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Ultraflo 1337

Since it's Not getting an explanation in the Anime. Klein used the Revival Item Kirito gave him that could Bring a dead Player Back Up to 10 Seconds after He died on Kirito. Kiritos HP sank to 0 a 2nd time because kayabas sword was still in him. Edit: There is No confirmed explanation at all but this is the Most Common theory of the Fans and is the theory that makes the Most sense.

Ryuuji Gremory

That's not true, it's some head canon someone came up with and that apparently spread There are at least 4 glaring problems with this: 1. The revival item didn't even exist when this part of the story was written. 2. If we were to assume Klein used it here the rest of what happens doesn't make any sense, Klein was paralyzed, he couldn't move, Kayaba would know about the item and therefore wouldn't be surprized by it and wouldn't talk about Kirito and Asuna showing him the possibility of the human mind, overcoming the system he created, after all the revival item is part of his system. Or would have let himself be defeated by Kirito. 3. It would mean Klein ran around with the revival item in his pocket for nearly a year, watching dozens of people die in front of him, that he could have saved, even though he got it with the words "the next time someone dies in front of you use it on them". What a fucking heartless asshole he would be if that was the case, completely out of character. 4. If Kirito shattered and was revived it makes no sense that Kayaba's blade is still in his body. Kirito's first death and shattering you see here is just in his head while losing his will to live, it's a direct call back to him imagining his death in Episode 1, him reforming is just symbolic of the rekindling of his will to fight, to make that last push and take Kayaba with him (something that only worked out because Kayaba saw what happened and let it happen). It's a confusing choice by the anime and could have been done better but he didn't actually shatter and reform, his avatar just disintegrating and shattered a bit slower than usual, that's why the sword is still stuck in him. What happens here is first Asuna and then Kirito surpassing the limits of the system, first Asuna moving even though she should be paralyzed and then Kirito delaying the shattering of his avatar for a few seconds and moving in for the killing blow before shattering together with Kayaba. Kayaba directly talks about them surpassing his system and it showing him the potential of the human mind, it wouldn't make any sense if they just used an item he created. Also it's a foreshadowing/precursor to something that happens later down the road and becomes a pretty central mechanic in Alicization, the longest arc of the entire series (for now, Unital Ring might become even longer).

Саша Одинец

Ryuuji Gremory explained it in details, but long story short for everyone - there was no revival because there was no death - the entire scene of Kirito falling and coming back is repeat of animation of boar hitting him, same as he imagined back in episode 1 and thus is entirely inside his head again, but this time it shows that he didn't accept his fate and chose to fight some more.

Саша Одинец

Add 5. Asuna's rapier stayed in Kirito's hand after animation even though should've been dropped on the floor, and it also doesn't exist in the animation itself :D 6. The animation is that of boar hitting him, it doesn't make sense for a blade inside your chest at moment of death to magically hit you away somehow, nor for revival to put you back onto it :D 7. Kayaba is one of the people with fastest reaction time in the game, and he had no change of expression during the "revival" animation, only after Kirito shown his determination coming back, so he didn't see the "revival" thus it didn't happen :D


like the others pointed out, this is incorrect information, I don't mind going into detail about this right in the future, but for now, to avoid spoiling anything important; (very light but SPOILER WARNING FOR FUTURE SEASONS) I'm pretty sure this is actually the first instance of the incarnation mechanic seen in the future. I always hear people talking about this revival item thing but... as someone who read the light novels, I don't recall actually seeing it anywhere.

Michael Wehmas

When I first saw this episode I had to keep pausing and taking long walks around my house(best way to describe it)

Саша Одинец

Also, the moment about Kayaba "forgetting" the reason - there's a little confusion due to different translations. What I've seen more commonly in subs is closer to what official novel translation has "For a long time, even I forgotten", while the dub version and for some reason your subs, has "it's been so long, I'd forgotten" / "I forgot a long time ago" and even followed by extra word in next line that didn't exist in the novels/other subs "I wonder why...", instead of novel's "why did I do this?". So to sum it up - originally, he expresses that he had time when he himself forgotten, just so much time was put into this, which is pretty natural thing for someone working hard. Like, by end of university you may want to remind yourself why do you go through all the sufferings it may have caused you. Same with some work/hobby that takes a long time to see the fruit of it. In this translation - he's more of a "I haven't thought about it for a long long time". Either way, he proceeds to actually explain the reason (on top of what he already told back in Episode 1). Basically, he had obsession since childhood, and with all his brilliance - he actually managed to recreate his dreams. As for what I thought when I first time saw the episode... *it's been so long, I'd forgotten*... xD No, honestly, for me the first time going through something like this, something to become another special series for me - is the time I don't preoccupy myself with questions of how and why things happened - I didn't care how the show was called so I never even thought that it could be about SAO only, didn't came as surprise that it didn't. So there wasn't much to remember about the first watch, just emotional rollercoaster :D. All I wanted at the time is to see more of Kirito and Asuna. Same drive pushed me into the original novels later. Only reread after reread rewatch after rewatch that I slowly built the understanding of how and why, and may I tell you - there's a whole ton to unpack in SAO if one goes into its depths. It even helped me with some of my gaming philosophy's rough edges I had problems with at the time. Hope you'll enjoy the rest of it too :D

Саша Одинец

I had the same with some of the SAO's authors novels, Isolator in particular :D *although now I just walk around the house in general as I listen to SAO's audiobooks whenever new volume is released and can't escape it xD

AriaN 06

It's not confirmed yet, but what happen to kirito is something similar with new system in season 3. Many theory said that what happen to kirito in this episode something like beta-In*** from s3.

Саша Одинец

If theory involves future events - why not bring up this episode later when later seasons would be seen?...


After this the episodes won't be as good and Season 2 will be worse too. But Season 3 and 4 are better than Season 1 or at least have better ratings.

Саша Одинец

There's literally only 3 seasons of SAO as of now (some of the western streaming services messed that up on their websites) and there's not a single proof that S2 is in any way worse than the 1st. Technically, 2nd season has the most detailed adaptation of the novels of all 3 and some of the most beloved characters among the fanbase....


Yeah, AFO arc is alright, not as bad as people say imo. But I really like GGO, do most people dislike it?

Саша Одинец

In votes for 10ths anniversary of SAO, GGO's episode made into top 10 in Japan, with end of S2 (you know if you know) winning the first place. In American version of the poll, end of S2 got the 3rd place. So, no. If anything, from my experience most people saying they don't like second season think that second half of S1 is S2 nor can properly explain why it's bad.


I cant remember if they ever confirmed what happened I personally like to think that Klein used the revive item Kirito gave him

AriaN 06

-Why kayaba happy? It's clear in the episode that he is happy cause he see someone (Kirito and Asuna) surpass law even in the world he created. -It is not canon but clear in every episode that we watched, somehow there is gap few second before the brain actually fried, like diabel say so much thing to kirito and dont take potion, Covartz said imposible, sachi said sayonara, etc. In that time i think you can literally do something. -For Another Question like the purpose of the developer (Kayaba), Why Kirito Glowing, Asuna alive or not will be answer in future episode if SAO

AriaN 06

This is Spoiler, i hope u guys u don't have watch later episode of SAO can skip this. This is just my opinion but i think SAO always kind do thing like this. For Example when we brought of about the Extra Skill we dont gave a little scene that Klein is have the Extra Skill. Then about talking in Fairy Dance when Asuna hold Kirito Hand at Hospital when kirito fought death gun, at that time we don't get scene when kirito feels her hand, and for Asuna mention to PoH how kirito being suffer from what PoH did in Floor 5, that scene to not got animation. Of Course and else. In myhead canon," Incarnation" itself if we simplyfy it that how mind and will can change the world if i'm not wrong that kirito mention in firsthalf of Alicization, what kirito doing right there is kirito will to live atleast clear the game somehow make him alive again and stab kayaba. Thats why i call it betaincarnation system.

AriaN 06

It's a spoiler Like you said, every arc of SAO is not that bad like people used to talk, but when you compared Fairy Dance to Aincrad Arc it so downhill. If i have to order all SAO arc Including The Movie then it will be like this: -Aincrad arc -Alicization -Ordinal Scale -War of The Underworld - Mother's Rosario -SAOP : Scherzo of the Deep Night - SAOP : Aria of the Starless Night - Fairy Dance - Phantom Bullet -Excaliber Arc - SAO Extra Edition -I think everyone love Aincrad Arc, the concept, balance between SoL and Action, Drama thing etc. -Then Alicization our boy eugeo have much screentime bro - I think i love the new concept, like we back on the game but with some risk. I love klein got his time to shine. Not have magic thing. Just sword class. - War of The Underworld, We know every war arc in anime is amazing. - Mother Rosario, we know why we love this arc right - Scherzo of The Deep Night, Love this movie have more screen time of KiriSuna, new content of course, and argo have show up - Aria of the Starless Night, Love the fight scene, feels more realistic. The thing is i don't love have some original character change the whole story. Original character is good if we want to involved it to story like eiji. He changed some stuff but not in the bad badway. -Fairy Dance, I love this arc more cause i love sword clash better than gun fight. Othrr than that is i can feel what sugu feeled. -Phantom Bullet, I don't like kirito design but love shinon, love the theme that brought up in this arc, love the villain. But like i said before sword clash better that gun fight -Excaliber Arc, Love this arc when we back using sword thing, like cooldown from the arc before. I just hope this arc will bring up again on Unital Ring. -Extra Edition, Last but not least, Recap of season 1, fana service. But love new stuff that added when yui want see the whale. Of course love to see klein and agil back in action

Саша Одинец

It's pointless to discuss it now due to spoilers, as I already mentioned in reply to your other comment - _ - As for comparison between Aincrad and next arc - it's in true comparison that it shines the most, it is in many senses a twisted mirror of one another. But that is discussion, once again, for when it would be reacted


The reason the show officially gives I THINK, is that Kirito's willpower somehow overcame the system. Its kind of a cop out admittedly. But one thing I WILL defend, is Kayaba's "reasoning". A lot of people try to point to him say he doesnt remember as his actual answer, but anyone who has EVER woken up from a dream and had the pit in your stomach feeling, like you are missing something, knows how Kayaba feels. Its just in this instance it was taken to an extreme so much so that it became a lifelong obsession for Kayaba. He was obsessed with recreating that castle in the sky. And what does every great city/country/town need? Permanent residents. So yea, you can make an arguement for or against that. But thats how ive always seen it.

Саша Одинец

Asuna breaking the paralysis - willpower, Kirito prolonging the death animation - willpower. But Kirito coming back from the pieces scene? - Entirely in his head (as was back in episode 1 with exact same animation for that reason), and symbolizes the return of his willpower in a sense but no actual revival for no actual death happened at that moment


Famous last words: "Rewards don't end up with people dying right" I'm guessing it's the guilt that he couldn't remember the reason he started all this. That pushed him to lead the frontline and help beat the game. (Kayaba)


It is actually canon since there was the Revival Item that lets you revive someone up to 10 seconds after they die so it's atleast delayed for that time.

Девон Ч

The way I see it, Kayaba was a man, who was not satisfied with this world's laws, this world's "god". He decided to challenge it, by crating his own world, which would surpass it. To make his world, he had to make residents of the world feel it like real. One of the main conditions of it, fear of death, otherwise it is just a game. He created his world, not a game (people started to leave there, lots of them gave up cleaning floors). At the end he was happy, that someone surpass laws of his world. He is both psychopath and idealist, who wanted to make something impossible. Perhaps one is impossible without the other. Anyway, he deserves both condemnation and respect.

Ryuuji Gremory

If you pay attention to what he says he literally explained his reason for doing it in this episode. He is a psychopath that was obsessed with a dream and he had the intellect and skill to make his dream reality so he devoted himself to making his dream come true.


On the shopkeep helping players fun fact he started his shop as a reverse pawn shop he obtains items from high level players when they uograde he gets their old gear and sells it for cheap to the lower level players to help them level


on how didnt they die, remember the revive item use in ten seconds this shows their is a delay before the device frys your brain the delay is likely long enough that asuna survived and kirito well he just using cardinal somehow