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edit: speedpaint for this is rendering, probably coming in the weekend <33

I made it for December, woohoo!
This one's be SUPER fun to make; i've tried to incorporate halftones again like i used to do two years ago and i think ill keep tiny bits of them in my art. Went for a Y2K vibe for the background (^^)

DIMMOIRE is a brand i personally adore and being them very hard to buy overseas i just accepted the fact i'll only be able to draw their clothes lol  _(:꒱」∠)_
Asbolutely adore everything they sell, i can't wait to show this art to them!

I've been a lot more into stuff i liked when i was 14 years old lately, especially into DeathNote, so expect some art inspired by Takeshi Obata's compositions soon!

I'm doing a little better mentally and preparing for my first in-person con soon.
Got back to learning japanese aswell.
If merch goes well, i'll open the online shop aswell next year (^^)

Thank you for the patience and for the continued support; you're the sweetest folks i could ask for and i hope you like this!




Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!! Every time you post I think “yup this is the best art I’ve seen” and then you go and blow my mind again 😭😭


Absolutely gorgeous like always.Love the colors and everything.Blow my mind everytime.Can I ask how did you start learning anatomy I'm really bad at it


I’m also glad that your health is better and can’t wait to buy merch from your online shop!