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Nick is Rad

I was dying at the glasses reaction. 😂 Low key super excited for these next two major arcs though! After that is where I think most people started to fall off, or at least I myself did. Really interested in giving those latter seasons another try if we make it there though.

Nick is Rad

Great reaction as always. Hope you have a good vacation, Neel!

AI Oxi

LETS GO another ep


i felt the same originally but alicization is really good imo

Саша Одинец

On the topic of saving Yui - while being smart and into computers has 100% helped - the act itself was far from hacking. The console was logged-in by Yui's account, so it was fully open. Thing is - many things on PC share common aspects, such as pressing Ctrl+F Ctrl+C Ctrl+V on keyboard would work as Find by text / Copy / Paste not only in the text editor, but in webbrowser or file system. And this is pretty much what Kirito did - Ctrl+F to find the folder with Yui by the name she at the time just gave them MHCP-1, then he clicked to save it as object - pretty much archived the folder, and copied into the folder on his helmet. It's a quickthinking of someone familiar with PCs, not actual hacking. But due to story being written from POV of Asuna - she didn't see what Kirito did, so the anime chose to just show some random matrix-like code floating in most generic way possible :)

James Merlaut

Funny thing is a pot of the SAO haters like to point out, "Why Is Kirito SUDDENLY this amazing tech wiz blah blah blah it makes no sense" the thing is that this part of Kirito's personality was set up minute one of episode 1. For starters we know he's a hard core gamer because he had a professional set up. Plus we knew he had an avid interest in tech itself because the magazine he was reading that gave him a papercut was a tech magazine. Lastly Kirito knew the inner workings of the full dive system as he demonstrated in episode 1 to Klein when he explained that Kayaba was not lying. This is a part of Kirito that was being fleshed out from episode 1 and yet the haters still find it surprising that Kirito can use computers so well... and it doesn't end here either


now you should watch the last opening and ending

Ryuuji Gremory

Well in the first place it's not like Kirito did anything that would need some incredible genius level tech skills. He searched a file, used a function already inside the system to attach it to an object (the AI of familiars is saved as an Object) and then saved it to his local hard drive.

Laude Stellarum Nocte

Dude, no one hates on sao bc Kirito has a basic level of tech knowledge. People hate on sao because of how damn determined Kawahara is, post arc 1, to utterly destroy the characters he spent the entire last arc building up. This entire upcoming arc (let alone season 2) just takes every single character people have grown to be invested in and just shits on them. Neel has seen the best sao has to offer, unfortunately, until the alicatization arc it's all mid now.

James Merlaut

Clearly you haven't been on many anime discussion platforms. Amongst things that I cannot yet say because it would spoil Neel, Kirito "Just happening to have tech skills" is one of the many reasons the SAO haters say they don't like Kirito's character. Is everything until Alicization from this point weaker than SAO Arc and Alicization? F yeah. Is it terrible? No, because if it were terrible it'd have to be at least a 3/10. You telling me you gave SAO S2 a 3/10? No I bet you gave it a 5 or 6/10, which means it was acceptable.

Саша Одинец

"takes every single character people have grown to be invested in and just shits on them" literally never happened. As someone foreign, the first time I've heard of SAO hate was when I tried to look up what's happening in the fanbase in English speaking part of the world couple years after I became an SAO fan myself. Imagine my surprise seeing just how many of them are bullied for the very fact of liking SAO. So, I took some time and researched it, this hate. I've looked through many of the popular SAO reviews in the West, I've spoke to countless haters online, trying to figure out what exactly is triggering them so much about SAO. And you know what's an average SAO reviewer/hater is like in the West? (I specify because the hate isn't as popular in other parts of the world, especially not in Japan where SAO is beloved). I'll only speak of the parts that are already on the channel, no spoilers of further events. So, what's an average SAO reviewer/hater is like? It's a person, that firmly believes that the only answer Kayaba has given to the question why - is he forgot. His explanation in episodes 1 and in 14 after the "forgotten" word - this simply does not exist for them. It's a person that believes that every single female character Kirito has ever interacted with - is in deep love with him. No, characters like Rosalia, Sasha, Yolko, or Yulier do not exist in their mind. They believe that Kirito does not deserve a single bit of interest any female character may show him. Yes, him being ready to jump into a bottomless pit for Liz - whoever knows why she may have liked him after it - it's not them. Average SAO hater believes, that the moment Asuna tied her life with Kirito - is when she was somehow reduced, is no longer strong or interesting, a shelf of her "potential". The facts of her fighting the bullies right after the marriage, or her breaking the system limit to save Kirito - what are these? No, seriously, to them her breaking a system limit does not exist, because only Kirito did it, *of course*... And oh how he did it? Of course every single one of them is infinitely angry about him coming back to life, for some reason... inside his imagination.. SAO hater is usually a person, who believes that Sachi's death has not affected the story and never was brought up after the episode that it happened... They believe that Kirito is ideal human being who didn't fail, who can do anything without an effort, including collecting girls and skill points, who can hack SAO system but not log out players in the process... To them SAO Abridged - a parody that for jokes makes Asuna into psychopath racist, is far better writing than anything original SAO has to offer.. Take all this, and multiply by the hatred of the very fact that author even dared to step outside the first castle - and you get what the hate for the rest of SAO would be like. Entirely artificial hate of the concept that doesn't exist outside their minds. Reviewers in the West popularized all these ideas and more, just to get more quick views and likes, and now a huge portion of anime community in the West believes in it.

Саша Одинец

Honestly - if anyone here is open for discussing and has an issue with something happening in the story so far, I'm open to help with it to best ability I have to figure out what happened in the story and whether it's as bad as it may have looked like. Same for anything in the future episodes, but in the comments for them whenever released, to avoid spoilers :)

Laude Stellarum Nocte

It is unimaginably impressive just how many strawmen arguments you strung together and destroyed there. Truly, your ability to obliterate the weakest forms of your perceived opposition should be applauded. Now I'm not interested in having an essay battle in the patreon comment section, but if you want to hop in a discord voice com sometime just lmk. With that being said however, there are some comments worth making here. First, the shitting of established characters I spoke of had nothing to do with some arbitrary sense of an unearned harem for kirito, or somehow a reduction of asuna's character through her relationship with him. No, my critique is much more basic. The writing itself falls off a cliff with regards to the upcoming content (arc 2 and beyond). I can't delve into my points without spoiling, but I'll say this. Throughout all of arc 1 the stakes are unimaginably high, and that itself is the main appeal. It allows for relationships to bloom, enemies and allies to be gained, and a sense of immersion that simply doesn't reappear until the alicazation arc. That's the draw. What are the stakes in the upcoming arcs? I'll tell you what they are. They are a contrivance, all of them. Every single hurdle that appears from this point forward feels so utterly contrived. The phenomenal world building, character depth, and creativity displayed in arc 1 is nowhere to be seen. Instead, the entire series seems to desperately cling to the coattails of arc 1 and pray that hook is substantial enough to keep people invested until the alicazation arc. James assumed I would rate season 2 at around a 5-6. He is right, but I entirely disagree with the idea that we should consider that as "acceptable". Once competence is displayed, underachievement is inexcusable.

James Merlaut

I don't have a discord anymore, but so that the 3 of us can have a discussion about this together head over to my YT channel and comment on the last community post I made and we can turn that into the discussion stage (and you can save the future, "ehhh... you're a GTA YouTube? Yikes" comments I hear them enough as is. YT is the same as my name here should be easy to find. Just say "It's Laude" or something.

Саша Одинец

Oh, yes, the "stakes" argument. "stakes are unimaginably high, and that itself is the main appeal" is just a sad way of watching anything. Imaging liking SAO for the philosophical ideas it presents for both real and virtual worlds, characters with inner conflicts, sci-fi/gaming/romantic aspects... constantly evolving ideas that it explores rather than walking into a routine of floor clearance... Yeah, I'll go to YT for the discussion, no problem :)

Justin Moore

Laude, while I agree that ancrad is my favorite and I wish they expanded it, SAO has alot of hate that is unnecessary. SAO is quite old and when it came out shouldn't have had the amount of hate it did for the time when other anime didn't.


Another "complaint" I've sometimes seen is some people saying stuff like "Kirito is a crybaby after the Aincrad arc" or some similar stuff, and I'm like... Dude got thrown into a death game when he was 14, saw several people actually die before his eyes, and was fighting for his actual life for 2 years. It's pure trauma material, not something you can walk out off unscathed, especially when you're this young. SAO actually portrays that extremely well in my opinion.