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Rebecca was always looking for new, outrageous ways to "stick it to the man" and show a giant middle finger to a society full of conformists. Hair dye, outrageous hairstyles, punk attire, lots of different piercings, she tried everything and anything to stand out and live her rebellious life to the fullest. Regular trouble with her parents and the law were a given, and once she finally turned 18 and somehow managed to finish high-school, she decided to move out to find her own way in life. Their attempts to persuade, intimidate and even force her to "clean up" and find some kind of work or even try and go to college all failed. She told her parents to piss off, packed her bags and went away without telling anyone where she was going.

After a couple of years of drifting from town to town and doing odd jobs here and there, mostly as a waitress in some shitty bar, she was broke and not really sure what to do at that point. Her 20th birthday was a couple of months ago and she was one of the few people that actually hoped to be drafted into the Compulsory Pettification program, but much to her disappointment, she was not picked for it.

It was only then that she came across some ads and learned about ComPet's volunteer program and her eyes went wide, alight with a new fire. This would be the answer to all her financial troubles, as she wouldn't have to care about those things anymore, and it would be the ultimate fuck you to everyone - her parents, the law and society itself - because what could be more punk than to reject her very humanity?

Rebecca didn't waste a lot of time and decided to go for it, and she decided to commit to it fully. She went to the closest tattoo parlor and spent the last of her money on getting her nose tattooed black, so that it resembled a dog's nose. This mark of permanence would also make sure that she stays committed to her new role in life. Black-nosed and determined, she then went to ComPet to sign up for the volunteer program.

Despite volunteers having the option of having more freedom and control over their lives, Rebecca decided to willingly sign up as a lifetime pet and waive any and all of her rights as a human, making sure that she would remain a petgirl for good. With her signature written, there was no more going back, and the nice people at ComPet, thoroughly impressed by her eagerness, even let her keep her piercings and let her pick a name for herself. Naturally, she went with a cutesy nickname based on her real name, just to mock her parents further, and went with the name "Becky".

One last request she had before starting her training and fully committing to her life as a petgirl, was for someone to take a photo of her in full pet gear and send it to her parents' address, a request which was happily obliged. In the photo, she had the widest, most mischievous smile and a knowing look. "Look what I did to myself, mom and dad!", she thought, "Aren't you proud of me?". And indeed, the shock and outrage the parents felt when they saw the photo was indescribable, but legally, their hands were tied. Instead of college, their little rebellious girl would be a dog for the rest of her life. And she couldn't be any happier about it.


Story and colouring by Kapronsis, who did an absolutely wonderful job on their punk petgirl!

Gotta say I love this! (and quite turned on by the story...) The all-black gears really look fashionable to me. Like it could totally pass as an ultra sexualized swimwear or sexy lingerie or smth^^
Also,the good news is we may be able to get more of Kapronsis wonderful works in the future!

Let us know what you think :)



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