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Just got back home, I'm gonna try and set up the pc and everything so I can pump out some vids for you guys tomorrow :)



Glad to hear you got home safe, the grind is back!

Cristian Alfonso

Black clover movie drops tomorrow btw

Cristian Alfonso

thought it would be Thursday already in your timezone, it should be friday yeah


alright bet ready for them sds ep 🤗🤗

O randxmz O

Any vids coming yet I'm dying to see more sword art online content


its been 10 days from last Seven Deadly episode, i wanted to support you and my main goal was watching seven deadly early but seems like u dropped it


he went on vacation so hasn't updated in the last week. though as far as im aware his main 2 are still SAO and 7DS. Hope this helped or if u knew apologize for repeating info.


Dying for the next sao episode!