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Jessica didn’t know what was going on. She had received her paperwork to report for compulsory pettification like many before her on a day she wouldn’t forget as her world shattered around her. She knew it could happen obviously as she had seen plenty of petgirls out in the city, but she always thought she was going to be a lawyer. She had always studied hard! She didn’t get into trouble, never drank or smoked; she was even still a virgin! This was not how it was supposed to be! But there it was in bold print: report for compulsory pettification. Although the address confused her. Everyone in the city knew where the new petgirls went and it was even posted all over on all the volunteer posters for whatever crazy girl wanted to do that, but this was different. Her heart beat faster as she thought maybe this was some sick joke that someone had pulled on her and she was going to have to get even but as she read it looked more and more authentic. She looked at the code on the bottom of the page, the one that would be used to identify her on the pet system.


Moving across the room she sat down at her computer. With hands that trembled so bad she had to start over twice she keyed it into the pet website. 

There it was: Jessica Malone. Her name. Her fate. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes as all her emotions warred inside her before finally settling with dejection and hopelessness. 


Once more she looked at the strange address but what choice did she have but to go? The price of trying to run away was too high to risk and she couldn’t do that to her family. So, she scribbled a quick note to them and decided to go scope out this address. She had a couple of days before the required time to show up for processing and registration so she might as well make sure.


The trip took her to an area of the city she wasn’t familiar with. It looked fancy like it had been recently renovated. The windows in all the buildings were clean and shiny and the streets were kept clean. Large buildings were scattered along the area with non-obtrusive signs highlighting them as corporations dedicated to various sciences. 


It was just adjacent to one of these that she located the building identified on her paperwork. It was an unassuming building with a high roof. From the outside its kind of looked like a school. The windows were tinted dark and the door was the same. She got closer and saw the ComPet logo on the door and a smaller logo saying sponsored by PetTech. So, it was paid for by one of the larger corporations after all. That made sense.


She thought about leaving but since she was already out this far, she thought she might as well check in with the receptionist and confirm everything. She stepped forward and pushed the door open. 


Inside was very chilly, enough to give her a slight shiver. It also has a hospital-like smell of disinfectant. She thought this was probably better than the alternative and wasn’t all that bad. What she did think was strange was the lack of receptionist. Directly ahead of the door was a big computer monitor. It stood out as the only thing in the room other than a couple of metal doors on either side. 


After taking a moment to access the room she noticed the screen blinked “Welcome! Register here” so she shrugged and stepped up to the monitor. She touched the screen and it changed to another screen asking  "volunteer or compulsory registration". She touched the second option and another page opened up: “Please input registration code” using the on-screen keypad she read off the code on the bottom of her paperwork and hit enter. 


The page blinked and a loading screen appeared with the message to “Please Wait” with a swirling icon below. After a few seconds, she got impatient and looked down at her paperwork again to make sure she didn’t enter the wrong thing.


She never noticed the mechanical arm descend from the ceiling above her nor the rails that crossed the ceiling and disappeared into both metal doors. She didn’t notice until it descended all the way and with a cushioned claw grabbed her around the waist. She yelled and tries to free herself from its grip, but it was already too late. It had reached all the way around her and locked into place above her hips. It was this time that the screen blinked and changed again: “Early registration confirmed. Thank you for your dedication. PetTech autonomous pet registration and processing in progress. Please enjoy your stay.” 


Jessica howled and struggled as hard as she could trying to pry herself loose. This wasn’t what she wanted! She just wanted to make sure it was the right place! She had a few more days! Where was everyone?! She started yelling for help when the arm began to move towards one of the slowly opening doors, surprising and quieting her.


They dragged her into the first room that was brightly lit. It took her to the center of the room and stopped. After a few seconds a series of panels opened up along the wall, floor, and ceilings and more arms emerged. These were smaller than the large one gripped her but had a variety of attachments to them. As the lower ones neared her feet, she began to kick violently trying to prevent them from touching her. These had been programmed to account for such behavior however and quick like a snake one on each side grabbed her ankles securing them. As they did smaller arms began to remove her shoes by cutting away the strings and sliding them off. After they fell useless to the floor another attachment on the arms pinched her socks and began to pull them from her feet. 


As Jessica watched her ruined shoes fall to the floor followed by her socks, she began to grasp exactly what was happening. She started to struggle even more to avoid the mechanical arms, but the machine's strength was too much for her and as she began to tire another set of arms caught her wrists and pulled them up stretching her out. With a sob Jessica could only watch as an attachment with electric shears started their way up both pants legs destroying her clothing and her dignity. 


Her useless pants fell to the floor on top of her socks and shoes as she shook in the restraints. The machine continued remorseless and repositioned itself quickly to remove the final barrier on her lower half. With no effort, her precious panties fell away and with it her own sense of a person. Embarrassment flooded her and mixed with all her other emotions as her unshaven pubic mound was on full display thanks to this cruel device. 


She only had a few moments to think about this as another set of shears descended to her shoulders and began cutting away her shirt from the neck to the sleeves on both sides. After this was done a set of arms pulled at the fabric raising it up as another set ran along the back severing it from her. Jessica looked down at her plain white bra in horror as the shears returned. She was somewhat thankful that no one else was there as the straps were cut and her last scraps of clothing fell away revealing her biggest shame. On her chest sat a perfectly shaped pair of C sized breasts but looking closer something was off. Her nipples were inverted even in the frigid air of the room they were only slightly exposed. A secret that she had kept from everyone her most embarrassing secret.


With the last pieces of fabric removed, many of the mechanical arms retracted back into their homes and a large arm with a broom attachment reached out and effortlessly swept away all of her clothing leaving the girl dangling from the ceiling and utterly alone in the bright room.


A minute passed and as Jessica sobbed quietly another series of arms reached out with what appeared to be some kind of laser scanner. With her wrists and ankles secured and stretched out the large middle claw retracted, and the scanners began to make multiple passes over her body. When they passed over her breasts each time they pause and retraced the scan passing over the breasts again multiple times. The same level of thoroughness was repeated as the scanner passed over her vagina and ass. This process took what seemed like hours and her arms ached from being stretches out so much. But after what she could only think of as a third total pass the scanners retracted back into their homes leaving her alone again. 


Another quiet sound made her look down as a panel slid away beneath her revealing a drainage grate. She did not like this and was beginning to get scares again when another series of smaller arms descended from above. One of them had an electric razor attachment and it advanced towards her pubic area. The others looked like some kind of car wash device complete with sponges and small tanks of liquid. She didn’t wait long when her ankle arms began to lift up and spread her legs apart giving better access to the razor. With a horrible fear that if she struggled the razor would damage her down there, she panted trying her best not to move as the razor began making methodical and preprogrammed passes over her entire vaginal area. Clumps of her never shaved pubic hair fell away to the floor and before long she felt the frigid air blowing on her as she had never felt before. When the razor had finished its job, she shuddered and shivered as a particularly cold gust blew against her now bare vagina. 


She didn’t get long to register these new sensations before the other arms began moving. The one with the tank moved down to her feet and began to spray her body. The hit and clung to her with a consistency somewhere between a foam and a gel. The arm moved up and down her body covering her from toes up to her neck in this mixture before moving over and starting again. Where the concoction clung to her tingled. It took some time before the arm finished and she was completely covered below the neck and where the mixture tingled before it slowly began to turn into itching and then a slight burning sensation. The worst was where it had coated her freshly shaven vaginal area. With a sound more like a drill, the arm with the soft brush like pad began to spin and started retracing the steps of the arm before it. It began buffing at her toes, spinning and working the chemicals fully into the skin. 


At this point, Jessica realized what was happening. Her entire body burned and where the brush spun it felt like someone was rubbing steel wool into her skin. The smell was like some industrial disinfectant but as she watches in horror, she knew it was the hair follicles being forever purged from her body. The pain built like nothing she had experienced before as the machine mercilessly made its passes over her body removing every follicle it had detected during its scan.


When the brush finally stopped spinning, she had no idea how long it had been. Her everything hurt. But the spinning and polishing being completed brought a degree of relief that she embraced with everything she had. It was this relief that distracted her from noticing the arm with the long nozzle take aim until the first blast of cold water hit her. A shrill shriek cut through her as the icy water made it passes over her body washing away the remaining chemicals. The water pressure and coldness hurt as it blasted her clean. However, it did a remarkable job of numbing the stinging effects of the depilatory solution. Eventually, her entire body from the neck down was rinsed clean and she was left to dry. 


Jessica was startled when the sound of a table rising in front of her shook her out of her reverie. It was a large stainless-steel table with indentions around the four corners. It didn’t take her long to find out what it was for as the arms suspending her pulled her onto the table and recesses into the indentions locking her in a doggy position on it. She breathed a sigh of relief as her shoulders and arms throbbed from being suspended. Another noise caught her attention however as a section of the table under her shifted and a padded bar rose up against her just below her hips until it began pushing into her forcing her ass to rise up in an incline further revealing her recently exposed privates. 


While she couldn’t see behind her, she heard something moving and clenched her teeth and fists not knowing what to expect. What she felt next was the pre-lubricated nozzle of an enema arm pressed against the rosebud of her anus. With a slow but overpowering strength, it was forced in a couple of inches before coming to a rest. The nozzle technology activated, and it senses where her sphincter gripped the nozzle and it inflated a small bulge just on the inside and just on the outside effectively sealing it inside her without any unnecessary stretching. 


For Jessica the sensation was horrible. She had never had anything inserted into her ass before and even as gentle as this intruder was, it made her squirm and feel violated in a way she had not expected. When it began to inflate, she panicked feeling as if she was going to have to expel it while at the same time worried that it was going to rip something in there. When it stopped, she took a deep breath in relief again as it was surprisingly not uncomfortable just a very awkward feeling. This was only made worse when she felt the first gurgle of fluid being forced into her bowels. At first, she tried to relax but soon it started to get uncomfortable and she tried to rock back and forth to alleviate some of the sensations. This helped until even more was pumped into her and the cramping started. The building cramps were getting worse and she started to worry that it was going to rupture her insides when it finally shut off. Jessica was shaking and sweating from the struggles and was eagerly waiting for the plug to pull away so she could release but the plug stayed in place. She tried to jerk away from it, but the arm only moved with her as the plug was firmly locked in. Her cramps were getting worse than any period cramps she had ever had when she heard a beep and felt the plug deflate and quickly was removed. She didn’t need an invitation to what came next as the relief was immediate. 


The same arm with the cold-water nozzle hovered back behind her and as soon as she was finished voiding herself it rinsed off both her and the table forcing it all down the drain. Jessica shivered against the cold water some more when she felt the sudden prodding against her anus again and screamed as the enema was forced back inside her and inflated again. This process was repeated one more time until the machine determines that her voided content was satisfactory. 


After the last purging process, a new arm descended behind her and aimed at her vulnerable anus. This one was different; the nozzle was made of a slightly soft material that bent easily but was also slightly larger than the enema nozzle. It was hollow but had a rounded guide on the tip that the computer used to navigate with. When it pressed against her anus her eyes went wide and she sobbed and pleaded for it to stop and she couldn’t handle another enema. When it pressed its way into her, she was immediately confused by the different sensations. As it continued pushing far beyond where the enema nozzle stopped, she got worried. The snaking tube pushed further and further into her bowels guided by the machine until it determined that it was in an optimal location. For Jessica, it felt as if the world’s largest earthworm had crawled into her anus and slithered all the way up into her stomach. She squirmed very uncomfortable but didn’t experience the same level of cramps. As the machine began removing the guiding tip from the tube, she could feel the slight bulge traveling back down her intestines and finally exiting her. This was followed by a bigger bulge replacing it that traveled back up the tube. As soon as the machine retrieved its guided tip it had switched over to the seeding slurry. One of the PetTech research teams had theorized that this bacteria slurry would help the petgirl quickly adapt and crave her new diet and thus quicken the training time. As the slurry began to ooze from the tube inside it was slowly retracted allowing the new flora to spread and take root in her system. It took some time as the tube inched its way back out of her but eventually, it was retracted and the bar that held her in the inclined position was removed so the contents could be absorbed and leak out on their own. 


Jessica was left in this position for at least an hour or to her what seemed like an entire day before the cold-water nozzle surprised her by blasting away the remains of the slurry. After this was done the bar that was used to raise her hips began to rise again but was accompanied by a similar one above that pushed down securing her in place and removing what little wiggle room she had. 


Another set of arms descended with a variety of what appeared to be probes on it. The computer paused as it ran its calculations and then lines up the first probe with her anus. This one was larger than the previous two and even with its pre-lubricated tip, it made Jessica cry out in surprise and pain as it relentlessly pushed past her sphincter. Once it slipped in it began beeping as it recorded data. It determines the location of her entrance and inflated similar to the enema probe locking itself in place. This caused Jessica to panic again thinking she was in for another round of cramps. Instead, the probe began to extend deeper into her slowly measuring her resistance to its girth and to find the optimal depth before her colon bent. When it reached this point, it paused and started to vibrate softly. While vibrating it slowly began to expand its diameter inside her. The vibration caught her off guard and she was shocked at the pleasurable feeling inside her. She could feel moisture building between her legs from it when she started to feel the expanding probe growing. She whimpered between the uncomfortable feeling and pleasure until the probe stopped. The computer had measured her optimal depth and optimal diameter and could now construct a tail plug that would fit perfectly inside her. With this done it deflated all the way and with a wet sound slid out of her. 


The second arm activated in a similar fashion to the first and aimed at her vagina. As it approached it paused at her entrance and beeped. This caused Jessica to begin trying to thrash with a renewed vigor. She had never taken anything inside her there and in fact still had her hymen intact. It was this fact that caused the machine to pause. It was set up to take similar readings inside the vagina as it does in the anus for various research purposes as well as any modifications deemed necessary by the PetTech VetTech AI system. Some newer owners prefer to have a tracking microchip implanted this way to further prevent tampering and in case of loss or theft of property as these are much harder to remove. 


It consulted this AI and determined to proceed. The probe began to press further into her, and Jessica screamed as it made contact with her hymen and ever so slowly started to stretch it open. She had never felt anything like it, not being able to see what was happening she thought the machine was trying to force a train inside her. The uncomfortable fullness as her hymen began to stretch gave way to intense pain that made her gasp out and struggles again as the probe finally forced its way inside enough that her valiant hymen lost its battle and finally tore around its girth. She could feel wetness dripping down her leg and didn’t know if it was from her own previous excitement, the machines lubrication, blood, or a mixture of all three. 


As the probe finally slides into place it began its measuring process first by detecting the exact entrance and locking itself inside. It then extended itself further back inside her depths until it encountered resistance. The probe then narrowed considerably as it poked and prodded along the wall until it finally found her cervix. It slightly pressed against this entrance measuring its own resistance but stopped before it penetrated as this was outside the scope of this process. Jessica felt like someone was inside her stomach now. The pressure she felt inside felt like it was up to her belly button and when it found her cervix, she felt a sensation she couldn’t describe. It was like someone trying to open a door that was jammed but every nudge sent waves of queasiness through her. When it began to test her expansion resistance she panicked again. Unlike the one in her ass, this one felt like it was never going to stop expanding. It felt like she had a football inside her vagina when it finally beeped again. The feeling wasn’t painful like she expected but it was so strange that it made her uneasy. It stayed expanded for a few minutes when she felt a sharp pain cut through her insides suddenly but then stop. It started again in a different spot inside her causing the same pain and stopped again. She wasn’t aware of what was happening, but the computer was testing her electrical resistance to determine the proper strength of corrective shocks from her pet gear when put into place. It had moved sensors around her abdomen and rear while she was distracted and was recording the results. After several long and painful moments of shocks, it beeped again, took a few more readings and began deflating before finally slip out of her. The relief was instant but the sound it made when it was finally pulled from her made her blush from embarrassment. The cold-water nozzle returned once more and proceeded to wash her and the table down again. This time she wasn’t left to air dry as a stream of warm air began to blow from an extended arm making its way around her. After a few passes, it too retracted back into its home.


Time passes and as she is finally calming down from all that is happening a monitor descends from the ceiling in front of her. On it flashes “Subject Jessica Malone.” And then “You will now begin your transition to petgirl. You will hereafter be known as Sparkle.” She thinks to herself Sparkle huh... well I guess it could be worse. The screen flashes displaying an image of a collar with Sparkle on the tag. “When this collar is connected, your contracted four years will begin. You will obey all orders given and will act as a petgirl should. This is required and enforced.” A lightning bolt image appears above the collar for emphasis. “As a reminder pets don’t talk.” 


She saw it coming from an arm below the monitor: a black collar with a red buckle and the standard gold-colored bone shaped tag with the name Sparkle. From a distance, it looked just like any old dog collar but as it got closer, she could see the additional pack connected to it and the fine prongs lined along the inside. She knew these were correctional devices as they had talked about it in class one day when they had seen a petgirl outside yelping in pain and had asked the teacher. As the mechanical arm approached holding the collar, she could feel the end of her life as a person coming. The arm placed it on her neck and pulled it around positioning it in place with one final, deafening clicks as the locking mechanisms went into place sealing her fate.


Unseen from above her were dozens of more arms descending in unison to begin the final processes of her pettification. One arm moved towards her head and swiftly to the side before she felt and heard a crunch as the device punctured her ear leaving behind a round silver tag with her identification information on it. At the same time, a set of dog ears attached to a very thin but strong band was placed upon her head. She didn’t have much time to think about it before she felt a tingling sensation from the tiny pins locking in place along her temple, held in place by an impossibility strong glue. Simultaneously two more sets of arms moved from behind her, one with a surprisingly large tail and plug and the other an unassuming narrow looking tube. The tube lined up its approach with her vagina while the plug assaulted her anus. 


Jessica felt the collar and control systems go online just moments before she felt the tip of the plug against her anus. She focused her attention trying to relax and not make a sound as it pushed in. Even though it was larger than the previous invaders her anus was seemingly getting used to stretching because as the thickest part of the plug slid into place she was able to keep from making more than a slight moan, which she was thankful to know didn’t get her punished. What she didn’t expect was the thin tube that had entered her vagina to locate a suitable location and inject a microchip capsule without any warning and the sudden pinching pain made her yell out “aaaahhhh” a mistake she regretted immediately as a voice in her head told her “Unauthorized sound detected. Corrective action taken” and her neck convulsed in immediate pain as the prongs danced with electricity causing her to shake. Thankfully the convulsions prevented her from making any further sounds and after a 10-second interval, it stopped leaving her panting.


The machine paused before the voice in her head said, “Tail system online” and she knew that the next 'correction’ would be worse. The monitor then flashed the image of the nipple and clitoral petgirl covers. Then an asterisk appeared followed by the comment “submodel PT-1p required” she stared not knowing what that meant. A moment later she watched two small arms with strange attachments on them including little glass tubes approach her breasts. She shook her head and started to shake her breasts in order to stop what was coming when the voice in her head said “Warning: bad behavior will be punished” and she stopped fearing the shocks. A moment later the two glass tubes line up her inverted nipples and locked into place. She held her breath in anticipation of this but what she didn’t expect was for a similar feeling to take place between her legs as a third tube locked into place over her clit. All three tubes began to vibrate. Jessica felt all the tension of the day mixing with the targeted assault on her erogenous zones start to build toward a climax. With all the stimulations her nipples started to peek out from their hiding spot and her tiny button of a clit started to grow as well when the vibration stopped leaving her just on the edge and filled with a primal frustration. Then she felt the vacuum start in the tubes and felt her nipples being forced completely out, stretched out away from their hiding place and slowly engorged. The same thing happened to her poor clit. As sensitive as it is, she felt real panic as the suction increased pulling at her button with increasing levels of pain. Her nipples and clit were throbbing in pain when the suction stopped increasing and held steady. This did nothing to alleviate the pain and she gnashes her teeth against the pain. Looking down she could see her poor stretched out nipples slowly turning a shade of purple as the blood rushed to fill them. That was when she saw the other part of the tiny arms activate and two tiny parts protruded out: one with a round ball type piece on the end and the other with a long and thick needle with a barbell like piece connected to it. Realizing what was happening she screamed out in fear “Nooooo!”


The next several things happened at the same time: each of the three devices plunged the needles carefully into their targets. The needles passed through the bases of each nipple and near the base of the clitoris. When they exited the other side, they passed through the little ball. It had just enough width that the needle passed through it completely and then locked into place on the barbell. Three soft clicks could be heard as both nipples and clit all locked permanently. As soon as the clicks sounded, the suction was removed freeing each captive body part. However, the new piercings prevented any of them from retracting back into their respective hiding spots. The other thing was in her mind a voice spoke to her “Unauthorized sound detected. Level two corrective action” followed by an explosion on pain in her neck and inside her ass as both the collar and plug delivered an increased level of shock. She wasn’t as prepared for this and screamed out again triggering the system to issue another higher level of correction. Her entire body felt like it was going to start smoking and the air was knocked out of her - probably the only thing saving her from even more pain as the shocks ended after another 10 seconds. 


After a couple of minutes of trying to catch her breath, she noticed the arms had retracted from her breasts. She saw that before they departed, they had sprayed some sort of what she guessed was antiseptic on her nipples. Movement caught her eye and she saw the nipple guards she had seen on other petgirls were advancing towards them. These glistened with the same bonding agent as her headband making them nearly impossible to remove. As they were maneuvered into place over each nipple, she felt a clicking feeling as the balls at each end of the piercing slotted into place with something inside each guard. An identical feeling occurred between her legs as her clit guard and piercings also locked together. 


Jessica couldn’t stand it anymore. She felt betrayed by society, felt her future stripped away along with her independence and humanity. Her body is no longer her decision and changed without her consent pushed a river of tears to her eyes. She sniffled ever so slightly hoping not to make any more unauthorized sounds when she saw the table beneath her open up and what looked like a brick filled with red light extend out of it. It moved a small amount before lining up with the smooth area above her clit guard. In a quick motion, it lurched forward branding her the infamous petgirl symbol. Seconds later she felt the same searing pain on her rear. Followed by a series of rapid jabs going into the tissues of her rear as an arm loaded with various syringes were rapidly injected into her system. Oddly, after everything else, these didn’t really seem to bother her. Perhaps she is just a pet after all. 


The voice in her head announced that the nipple and clit guards were online, and all systems were normal. One final arm reached down from the ceiling clipping a leash to her collar. The restraints on her all began releasing at the same time and the table dropped low enough to allow her to crawl off. The monitor in front of her displayed a new message “Spark registration completed. Training in progress” before being lifted back up and out of sight. A door in front of her opened up and the mechanical arm began following one of the rails in the ceiling tugging her out of the room to begin her training as just another dog.


A short story by a petgirl named drew at Pixiv^^

Thank you for your contribution.

I think the scifi angle of this one make it more like a story in the future of ComPet world.
Maybe an experimental program by some genius millionaire?
I do enjoy machine domination story hehe :)

Let us know what you think!


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