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Sorry for not uploading the past week, I've been sick and haven't gotten around to recording anything but I feel better today so I plan on recording a lot tomorrow and will have uploads for all the shows out. Again I apologize and will try and make up for it in coming weeks. Hope this was the last one, I'm sick of getting sick every few weeks at this point.



its all good your health always comes first

م -

glad you feel better now ♡ As for your sickness, you should examine the cause of your weak immunity

Richard Wheeler

Recording sick with less energy would just be worse for the videos themselves! Your health always comes first anyway. Glad you're feeling better

Mikie Churchill

Start drinking some vitamin water or something, i used to get sick a lot but after drinking it i dont get sick anymore :D

Quentin Besson

of course your health and well being comes before anything , but if i may say i just wish you'd communicate a little bit more , like if you feel unwell just do quick post like this one to tell us prior like ' hey guys i'm not feeling good , wont be recording in the next few days ' this way we do no expect anything instead of logging in to your page everyday and wondering whats going on , but once again its just how i personnaly feel , hope you get better soon

Quentin Besson

alright i'm unsubscribing , bro doesnt give a shit, i get that you can have irl problems , but it takes like 30 seconds to give us any updates, and yet he doesnt do it , but has time to ulpoad on youtube ..


Ah... I get it, people have things goi g on with life and all but come on you didn't give a shit about my Hitman Reborn update that I paid 1000$ for!!! 1000$ tier, which was update 6-7 months ago!! you even ignore my message! I want refund of my money man... I been suppot you for 2-3 years and this is what I got.....Big disappointment you know, cause I been patience and understanding but enough is enough. Can anyone tell me what can I do about this? I want my money back and I want to unsub cause I don't even want to see those hitman reborn reaction anymore... Just want my money back....


Newish patron here, and I feel ya. While I understand his health is a priority, I am more often than not feeling I am paying way too much for way too little. The least he could do when he has downtime like this is spend a couple hours extra when he does finally get time to react again, to make up for everything we're losing out on, or lower the price of the tiers.. I've seen him post 40+ minute sessions a couple times now and those are always a treat, would like more of that.

Mitch Exploits

bro if u paying 1000$ on PATREON or anything to do with anime in general, you dont deserve to even have it bro on god

Hugo Tang

That really is a you problem. Why would you ever spend a $1000 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Well if he have 1000$ tier he shouldbe able to take responsibility, his not my fault Am buying that tier and get scam by this guy. What your saying , you basically blaming me and support his behavior af scam. Birds of a feather flock together or what?


I do which I can upload proof for everyone to see, cause I really don't have any reason to lie about buying 1000$ tier... You can see yourself that he added Hitman Reborn in the reaction list but all he did was up to ep8 then he ghost me. Do you guys really want to continue support someone like this who scam people that support him and are so irresponsible to live up to the benefits of what people buy from him? the benefits that come with tier, that I buy become my fault? and you choose to defend him and blame me? Really?

Jan Negrey

If this channel has a 1000$ Tier. If someone uses it, they shouldn't be mocked for it. (Yes it is insane amount of money, I get it) This isn't the first time Neel had "problem" with communication. Instead of always protecting him and saying "he has a life" (so do I, I take 24/7/365 care for 2 disabled people. Sitting in front of screen is literally my ONLY form of entertainment, but to many people here it's just "no-one pays for anime reactions on Internet, everyone pays to support their favorite reactor" situation. Which is a paradox), perhaps you should ask him and put a little pressure so that he does stuff he promises to do. Also Patreon promises are valid contracts. If you think this are jokes, you might find yourself at the wrong end of a lawsuit. Sorry as nice as Patreon seems it is a corporation. I really hope it never comes to this, because then everyone loses.


Thank you for your understanding, Neel start to have problems keeping up his promises after he got a lot of members that pay higher tier to get him to react differents video... If he can't following what he promised he should remove those tier... and not just scam people for money. Until now he still haven't answer me... so all I can do is contact Patreon staffs. Cause I had been patience enough....

Ross Sekel

Yeah good luck with Patreon staff; they just as messed up. The ONLY "help" you'll get is being told to contact the creator for a refund.... Trust me I've tried for 2 months to get $30 back....


Alright I'm out. There's infinitely more value in paying for the lower tier twice a year and binging however much he manages to react to in that time than sitting here getting my money taken from him with little to nothing in return. There's no communication and there's no interaction in the videos or comments so watching all these animes with him "live" is worthless too.

Mitch Exploits

im completely on your side i think neel's behaviour is unacceptable ive never even watched one of his lives and to be honest im not even subbed to his yt i dont think, i simply subscribed to the patreon because i wanted to see another persons viewpoints on certain anime. But 1000$ on a single tier is crazy work bro, i think its pathetic to spend that amount of money. However money doesnt come easily to me and that may be why i have this opinion. Good day


Yo Neel you good? I'm getting the feeling you might have something more serious of a health problem, if you're still gone without communication. I'm staying excited for news and continue to support you!