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Can't blame miss operator, she loves her shaft.


Can't wait for the next ones the foreshadowing, the cliff hanger. O boy

dani oz

Byakuya who


Alice and Eugeo def have the best swords in the show!

Matt Cole

Back for the little bit of trivias. - Administrator and the I.K often have to sleep to reduce the accumulation of memories of their souls, and thus the frequency at which said memories )need to be erased to make way for new ones ( imagine the soul being a hard drive with limited capacity, slowly but steadily filling up with memories with each moment you're awake). - Others have already explained Kirito's enchanced armament, it basically partially recreate the ability of the Giant Cedar to absorb not only light but also spacial ressources, spatial ressources being something similar to "ambiant mana" and the thing people uses to cast sacred arts since they don't have stuff like mps in this world. - Speaking about arts, what the elevator lady casually did in the elevator made Kirito amazed because producing so many elements at once requires a very very high level of proficiency, as well as normally "focal points" were those elements should materialize, usually the fingertips for better focus. Even then, most trained people can barely even produce three elements on their fingertips at once, at five you're considered an expert, so the fact that she could do tens without even having to make them appear at her fingertips before made Kirito realize she must have been doing this for ages. - Also the boys talked about being able to use their armament control art because it basically heavily taps into the durability of the weapon with each use, durability which takes a long time to recover and can only be accelerated a bit while the sword is sheated inside its scabbard.