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Andrew Wylie

I neeeeed another 5 episodes today 😂


🗿maintain ur health so u can keep uploading more vids

Fellow Chadder

i agree we need another 5 episodes right now.!

Fahad Khan

Yah 10 more


Rewatching this now, I realize how little the characters in the beginning were used lol, I dont even remember them. I don't recall them being on screen in the later episodes either.. Nor Season 3.

Andrew Wylie

Nope, it’s foreshadowing for later on. Some of them come up in season 4, and hopefully the new movie coming out


The reason why the battle between shalltear and the dragon might be different to Ains arrival into that land, they may have fought that dragon guy when the game was still running so even tho he said 100 years past it may have been a few months or weeks ago for Ains in the time it was a video game, time might work differently idk but that’s my guess