

Joey:   Man, Princess is so damn cute, I just wanna grab her and...Aw, but I spent a week’s salary on her new puppy gear and getting her “the works” at the groomers and now look at what she’s done to herself.  That sheer, gauzy stuff can’t be fixed and those grass stains aren’t coming out!  I told her to be careful.  Geez this isn’t the first time she’s done this either.  Oh, but when she whines for attention and looks at me like that with her tits all out it is really hard not to give in to her.  I just wish she wouldn’t wag her bubble ass around for everyone in the park like that.  Maybe Robert is right.  Maybe I should keep this pup on a shorter leash.  Button’s a little bit of a crybaby, but she’s so much better behaved than Princess.  I guess I owe it to my Princess to teach her some manners.  I’m the one in charge after all, aren’t I?

Button:  I hate this so much!  I’m so tired and sweaty, and I’m all itchy from rolling around on the grass!  Worse, I didn’t even win a single game of fetch!  Well, I would have won at least once if Boobzilla over there hadn’t knocked me down and nearly trampled me to death!  I’m sure all those people watching from over there are just having the best time making fun of us as we pose for a picture like the pathetic little animals we are.  God, I’m even more pathetic, because I don’t even have the Frisbee to show off…Master must be so disappointed in me.  After all the time he invested in training me, I can’t even bring him a stupid Frisbee one time!  Oh, why is he pointing petsitter remote at me?  Is he going to punish me for losing?  Is that what happens on puppy play dates?  Oh—Oh, my!

Robert:  Button probably thinks I’m disappointed in her for losing ten times in a row, but I’m not.  I’m very proud of her, in fact.  Playing with Princess made her lose many of her hang-ups just like I planned.  She fell in step with Princess’ dog-like behavior perfectly, while at the same time not allowing Princess’ bad behavior rub off on her.  Even as Princess was ruining her fancy pet gear, sniffing at random crotches, and shaking herself for anyone watching, Button still behaved like a well-trained pup who knows precisely who owns her pert little ass.  I could tell her as much, but I’d rather show her what a good little doggy she is.  I’ll just use the petsitter remote to put her into “in-heat mode” so that she’ll be ready for my “knot” when we go home.  Actions speak loud than words after all!  

Written by TheBrentwoodSociety for flydeath's Tier reward pic!
Thank you for the good job, the support and for letting me share!



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