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Hi all, I just recieved an email suposedly from Patreon's "Trust & Safety team" wanting access to our Discord. I don't think that's a good idea for our members' privacy, so I think the time has come to deal with this.  I will have to reply to them soon so, I figure I can try to unlink our Discord server from Patreon which would make our patrons here no longer have access to Discord (and honestly probably wouldn't make sense for some of you to stay on patreon)

Or I might have to quit patreon entirely. Please head to our Discord if you still can to discuss this. Thank you.

Just an info for those of you who still willing to support me: I have a Subscribestar page (uncen, with auto Discord access, charge monthly on the date you join) and Pixiv's Fanbox (mosiac censored according to jpn law, charge monthly at the end of each month, a bit cheaper, no Discord for some starter tiers)

This page might get suspended so If you are still willing to support me, I implore you to check out my other sites. People with monthly tier reward pics, and still want to continue please get in touch with me via dm anywhere for a coordinated move to subscribestar.

I'm so sorry for the inconveniences. Thank you again so much.

**Over at Subscribestar i can give you a discount or an extension, so I'll give a free month addon to anyone switching within this week. Let me know if you are coming over and have a different name so that i dont miss you. Hope this helps with your consideration (sorry i cannot do it at FanboxT^T)

imma head to bed now, so ill get back to you in a few hours. YOU ROCK!

For new subscribers, with all this in mind, if you still want to, here's how to get to the Discord server:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266



Do you have a link to your subscribstar i can't find it anywhere


I might get banned if i post it here. I put the links in the captions of most pics i posted publicly. So wherever you found me you should find the links.


i got a question how to i get into the discord server to ask this put my input into it? because i don't mind still being a Patreon while being in the discord without any beafits tho if nimbletail is quirtting patreon i will goin on subscristar but that idea honestly works


Hi, PokemonUB. It used to be that when we had tiers for supporters, all tiers come with Discord access. This post was mainly for our pre-existing supporters. I didn't intend for new people to still be coming in after we no longer have tiers and I started telling people not to support here on other sites. I recommend Subscribestar if you still want to support us with access to full contents. I'm truly sorry for the inconveniences.