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Nick is Rad

In all fairness, I have watched this show like three times over at this point and didn't catch the dragon breath scene. 😂

Саша Одинец

There's an interesting subtle thing about Kirito breaking through the mobs with dual swords. Animators cheated a tiny bit so it's pretty much invisible unless you read the novels and know what he's doing. If you go back to last episode of Aincrad, when Kirito mistakenly activated his Dual Wielding Sword Skill against Kayaba - he initialized it with crossing his swords. Him aligning these 2 swords now is same movement just swords are this much disproportional. What he did then, is not using them as spear (as static animation of swords may suggest), but actually performing the Sword Skill's animation pattern on his own. He moves the swords so fast repeating the movements from his memory - he cuts everything around in pieces. This is the aura around him, this is why the animation shows it's spinning and why moments from his pov are shown to shake so much as if he cuts stuff. Essentially, you could say the swords don't move while the air around them does is because they move so fast you only see afterimages :D And it finishes with same move too - the thrust that broke Kirito's sword against Kayaba's shield is same that stuck the sword into the door in the end.


I cant stand that me and you both said "oh shit Xbox" at the same time LMAO