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hi! how's going now that days are finally getting colder (at least here in italy)?
here are few sketches i did this month. it's not a lot of the reasons i'll explain in a bit, but at least it's something.

i've been trying to keep myself busy, but as much as i love winter it always brings a wave of seasonal depression with it for me. even though my hands barely touch my tablet anymore my mind's always extra busy, which makes it even harder to put something on canvas -- it's like thinking about three, four, ten things at the same time and managing to do none of them.
two months ago i was officially diagnosed with ADHD and autism so we're experimenting a little bit with medicines and remedies to see if i can get to focus better, but so far they're doing absolutely nothing to me other than making me more depressed and less active.
unfortunately, italy isn't as advanced on these two things as USA (most people don't even know it's something you can go through in your adulthood) so for now, this is the best i can do.

i might have to suspend billing for this month too if i can't manage to finish anything, because the illustration i had ready for this month had to be post-poned to later this year; it's a commission, so i can't post it without the client's consent.

meanwhile i managed to finish some chibis for a "2000's anime protagonist" series you'll soon find around cons via the IllustCafe studio.
merch for my own booth is still a WIP because most things i planned can't be manufactured or cost too much, or are crappy quality. i had a bunch of plans for clothes and other cool products but i just can't seem to find someone who can produce them physically. i wish i was in a country where i had more chances to create this type of stuff, so it would be easier to find companies who are able to help.

that's all! i'm trying my best to stay motivated but i don't wanna do much lately, honestly.
i hope to post something consistent soon and make your subscription worth.
thank you so, so immensely much for the patience and for the support; it means a whole lot to me and i can't wait to get back to work!




sending positive vibes!! as someone diagnosed with adhd for almost a decade and just recently having learned that im autistic too, i can empathize with a lot of the depression and frustration you’re feeling. :( thank you for sharing these wips, i’m always happy to see your art but your health is much much more important!! take care 💗💗


Sending positive vibes with your diagnosis ❤️ I’m sorry it’s extra tricky where you live. Never worry about providing content, just go at your own pace it’s all good ☺️ I get a bit of seasonal depression myself, so i understand how tricky it can be to deal with as well. Give yourself some time ❤️❤️